
Mr. G
Can you Read? I never asked for a one word response. I asked for a YES or a NO. Nothing else. Besisdes that wasn't a word it was a paragraph before the invention of periods and spaces

"Yes or no."

"Yes" is a single word, "or" is a single word, "no" is a single word.

No matter if I choose as my response "yes", "or" or "no", my response necessarily must be a single word response because you weren't asking me to say "yes or" or "or no" or "yes no" or "yes or no".

You indeed required from me a one word response, and I gave you a one word, compound 'no' word response.

Tristan, could you tell me some more about yourself?
It sounds you have something inside of you.
I like to hear more about it, if you don't mind.:)

Don't pay attention to Mr. G., he just has nothing else to do then laugh at us.
Stupid remarks, he never tells you a thing, he is always babbling.
Just let him be....

He has to stop his insults right away for more and more humans here are beginning to fed up with him.

But I guess I will have an insulting reply from him on this, as always. I can't care less.;) :p
Mr. G,

I must say that you are extremely good at taking a thread off topic and changing the field of battle (discussion) from the original topic to one you are very good at, playing word games. You have done this on multiple threads.

I bet you have read Sun Tzu.

The problem with your approach is that you don't add any real value to the discussion when you derail the thread like that.

Do you gain some sense of superiority from your efforts? If not, what is your purpose in participating in discussions for which you do not appear to add anything of value? Are you attempting to change people's views on the subjects you participate in? If so, why don't you add valid ideas as opposed to playing games with interpretations?
This might be my last response to....Hey! Get out of the way! My little black kitten is staring at the screen as I type. hehe. Anyway...........Your stupid remarks. I have no idea how one person could come up with so many creatures and entities In the time it probably took you to write that response. Oh my the way "non-sequitur" is not even a word. I looked for it at Sorry. But I have to say If you don't believe in science that you should get your sorry ass of that computer that you are staring at this message with because you don't believe in science. Oh and by the way unless you are a fish I hope you belive in science because every step you take, everything you do is goverend by science. The car you probably have.... Science. The knife you use to cut your food.....Science. So i suggest you rethink what you said.

My final point is this. Where did your House or car come from? It didn't jsut appear out of no where did it? I didn't think so. Someone designed it. Someone built that. The universe is to beautiful and ordered. It must have a designer. But I am no way Suggesting GOD. God is relative. The universe and what she provides me , is what I believe in. God is very, Very different
Please everyone get off mr. g's back, he's just misunderstood and maybe arrogant but his voice here is just as important as anyone elses. A skeptic's opinion is just as good as anyone elses when it isn't supported by fact, the same goes for a psychic.
Yes Shrike, you are a little bit right, but Mr. G. is always making fun at the cause of somebody else and has not so much to say.

And then, he follows me everywhere.

So Mr. G. give me your adress, I will bring you some proof.
I guarantee you, you will not reply at me any more after that.
Come on, give it to me.

To stay with the thread, I will give you some Psychokinesis, that is what you want isn't it?
You can have it.....

With pleasure!
banshee get your swedish bum up to astronomy and exobiology, I have next to no time left on the comp.
Shrike, am I now Swedish too? Haha.
Man, I told you where I live, have you forgotten?:p

But I don't care. My good friend Bebelina lives there, so I will go live with her if you will pay for the plane ticket. Ok?;)

<<...Mr. G, I must say that you are extremely good at taking a thread off topic...>>


Yes. The topic of this thread is Psychokinesis.

But, if you had actually sought out the relevent information, available to everyone, you would have discovered that the last on-topic post to deal with "psychokinesis" was posted on 25 October, fully seventeen days before my first post to this thread.

The thread was hijacked long before I got to it.

<<...what is your purpose in participating in discussions...>>

To express my opinions and, frequently, an opposing point of view.

<<...Are you attempting to change people's views...>>

Far less so then letting people know that dissenting views exist despite their wholesale desire to believe they are in sole possession of the truth.

<<...why don't you add valid ideas as opposed to playing games with interpretations?..>>

And, in such kinds of threads, all opinions are what?


<<...Oh my the way "non-sequitur" is not even a word...>>

non sequitur (non sek'we-ter) [L, it does not follow] The fallacy of irrelevent conclusion; an inference that does not follow from the premises.[/i]

<<...If you don't believe in science that you should get your sorry ass of that computer...>>

You surprise me. Permit me to return the favor -- at risk of Argument from Authority: I taught astronomy and space science for 23 years. (Editorial opinions cannot change the fact, which is why I largely ignore them, unless I'm feeling sporting.) I have, for years, risked my self-image before groups of hundreds of real people gathered in the same room, and survived.

Everything else --e.g.: fora fauna -- is pedestrian.


Courage almost always prevails. ;)


<<...he follows me everywhere...>>

As I am not paranoid, I do not conclude that just because you and I are engaged in numerous threaded conversations that you must be stalking me.

<<...Mr. G. give me your adress, I will bring you some proof. ..>>.

My address is "Post Reply".

<<...I will give you some Psychokinesis...>>

I'm still seated, but thank you for trying. :p
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good I'm glad to see we're finished throwing sand at each other. Now where were we?
Originally posted by Mr. G
Yes. The topic of this thread is Psychokinesis.

But, if you had actually sought out the relevent information, available to everyone, you would have discovered that the last on-topic post to deal with "psychokinesis" was posted on 25 October, fully seventeen days before my first post to this thread.

The thread was hijacked long before I got to it.

So your arguement is that because a thread on a particular topic has been hijacked, it is ok to take the thread in any direction you want???? I don't follow that logic at all.

To express my opinions and, frequently, an opposing point of view.

If that is true, why don't you provide some valid points that illustrate your views instead of attacking people's use of language? I am all for sceptics, they force people to think outside of their boxes and bring to light false truths. But beliefs are personal and you cannot change a person's beliefs through discussions about their use of language. You may be able to point out errors in their logic or fallacies in their reasoning that add value to the conversation as a whole, so why not do that?

<<...Are you attempting to change people's views...>>

Far less so then letting people know that dissenting views exist despite their wholesale desire to believe they are in sole possession of the truth.

First, I am all for dissenting views. I don't there exists an absolute truth. That is the point of my id and my signature. Why don't you provide some dissenting views on psychokinesis?

<<...why don't you add valid ideas as opposed to playing games with interpretations?..>>

And, in such kinds of threads, all opinions are what?

Bingo! You illustrate my point once again. You equate the concepts of interpretation and opinion outside of the context of the question I asked. I was asking you to provide valid ideas or concepts that pertain to psychokinesis, not to give me your thoughts on how an opinion is related to an interpretation of a fact.

What, if any, thoughts do you have on psychokinesis?
In physics, a good emitter is a good absorber. A radio's antenna, for instance, best receives radio waves emitted by an antenna of equal length.

If the human brain can emit energy to influence, say, a table -- move, d'mn it-- that table must be able to "hear" that human brain energy. Therefore the human brain must also be able to hear a table's energy. When has that happened?

For psycokinesis to work, the brain must emit a force to act upon the table. Which force?

There are only four action-at-a-distance forces known to science:

-the strong nuclear force (carried by gluons, acting only inside the atomic nucleus),

-the weak nuclear force (carried by weak bosons, acting only inside the atomic nucleus),

-the electromagnetic force (carried by photons, infinite range), and

-gravitational 'force' (in General Relativity, the geometry of spacetime; in quantum mechanincs, carried by gravitons, infinite range).

Strong and weak forces can't be the psychokinesis force as they act only on the scale of the atomic nucleus.

Gravitational force is attractive so you couldn't use it to push something away, only to cause it to hit your forehead.

That leaves the Electromagnetic force (not unreasonable because the brain is a bio-electro-chemical organ) yet science is overflowing with devices specifically designed to emit and detect electromagnetic radiations. If psychokinesis actually exists as an electromagnetic force, Science long ago should have been able to find psychokinetic emissions/transmissions strong enough to move even a feather (consider that radio telescopes have over the years collected from the most distant reaches of the universe the sum total of radio energies equivalent to the kinetic energy of a cigarette ash falling 4 feet to the floor.)

So, where is the psychokinesis force that can influence material feathers and spoons but not influence material measuring devices?

Psychokinesis exists in the mind, not beyond it.
Mr. G,

Excellent Post!

Throwing aside the possibility of "unknown" forces because they offer to much room for conjecture let's look at the existing known forces. What follows is also pure conjecture but relies somewhat on our existing knowledge of the universe, so please, take it in that context.

As to the strong and weak nuclear forces, they have a far too limited range, on the order of the size of an atomic nucleus, to be able to cause motion at a distance.

What about the other two? Gravity is equated as a curvature of spacetime that is created by the impact of mass on spacetime. It is only attractive in nature (which by the way lacks symmetry and for some reason that bothers me) but the question becomes "is it possible to create a gravitational force by any other means?". If it is, then if we identified the way it could be created, then could it be possible for psychokinesis to be the creation of artificial gravitational forces that impact the object you are trying to move, thereby exerting a force on the object?

As to the electromagnetic force, there also exists a lack of symmetry in the theory. Electrons have their symmetric pair positrons, and the electron is responsible for the creation of electric fields, but magnetic fields have no equivalent particle that is able to stand by itself. A magnetic field has to be associated in some way with the movement of electrons. This lack of symmetry may be the result of an inadequate knowledge of our universe. Given the recent paper on the relationship between general relativity and magnetic fields which implies that a magnetic field impacts the curvature of spacetime, and thereby impacts the effects of the gravitational force on mass, could it be possible for the human mind to generate an electromagnetic field in such a way to alter gravity in the vicinity of the object that is being moved?

I don't think the testing done on psychokinetics has ever approached it from this perspective. It would be a relatively simple matter to develop a test for such an interaction, but I don't think anyone has done it to date.

I know this is complete conjecture, but let me know what you think about it.
or it could just be something totally beyond us at the moment...

Like the way magic and religion was the science of 0-1500 a.d, then science came along, but what's next? Psychokinesisis? It could just be another way to manipulate the world around us, but your current explanations Mr. G will suffice for the moment.
Psychokinesis is a matter of will power and Cosmic Energy.
Also it has to do with magnetic fields.

But SeekerOfTruth explained it very wll, so I don't have to add so much to what has been telling you.

They do tests with Psychokinesis in laboratoria all over the world for at least 20 years allready.
The difficulty is that they can't figure out how to do it scientifically.
Though they have little projects now which work like Psychokinesis, but a little different then the Psychokinesis some humans have.

This ability is not so easy to handle, sometimes it works all of its own, at once, no matter where you are. That is not funny at all, it is rotten.

It also is really an ability which each human has within him/herself, but they have all forgotten about their own Deeper Selves and live the material way. No room for this abilities and they are put away deep down inside, so humans nowadays laugh at humans who do have Psychic abilities.
Though it is never a matter of wanting to be like that.
Most Psychics are born with a lot abilities and it brings a lot of hurt and misanderstanding from other humans.

That is why all humans should pay a little more respect for eachother in stead of hurting eachothers feelings all the time.

Guess they prefer to come home from work and sit down for the tv.
No thought to think, no feelings left....
Banshee, and others,

<<...They do tests with Psychokinesis in laboratoria all over the world for at least 20 years allready...>>

Peer-reviewed, scientific research-related links? References? Suggested reading?
Mr. G. you seem to know it all. At least that is what you are trying to tell me everytime.

You do have Internet, look it up yourself, or can't you do that??
Can you only give stupid replies and remarks??
Not find a thing by yourself??

This is well known by most of the humans, strange you do not know a thing so it seems.

You know what, there are searchboxes everywhere on the Internet.
Go look it up yourself for once and stop nagging all the time about proof.:(

Can't you do anything by yourself??

Maybe you should give it a try.
Good luck by finding the items you are looking for.

By the way, doesn't your former scientific reply come from the Internet too??
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