
Where are these "gifted" people?

Does anybody here personally know anybody with any psychic powers? Or do you have them yourself?

If so there is $1 million up for grabs from the Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). You can look them up on the web.

If so many people have these powers, why has nobody claimed the million yet?
Originally posted by Tristan
Why does anything spoken toward Telekineisis always have to be based on magntisim.


Every piece of higher order matter, from the atom up, has at least one electron in it makeup. That gives the potential for a magnetic field to induce motion.

Also, you can argue that our consciousness grows out of the electrical impulse happening in our brain. It is therefor not difficult to surmise that if we pattern our thoughts in specific ways, i.e. through meditation, we could create electromagnetic forces that can effect other objects.
When 'things' start flying in my living room, I don't have any magnetic energy waves, so why do you think it has to do with magnetisme?
If energy is magnetic, I can feel that, Psycokinesis is not magnetic, I assure you, it is not. It is a simple energy beam from the brain to the objects that start flying. Just a little look is enough to make 'things' fly. No magnetisme, really not. Just brain power, will power if you want. But no magnetisme.
I think it really is brain power. You want to lift something, you look at it, you think:'fly up' and it does. Brain power, no magnetisme.
But other people can have other experiences, so I can't speak for all.
Anybody else with PSI abilities?

I don't doubt you, but what you should try is the next time your belongings have problems with gravity have a compass nearby. (In fact if you hang a compass around your neck and it becomes depolarised so it doesn't point north and south, it will prove there is a strong electromagnetic field around your home.)

Also banshee, what type of material is your house built upon?
(Is it upon a rock bed or sedimentary, if it's on a rock bed check to see if it has a high content of Magnetite. (Magnetic iron ore, first documented by the Greeks in a prophecy of a man that got stuck on the rocks, because the nails of his sandals where attracted to the magnetic surface with such force. It's also noted that spend a long time in that area might have a change on your bodies quantum alignment, since the magnetic rock is strong enough to alter it.)
Yes I am very aware of magnetic fields in my surroundings. I am not unfamiliar with magnetisme. Not in my house nor anywhere else. I know to find magnetic fields in people's houses who are having trouble sleeping because they are having their beds in the wrong direction. So there are a lot of magnetic fields in your living surrounding and everywhere. The whole Universe exists of magnetic fields. So what?
I am not a magnet, I let the plastic glasses dance in the room at the ceiling....
So banshee... You are a telekinetic? Do you have control over your abilities? I really wish I had Psi abilities that i had control over.:)
Hi Banshee:

Somewhere I read that humans still have a very small cobalt based magnet in the head, (so do birds, a big one). We do have magnetic field sensing nurons for proper orientation. I think one should sleep with head pointing to North or East to maintain/sync the electrical activities of your body with the planet.
So, Banshee, when are you going to apply for the $1 million?

Sounds like you'd romp it in, no worries!

Sorry but is .....funny..everybody here wants to be a superman.....
flying over things..explode...:D
we dont are ready to use this ..things....
If you can do things fly...are yuo walk to freezer or
open the door whit mind and make a beer
fly to you??????
So and about your legs...???????
God give two legs for you.and you want tihngs flying...
See hitler do the so....whats happen whit...
marvelous help him .????
If kundalini are so not build a nuclear bomb..
they will have so many.good sense to not use one....
Re: Hi

Originally posted by Marcello
marvelous help him .????
If kundalini are so not build a nuclear bomb..
they will have so many.good sense to not use one....


If I am reading this right you are saying that Indians do not have nuclear weapons. That is in fact not true.

India is a nuclear power and they have demonstrated/tested nuclear weapons.

Which is somewhat scary when you think about it...

in a so many " yogas" ( Raja Yoga,Rata yoga,kundalini, etc ....)country...why they build a bomb?????????
What yoga do for ...that people...
I would hazard a guess Marcello that It wasn't about building a bomb, but about understanding atomics first hand.
It's known that for many years only a few mainstream "civilised" countries had tried out atomic experiments, while others less fortunate countries (the ones deemed "Uncivilised" at that time) didn't bother because they lacked the skills necessary.
(Of course I'm talking about 40 years ago)

It's only in recent years that the need for Power (electricity), understanding (which is something that many of these cultures have as apart of their religion, e.g. teaching.) and the possible creation of weapons of destruction.

The thing with this is that once a country has that power, some of their politicians and people in power might think "Mwhaahah! no one will mess with us now!" (The evil dictator kind of angle), while others will note "Well now we have this, we are just as capable as anyone else, and we should act responsible." (The Progress angle.)

It is concerning that some countries reach this point and become apart of the superpowers, but they shouldn't disrespect the dangers that having such knowledge provides.

"Only a fool strikes matches while covered in Petroleum"
What Marcello means is that if Kundalini is so great, how come Indians have to build nuclear weapons.

Well, Marcello, Kundalini deos not provide power to manipulate matter and energy, it soups up the mind so that you can think faster, better and come to a better understanding of what you know. That means, it does not provide any new information from garbage data. So you must have the data to start with.

For starters, it will provide good health, peace of mind. Then if you are a business person, it will help you make better decisions. Then finally, if an artificial or natural energy manipulator is available, it will act as a key to that so that you can do the Psycokinesis thing. All the talk about, Indian Rishis doing real magic may turn out to be a communications interface with the object system designed by a highly advanced civilization that are gone bye bye...
Banshee-how can you tell if you have these psi powers?

Almost every day I'll start thinking of something totally random, then something closely related will occur. Today I thought about a friend of mine for no reason, then at the end of the day he walked by and said hi. I almost never see him. I can also guess numbers quite well. Today in a class someone had to guess a number between one and a hundred. I immediately thought to myself that the number was sixty three. Someone else guessed fifty three. I might've heard that person thinking about it.

I find the trick to harnessing this power is not to second guess it and just let it come to you. It's not like I can predict the future, hell everything I think of that comes true has no meaning whatsoever to me, and had the events happened without me predicting them beforehand I wouldn't have given them a second guess.

I'm testing myself here, but anyone who doesn't believe me post a number between one and at least ten and no more than a hundred. I'll get the number or one close to it ,or one that may actually rhyme with the number itself. Write it down and come back later, I'm on sciforums at least four times a day at least twenty minutes each session. I hope it works.
Hello to everybody

" Well, Marcello, Kundalini deos not provide power to manipulate matter and energy, it soups up the mind so that you can think faster, better and come to a better "
" think faster, better"
Im dont see.they thunk better.....see they think like you..
Men have no power....if God dont give....
Just God give Jesus say
He say.that He dont do this things.......But God do...and use He to do...all this over wather...
He do just because God wants......
Men are completely out of control..because they dont do what God wants.....
Humanity .are doing just what is " good" for
Not what is a right thing to do.....( sorry my english its terrible)
So.....whit yogas or will destroy yourself...
Just Jesus save.......Because He say..( love your brother like yourself.......)
If you love your " brother"...this include...everythig...
dont you kill ....dont you lie.....for your " brother"....
and is more important thing....
Not power to psicokinesys......
psicokinesys is a foolish thing......
If a want to move a botle.....( like Mdme bouvary)
a put my hand on it
Meditacion is good only if you nows....who are your master.....
So you can seat down.....relax...and speak whit He
try to speak whit Jesus.......The master of masters.... dont blame whit me :D
i love your all.............:D
Hi Shrike, I am sorry I was not here the last week, had no access to a computer. What you are saying is good. It is the beginning; you have to pay very good attention to what you feel about friends, relatives or what so ever. Then it will come to you easier in time, a lot of time. You have to pay attention to these feelings; it is surely something you have there. Be careful not to interpret it all like a sign of feeling what can come your way if you feel like that. That is the danger with this. Most people who just discover this kind of feelings that come true or nearly true, interpret all their feelings like it has to be a for feeling about things or somebody to come. It is not true. Not all. Just pay good attention to your feelings; listen to them for a moment in your head. If you really, really have the feeling something is going on, it ‘ can’ be possible…But I think you are on the right way my friend. Listen to those feelings very, very well, then the time comes you will know for sure. Pay good attention to your feelings please. If there is something you want to know, let me know. I will always answer to you as good as I can and help you if you want. Ok? :)
so should I just take a few minutes of each day and think about my feelings? Could you break what you're saying down a little more?

Did you draw your avatar and scan it or find it somewhere? It's nice.
No, you know it when you feel it. Just like you told in your reply, you thought of your friend, and then he shows up.
If you are to focussed at those feelings you can't make out if they are real or that you think they are real.
There is a little trick with which you can practise if you want: When the doorbell rings, or the telepone, try to feel who is there.
It is a good trick, it really works. You become better and better and then one time it goes automatically.
This has nothing to do with Psychokinesis, that is a nice side effect I got from the Cosmos.
Sometimes, if humans are really rotten to me or my son, friends, whatever, I play a game with them. But it is wrong, you may never use this ability. Not in the least toward other humans, but sometimes, man, they really need a lesson.
So cruel and unfair some humans are, unbelieveble!!
When I am getting angry, it goes by itself, but I can control it now.
There was a time it was different and then Psychokinesis is really a lot of trouble.
I forgot to tell you about the avatar.
I have this avatar for a year now, at some other forums, but it was to big for Sciforms.
A friend has scanned it and now it fits in here at Sciforums too. I am really happy with that; it's a Banshee.
What I want to know is, why hasn't a single person here who claims to have special powers also claimed that easy $Million James R. told you about?

Genius does what it must, talent does what it can.

I'm guessing the $Mil is uncollectable.