
I shall write my theory of the Bermuda triangle up in another thread.

As for that $1 Million, yeah, why not claim it, and after you've claimed it Half of the worlds Scientists, biologists and geneticist will want to take samples of you and put you in jars like the Manga film "Akira".

No thanks, $1 million just aint enough to be placed into pickling vats, I would say that if you could collect it then don't give it to charity as the amount of crap you'd get afterwards you might as well take the money to try and ease the burden.

I mean there was a similar prize for what knowing the truth of Roswell and Area 51, but I wouldn't claim it as they would wonder where you got your info on and suddenly your phones are tapped and S**t.

Seriously if you've got the talent, you go and speak to a university and make a deal with them Straight down the middle. That way other people won't be approaching you as you've already got your contacts.

Well! Such passion in the opinions of the participants of this discussion! If the subject still concerns psychokinesis/telekinesis
then here are some of my views if anyone is interested.
Psychokinesis, as I understand it is more of a "projective" psychic faculty because it involves using the mind to manipulate the energy in one's environment in order to cause physical changes. Now I believe that this is possible but, best manifested after the perception and then reception of energy is mastered. Otherwise, I imagine that psychokinesis could cause problems.
Psychic perception and reception, for the most part go hand in hand. They involve such "feats" as aura reading, mind/emotion reading, and psychometry. They basically serve to tell a person that the energy is there as well as the other bits of information that their respective names imply.
Such projective talents include telekinesis/psychokinesis, astral projection, thought projection, and etheric touch. These psychic faculties are more easily performed after one has learned to discern energy "currents" through one of the earlier mentioned perception/reception techniques.
Now I'm sure that by now someone is thinking that I'm "" my way through this. Well I have read a few books that have made perfectly good sense to me in the past and have actually helped me develop some of my psychic gifts. Some of those books are listed in my posts within "Is Psychic Ability Possible". That is my only proof. I can only claim that they have worked for me. But unless one is willing to try out the resources themselves, there can really be no proper disproof.
Originally posted by Mr. G
What is Science if not Knowledge?

Mr. G,

Science cannot soley be knowledge. It has to be knowledge that is shared amongst humanity for it to be Science. Otherwise it is just knowledge, not Science.

I mean, if I sit alone in a cave, discover the ultimate theory of Everything that unites the four forces of nature, and then die without telling anyone, can this be considered Science?

<<...Science cannot soley be knowledge...>>

I originally intended to say that Science is Knowledge attained via a systemized gathering and organization of information.

<<...It has to be knowledge that is shared amongst humanity for it to be Science...>>

No. When the Pope and the Catholic church arrested Galileo, tried him, and placed him under house arrest for the remainder of his life for not agreeing to keep from the general population the fact of Earth not being the center of the Universe, his work and the knowledge gained from it remained Science.

"Epur si mouve."
Originally posted by Mr. G

No. When the Pope and the Catholic church arrested Galileo, tried him, and placed him under house arrest for the remainder of his life for not agreeing to keep from the general population the fact of Earth not being the center of the Universe, his work and the knowledge gained from it remained Science.


But the point is that he shared it with humanity and that is what got him a nice little cell and how it became Science. If he had kept it to himself, he might have had an easier life, but we might not be chatting this way and we might still be thinking the world was flat and the center of the universe. My point is that knowledge that is not shared cannot be Science for it is not, to use your own words, "a systemized gathering and organization of information" if it is not shared with humanity in some way, shape, or form.
Those who want to move object with their mind, practice on a compass. The right age for doing these stuff may be between 8 and 16. After that it may not work.

I had some interesting abilities (projecting an image onto anothers mind) at age 14. Since I did not practice it, I lost it period.

It is like those aura readings, some got it, others do not....
James R., a nice scientific theory you give here for the Bermuda Triangle. But again, a theory..:)

The Bermuda Triangle is a strong magnetic field here on Eart which interacts with the Universe. Like the Moon does with the tidings of the Seas. Because of the damage brought to the understream(?) in the Ocean, there are not much disappearances any more there. But there are a lot of these magnetic fields here on Earth which react at the Universe. Magnetic fields in the Universe. Perhaps like Black Holes...nobody knows exactly how and what about these so called Black Holes. They think they know it all, but it are scientific theories.
Well, I just gave you a Cosmic 'theory'. ;)

Maureece howell, thank you for that beautiful reply. I should like to know a little more about you. I am always curious to know other Psychics and to hear how they handle their abilities and if you work with them and so on. Would you please let me know. I should appreciate it very much. If you don't want to reply to it in this thread, you can always send me a PM. Hope to hear from you...:)

Stryder, again, I totally agree with you.
Never ever shall someone get me back in a lab. I have been there, no, not any more. Stupid scientists only want to cut you into pieces and try to see where your abilities are and then, if they could, cut them out of you to examine them.:(

So no, never ever....let the money be. Give it to charity, of course, just like that. Ridiculous!!! Forget it!!! Never!!!

Most Psychics are born with their abilities and handle them Naturally. I don't have to think in a very strong way at a subject to make it go up. Just look at it and think, go up. Just like that, nothing to it.
But it is a dangerous ability for it has a will of its own sometimes and then it goes by itself. But very rare that is. So it works for me.
I am sure other Psychics have their own way of handling their abilities and that is why I always am curious if another Psychic shows up. It doesn't happen that often and I like to know how they handle their abilities.
Then again, it is nice to talk to humans with the same abilities, for it happens just once in a while someone pops up and then I am always very glad to hear of such Psychics.:p

SeekerOfTruth, I agree with you totally, as always.:)
So, what is the evidence that stands as proof of psychokinesis, or any of the pseudo-sciences? Is it empirical -- can it be measured and further characterized? Is it extant -- is there any real evidence at all? Is it unsubstantiated anecdote -- trust me?

One person says psychokinesis exists. Another person says they, too, think that it does. And then another says the same thing, too. Lots of people are saying psychokinesis exists.

So, one person says they can make a compass's needle move. Another says they can't but that they have heard of other people who say they can. Some say it's a gift, others say it's a curse. Some say it's a mystery.

Some say they have psychokinetic powers but don't intend to demonstrate to anyone else that they can do what they claim, that the world must just accept their anecdotal statements as proof enough of fact, and even offer this must remain good enough for all because of their fear of being cut up into little pieces should the evil scientists ever be allowed to catch them.

Or is it that they really fear discovery, for a variety of personal reasons?

And therein lies the essential substance of the proof of psychokinesis -- in the absence of objective data, we are asked to believe that it exists, or worse, we are told that it exists whether or not we believe it does.

Ever since the story was first told of Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden for having eaten an apple taken from the Tree of Knowledge, nonfaith-based knowledge has been in unpopular vogue, and the purveyors of such knowledge treated as sure tickets to eternal damnation.

So, for the fearful, the only evidence sufficient to serve as the indesputable proof for the existence of psychokinesis is the indesputable lack of any evidence at all.

So, for the fearful, the only evidence sufficient to serve as the indesputable proof for the existence of psychokinesis is the indesputable lack of any evidence at all.

I still exclaim that their is evidence, you just haven't looked very hard for it. I did a search on My keywords were "Brainwave cursor movement" there was over 100 sites or so that explain about different experiments and equipment meant for disabled people.

What people are working on is robotic limbs that work to brain signals (rather than the current ones which were hooked to muscle calls). There are people that can't speak/write/type/walk but have been testing equipment that allows them to gain their own independance.

There was even mention of an experiment between a labrat and a robot, the labrat had a brain sensor attached to it and when it was hungry or thirsty the robot would bring him his food or water.

I mention all this because I haven't said that I believe that Telekinesis is a "Nautral Occurance", but I know it "Is possible", even if these directions in cybernetics are the only proof.

<<...I still exclaim that their is evidence, you just haven't looked very hard for it...>>

So, did you also look very hard at, and actually read, the research to which I previously linked everyone here?

Again, where is the verifiable evidence?????

And as for the brain's electro-chemical signals being used to actuate muscles or artificial limbs, that isn't even close to being the same as the brain actuating things to which it isn't directly connected.

EEGs, ECGs, polygraphs and such, have in some way a physical contact with the human body and its systems of electro-chemical signalling.

Psychokinetic action has an impossibly wide miopic gap to bridge in order to succeed.

Stryder, you give wonderful replies.:)

You explain it all very well and all of it is true and everybody can look it up at the Internet or in a book about the subject.
But there are some humans who have to much of a tunnel vision and they will not believe you, whatever proof you give them, or in what way you give it to them.

So don't waist your time on these humans. You know it, I know it and a lot of other humans here at Sciforums know it. Let these so called 'skeptics' don't f**k you up. Let them be....they seem to think it is funny to f**k humans up with their always nagging replies. Let them be narrow minded as they are, if they feel happy being that way.

You are giving good replies with proof of scientific experiments with Psychokinesis. You did a pretty good job here.;)

Keep on with the good replies.

Nothing to add to Stryders reply farter more....
Let us drag into our little sandbox a new toy for some, Hume's Maxim:

" testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the tesimony be of such a kind that its falsehood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endevors to establish."

Now let us apply the maxim to the claims previously made, that psychokinesis exists.

Which is more probable and easily believable (the lesser miracle), that the persons making such claims either are deceived or are attempting to deceive, or that psychokinesis exists?

Claimants here have produced no independently substantiated, non-anecdotal evidence from anywhere in the world that proves the existence of psychokinesis. On the other hand, in all the world there is ample evidence that people can be deceived or do make attempts to deceive.

Therefore, in the absence of independently verifiable evidence, it is easier to believe that people making such claims are willingly or unwillingly selling Florida swamp land, than it is to believe that psychokinesis exists.

For want of the evidence so stands the current conclusion: psychokinesis remains an unproven speculation.

BTW, no amount of attempting to discredit the skeptical nonbeliever will be sufficient proof to the world that psychokinesis exists, though you're free to try, of course. :)
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"So, what is the evidence that stands as proof of psychokinesis, or any of the pseudo-sciences? Is it empirical -- can it be measured and further characterized? Is it extant -- is there any real evidence at all? Is it unsubstantiated anecdote -- trust me?"

Ooooookay... As far as psychokinesis goes, no I cannot claim to prove that it is possible, as I have not performed it...yet. However, as for "any of the pseudo-sciences", Mr. G, if you've read any of my posts I have recommended several books which I thought might serve as decent information sources concerning psychic abilities. Perhaps you should read them, follow the instructions, and then see what happens. That is the most "proof" I am able to provide, as I do not think either of us are willing to make the oh so rigorous effort to travel across the U.S. in order to set up a demonstration. To quote Morpheus, "I can only show you the door. You're the one who has to walk through it".

Oh, and no, thank you, Banshee.;)
Good quote Maureece, I didn't know it, but a very nice one.

Let's hope someone will take your advice and really takes the time to read one of the books you mention.

Maybe it will open the door a very little to him/her.:p
Please Welcome me

Hi guys...

First thing of...
I didn't read all the last messages and I skipped a few from page 5...

Second, Mr. G.
Can you or anyone explain why an average human can only use 20 to 30% of his brain, and leave the rest unused?

Can YOU explain how we control our thoughts and imaginations?

Can YOU explain why we still can't cure cancer and AIDS even though we are advanced in Science?

(By the last question, it's the LOGIC EXPLANATION that Science isn't advanced far enough to even discover WHAT trigger's psychokinesis...)

Now please, let's final the arguments, and seriously have it about PK/TK...

Third, anyone who want's to learn TK/PK...
There are many sites whit same techniques whit slightly personal differs...
I you want to develop TK/PK, realize that even the best will rarely learn in a time of 2 weeks...
Average is weeks till months...

Are you shocked?:eek:

I am now trying to take the time to train myself...
So Mr. G., whit that science talk, do you realize that you have to train it like muscles and feed energy to boost it?
Like warming up an engine and give it fuel?

I think that you assume that everything in your body is already in fully and optimal control to you...
That's impossible if you don't train anything...

kmguru, I was thinking about that technique and ask Banshee if It's a simple tech to start whit...

About that age though, I was 16 when I started researching and now I´m almost 18, still think It´ll be easier for me than the average above 16?

Thanx 4 reading this...
Is it that hard to just believe just one thing that might be impossible? To just open your mind and accept that maybe it could actually be despite the lack of evidence. We accept black holes exist but we have no way of proving that they can even come to be. They are there and we jsut accept that they can be made. I believe honestly that Banshee is telling the truth about her powers. Why not? What would be so bad about believing her? And some time, I don't care who you are, you will have to believe the impossible and just accept it as the way things work.

Example: I just accept that our universe was made.Because even If I find out how it was made, I have to fiqure out where all that matter came from, or is there a huge Cosmos with many universes.

And one rule answers all those questions: "YOU CAN"T CREATE SOMETHING, FROM NOTHING".

<i>We accept black holes exist but we have no way of proving that they can even come to be. They are there and we jsut accept that they can be made.</i>

The theory of General relativity and the Schwarzschild metric describes black holes very well, theoretically. But if that was all there was about black holes we'd have no good reason to believe they exist. In fact, we also have many hundreds of observations from telescopes (both radio and optical) for which no other explanation fits the data as well as that of black holes. On this basis, it is fair to say that the existence of black holes is far more likely than their non-existence.

For comparison, can you point me towards ANY evidence of psychokinetic power which I cannot explain by more conventional means?

<i>I believe honestly that Banshee is telling the truth about her powers. Why not? What would be so bad about believing her?</i>

If I tell you I have purple hair, would you believe me? You have as much evidence that I have purple hair as you have that Banshee has psychokinetic powers. Yet might I not be making it up? Or maybe I really believe I have purple hair, even though any photograph would show that that isn't the case. A skeptic needs more than somebody's word that something is true, because people so often make things up or make mistakes. It's just a matter of being careful about facts.


I must wonder how much you know about the Big Bang theory. Is your quote an <i>informed</i> opinion based on the evidence, or are you just taking somebody's word for it again?

<<...As far as psychokinesis goes, no I cannot claim to prove that it is possible, as I have not performed it...yet...>>

Then why do you conclude that it actually does? Why not wait for undeniable proof?

<<...if you've read any of my posts I have recommended several books which I thought might serve as decent information sources...>>

No doubt written at a 12 year-old's level of comphrehension -- books published for the general population. Peer-reviewed science journals would be my prefered source of investigative testimony. Their standards of evidence are far more severe and a positive conclusion more likely to be real.

<<..."I can only show you the door. You're the one who has to walk through it"...>>

Don't forget, that door swings both ways. ;)


<<...I didn't read all the last messages and I skipped a few from page 5...>>

Are we to suspect your conclusions here also are based on incomplete homework?

<<...Can you or anyone explain why an average human can only use 20 to 30% of his brain, and leave the rest unused?

Is that the top 20-30%, the back 20-30%, the bottom 20-30%, the front 20-30%, the inside 20-30% or the outside 20-30%?

In normal, healthy people, which part(s) of the brain don't function so that so many use so little of it?

<<...Can YOU explain how we control our thoughts and imaginations?..>>

Education and critical thinking.

<<...Can YOU explain why we still can't cure cancer and AIDS even though we are advanced in Science?..>>

Because we have not as yet developed the specific information that would allow to do so. Can you explain to me why people believe weird things?

<<... it's the LOGIC EXPLANATION that Science isn't advanced far enough to even discover WHAT trigger's psychokinesis...>>

I can give you a logic explanation of the psychokinesis trigger: imagination.

<<...Are you shocked?..>>



<<...Is it that hard to just believe just one thing that might be impossible?..>>

If fact, believing is quite easy which is why it's so much more popular than knowing.

<< your mind and accept that maybe it could actually be despite the lack of evidence...>>

That would work were I interested only in being entertained and distracted instead of being watchful for real information when it passes by.

<<...I believe honestly that Banshee is telling the truth about her powers. Why not? What would be so bad about believing her?..>>

So, you are willing to believe that, because she is willing to believe that psychokinesis exists, and lots of other people are willing to believe that psychokinesis exists, that psychokinesis exists? That psychokinesis hasn't been proven impossible so it must be possible even though there is no known, non-anecdotal evidence to prove that it does exist? That sounds like some pretty confused thinking.

<<...I just accept that our universe was made...>>

All I know for sure is that it exists. And even then there are folks who would argue that it's possible all perception cannot be certain what is reality and what is made up.

<<...even If I find out how it was made, I have to fiqure out where all that matter came from, or is there a huge Cosmos with many universes...>>

So, you're saying that belief frees you from uncertainty and the continual need for further thinking?


You can create beliefs. ;)
Psy-learner, be very welcome at Sciforums.:)

You give good reply, stay with us and you shall find a lot of interesting threads here all over the boards.;)

Send me a PM, if you want to know more, I don't go into this no more on this thread, always the same stupid scientific skepticals with their boring replies. Had enough of them right now.

Kmguru is right, Kundalini is a perfect way to relax and so it will be easier to meditate if you know how to make your head empty and let the Cosmic Energy come to you and work for you...

James R. I have had a good laugh about your reply. No intention here to make anyone believe me. I just tell it how it is. No need for pretending here, I am sorry to tell you.
Why is it so hard to accept that there are humans who use their 'brain' well, a little more percents perhaps then the averidge humans do who live only by scientific theories which are really no more then just theories.
Nothing do they know for sure.....They assume it happens like they say it happens.

By the way, didn't you read Maureece's posts??? Go to the thread 'Are we really from Cosmic Origin'....I don't repeat the website he gave, for it seems to me I am always repeating myself and others who have the right Inner feelings, look it up yourself oh skeptics and scientific believers....
Give it a try, look at the website he gave. It really is a good one.
Would you please go there and read it???
He explains it there in short, READ IT!!!:mad:

We have to read all your so called scientific theories, why can't you be a little more open for Cosmic theories???
Then you'll see that in the Cosmic theories is told that they assume it happens the way it happens.
Please, take a little time and read it.

Tristan, you are right, as always.

And then again, nobody has to accept what I am telling you, but I have the right to tell about myself, especially in this thread, for I have had enough to do with Psychokinesis and I am still busy with it.
Why should I pretend???
Because you, scientific thinking humans can't understand humans with other abilities then you are used too???
Or are you all afraid of humans with these 'powers'???

Well, there are several members here at Sciforums with the same Inner feelings and the same Sight as I do and they no better then to say I am a pretender.
So go ahead, you scientific thinking humans, think whatever you want. I can't care less....:p
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I did most of the homework, just skipped little details...

I did read all of the messages till 5, 20 on a page...
So I did read about 105 to 110 messages I gues...


Mr. G. every part of the brain has a part unused...
But the biggest part unused is the frontal part...
And doctors are trying to map all of the brain for years, and still didn't complete it...

They do suspect that somewhere in the front part does have Telepathic Powers...

I think that people do believe in things like these because they like to know all the things, even in unsientificaly analization...
I started out whit a nightmare, and after one and a half year (now) not even scared to see it hapen if it will...

When I got the name of the ability a year ago, I did search for it...
Just curriosity about what happend in a nightmare and an ability that is spoken of to be true, if it is real or not and search it out for myself...

The 'if, how and who' was the main thing I wanted to know...
People say it is a gift and some people have it...
I appears that every human can do it, 1 reason to believe so is we almost all have the same brain construcion...
We healthy people have trouble sometimes whit numbers, if not 2+2 then 144 squered...
Nobody knows the awnser in a second whitout a calculator or notepad... :(
But Authistic people are able to count that fast and use numbers that fast...

For some things you can't have evidence hard enough to let everyone belive, but It'll be hard enough to let some people belive...
I noticed you learned the basic of the homework...
imagination is the most used tool to use telekinesis and self-healing abilities...

My main thing was search out whether it's real or not, the techniques and who can learn it...
Now I'm working on the techniques...
A year later then my search started 4 real...

BTW: the shocked thing was for some people who wanted to start learning it...
I'm glad you are amused instead :D

I'll read the rest of the messages and catch up whit those theories and al...
Cause last night my head hurt like h*ck "whitch I don't belive in"...
