

skeptics are skeptics because they are afraid of the truth we are taught that we cannot do the "miraculous" by are parents and society skeptics remain skeptics because to accept the truth means their world is not as they were taught and they have been wrong their whole lives . Unlike most of the people I have read on this page I do not believe that everyone has "powers" I know that if this were true war would be fought quite differently I go to great personal length to write on this page to tell people who do have these powers make a back up plan for life I hide in plain site as the gov. knows about me has quite a flie not just from my childhood but from my military experience as well . I am third gen military and as far as I know fourth gen psychokinetisist . my brother also has quite a file and the military offered him 50k to join and take my place on the team I was on as far as the gov and mil know I do not have control over any of my former abilities however they don't get field reports anymore either
So I plead with those like myself watch your back don't take life easy but do enjoy life
Re: Truth

Originally posted by utu_panath
skeptics are skeptics because they are afraid of the truth we are taught that we cannot do the "miraculous" by are parents and society skeptics remain skeptics because to accept the truth means their world is not as they were taught and they have been wrong their whole lives.

Huh... how 'bout that. See I thought skeptics were individuals who were open minded and made judgements of the validity of claims based upon evidence and use of scientific method.

Originally posted by utu_panath
I am third gen military and as far as I know fourth gen psychokinetisist.

Aren't you special. You won't mind me saying that I don't believe you will you? I'd ask what branch and unit you were assigned to with these special powers, but you'll just say, "that's classified."

Originally posted by utu_panath
my brother also has quite a file and the military offered him 50k to join and take my place on the team I was on as far as the gov and mil know I do not have control over any of my former abilities however they don't get field reports anymore either

Ha! This is the best! Please post more of this stuff! We all want to hear about your missions.
Huh... how 'bout that. See I thought skeptics were individuals who were open minded and made judgements of the validity of claims based upon evidence and use of scientific method.
Well, I'm skeptical about that..,
In this case, skeptics don't provide squat but just words of *You're wrong, prove it, it doesn't exist, you're deluded* and crap like that...
Originally posted by Psy-learner
Well, I'm skeptical about that..,
In this case, skeptics don't provide squat but just words of *You're wrong, prove it, it doesn't exist, you're deluded* and crap like that...

Hehe... I don't see much "squat" that says otherwise...

The internet is diluted with people who fancy themselves as "psychics" and "psy-learners." But at the end of the day, when they step out of cyberspace, no spoons are bent, Bin Laden still can't be found, and John Edwards, et al are raking in the bucks.

Man has been roaming the planet for, perhaps, 150,000 years or more and civilization has been established for 10,000 years or more. In all that time, you would think someone would have figured out how to use our "hidden powers" to a degree that would be definitive and allay the skepticism that shows otherwise.

If you make extraordinary claims, you'd best be willing to offer extraordinary evidence... or face ridicule.


Next time, just say "You think it exist, do things we want, and sow us proof".
'Cuz you wasted enough bits on the forums for that post...
How open are you about 'Meditation'?

If you're a skeptic, you should've readed tons of books about at least that... And look into Martial-arts, THE REAL DEAL from years ago, before the religious people screwed it up... and even try to find something about the antient christianity... Todays christianhood is agains all magic, everything... But there was a christianity before that was based on things about magic...

Tell me, how did Jezus heal and help all those people?

2 questions I'm seriously asking...

Now go do the homework I gave and then reply...
You know I have to agree with most people, And say this. If you belive in something hard enough it will be real to you and any circumstance that can be explained by science will become magic to you. Examples include Sollog and jahiro being retarded... Dammit that just keeps slipping out
Originally posted by Psy-learner

Don't forget to cover your mouth... germs and all.

Originally posted by Psy-learner
'Cuz you wasted enough bits on the forums for that post...

Something about "kettles and pots" leaps to mind.....

Originally posted by Psy-learner
How open are you about 'Meditation'?

I find meditation very acceptable. It's been demonstrated time and again that meditation is a good way to think about things that affect our daily lives, offer psychosomatic effect to the body, give relaxation, reduce stress.... etc. I do it, typically when going to sleep at night, to reduce stress (physical and mental) and I often invoke mental imagery to assist the process. Nothing paranormal here.

Originally posted by Psy-learner
If you're a skeptic, you should've readed tons of books about at least that...

Well... I've "readed" a couple anyway ;)

Originally posted by Psy-learner
And look into Martial-arts, THE REAL DEAL from years ago, before the religious people screwed it up...

I've a brown belt in Jhoon Rhee Tae Kwon Do... but haven't been involved in about 12 years.

Originally posted by Psy-learner
and even try to find something about the antient christianity...

I'm agnostic... not interested.

Originally posted by Psy-learner
Tell me, how did Jezus heal and help all those people?

Who says he did? The only evidence that exists is a 2,000 year old set of documents made by a bunch of superstitious people.....
Hmmm, you don't believe in god as a omnipotent person, do you?
Same here...

There's something about a King James screwing the bible up or something... 'Cuz he hated magic, and so made people hate it...
I think I posted this somewhere before in Parapsychology...
Skinwalker you sound like a poor distraught little child who screams there are no monsters because he doesn't want to look under the bed you really need to do some research as a skeptic you of all people should have looked into military drug experiments actually you sound like the type of skeptic who believes but doesn't want to really say so because they want to rub against any grain they can oh by the way it was the 385th flight USAF. If you want to be skeptical then be skeptical about the fact that the government is right in all things such as I hate to bring it up but the discreditation of any openminded forum such as this