Prostitution may be decriminalized in San Francisco.

legalizing prostitution just raises the gutter, same for drugs. but some like it there and some just like to visit.

It seems reasonable to assume a nurse may have higher risk of injury than a prostitute working in a legal brothel. I dont think that is the point htough and you raise another important question\fact, a low income prostitute is a low income prostititu. Dont be fooled by high price call girl statistics or ideal situations alone.

That is the problem i have with this is the exploitation of human beings, mainly the poor. There will then be low price\budget hookers and everything that comes with it. Believe it or not prostitution and hard drugs go hand in hand.

It is the lower class (poor) who deal with the criminal element regardless if it is legal or not. the difference is that you are creating a situation where poor people may have no choice but to prostitute themselves if it is legal or at least make it easier. Bad decisions start when we are young and effect people for the rest of their lives.

BULLSHIT! You have no right to say what I can or cannot do with other consenting adults. You can have an "opinion" on whether I should do this or that. You get no opinion on whether I should be allowed to.
The USA is, by far, not a free country & won't be until this crap is eliminated.
Decriminalization is a more fitting term than legalization as it never should've been criminalized.
Your "moral" high chair is precariously perched.
There is some truth to it though. I didnt mean you personally and sorry if it came off that way, but these are not victimless crimes. What about some poor (monetarily) child who is persuaded or encouraged to become a prostitute because it is legal anyway.

At the very least society should set an example and perhaps the illegality of it would better equip the person to know that this may not be a good choice to make. Once you know and are aware of the consequence then it is your own decision. I never agreed with selling people for any reason.
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scott3x said:
Mm. I would have guessed something like this, but you said -masseusse-, which I believe is female, not masseur. In any case, as some here know, the first time I had sex was with a hooker (with a condom). It wasn't exactly planned, but I did want to find out what sex was like. I waited 10 years before having sex again, in large part because I wanted the second time to be for something other then money. There are others ways to release sexual energies, such as what I believe you are referring to, that is, namely masturbation and gadgets to make it better if necessary.

I was reading Wolves of the Calla this evening and realized I mispelled "masseuse." King was talking about a guy. The dictionary takes your side and says it's feminine. Well, wrong twice in one day. :(

Blame it on Stephen King :).

takandjive said:
I'm very glad to know your sexual history, but condoms aren't 100%.

There are few if any guarantees in life. I believe there's a type of poetic justice or karma, but I'm the first to admit that it's frequently not readily apparent. Condoms, used properly, are, in my view, pretty good. Knowing a person's sexual history can give you a relatively good idea of how 'safe' they are. Blood tests can go further; I tested myself long after I had sex with the aforementioned person and no HIV.

takandjive said:
Also, while masturbation is nice and I can do the job better than anyone else, it's fun to give it the old college try.

I assume you mean sexual intercourse :). It certainly is. If you've never had it before, I myself think paying for one's first time isn't so bad, atleast if you're in a jurisdiction where it's legal to do so.

After the first time though, I found that I didn't want to pay for it; I believe the act alone is simply a mechanical operation and not -that- different from masturbation. The real difference, in my view, is if the person you're with wants to do it with you and -not- for money per se. Now there are certainly arguments to be made that even in many normal relationships, the girl would -not- be with the guy if the guy was just eeking by. Sex can and frequently does lead to kids and kids need to eat and be taken care of; I think it stands to reason that, consciously or unconsciously, women, who generally shoulder much more of the burden in the event of pregnancy, tend to think of these issues more then men. Nevertheless, all of these things point towards something much more long lasting then a one night stand and also point to something which might be called a type of dependency. Breakups are certainly possible and do indeed happen fairly often, but if kids are involved, even breakups generally aren't complete breakups and I think it goes without saying that single mothers would prefer that their chances at child support are good (if the father is on social assistance, he's not going to be making child support payments).
What about some poor (monetarily) child who is persuaded or encouraged to become a prostitute because it is legal anyway.

Legal for adults, you mean. Like in the outskirts of Las Vegas, for instance. By narrowing the field that law enforcement has to cover (from making sure that there are -no- prostitutes to only having to make sure that there are no minor prostitutes), it gives them more time for law enforcement to focus on the things that society finds to be the most objectionable.

John99 said:
At the very least society should set an example and perhaps the illegality of it would better equip the person to know that this may not be a good choice to make.

Laws are set to delineate what society believes is wrong, not what it's not sure about.

John99 said:
Once you know and are aware of the consequences then it is your own decision. I never agreed with selling people for any reason.

Who here is agreeing that selling people is ok? That's slavery; and yes, I'm aware that this type of thing -does- go on but as I said, I haven't seen anyone -here- endorse that. While I would argue that some muslim countries come far too close to endorsing this (buying wives from the families of the female), I don't see anyone here agreeing to even that.

What we're talking about here are people selling services.
While I am indeed full of it beyond the ken of mere mortals, I cannot claim to be in the same league as some of the folks here. ;)

This should be an exciting and educational experience for me.

Blame it on Stephen King :).

There are few if any guarantees in life. I believe there's a type of poetic justice or karma, but I'm the first to admit that it's frequently not readily apparent. Condoms, used properly, are, in my view, pretty good. Knowing a person's sexual history can give you a relatively good idea of how 'safe' they are. Blood tests can go further; I tested myself long after I had sex with the aforementioned person and no HIV.

I assume you mean sexual intercourse :). It certainly is. If you've never had it before, I myself think paying for one's first time isn't so bad, atleast if you're in a jurisdiction where it's legal to do so.

After the first time though, I found that I didn't want to pay for it; I believe the act alone is simply a mechanical operation and not -that- different from masturbation. The real difference, in my view, is if the person you're with wants to do it with you and -not- for money per se. Now there are certainly arguments to be made that even in many normal relationships, the girl would -not- be with the guy if the guy was just eeking by. Sex can and frequently does lead to kids and kids need to eat and be taken care of; I think it stands to reason that, consciously or unconsciously, women, who generally shoulder much more of the burden in the event of pregnancy, tend to think of these issues more then men. Nevertheless, all of these things point towards something much more long lasting then a one night stand and also point to something which might be called a type of dependency. Breakups are certainly possible and do indeed happen fairly often, but if kids are involved, even breakups generally aren't complete breakups and I think it goes without saying that single mothers would prefer that their chances at child support are good (if the father is on social assistance, he's not going to be making child support payments).

Damn you, Stephen. Maybe taking books literally isn't so swift. Boy, I felt like a moron when I locked myself in that wardrobe looking for fauns.

I guess the best route is just not to nail anyone until I am pretty sure birthing their brood is wise. I'm never gonna get laid.
Damn you, Stephen. Maybe taking books literally isn't so swift. Boy, I felt like a moron when I locked myself in that wardrobe looking for fauns.

Lol :). I really liked Narnia when I was a kid. My mother read it to me the first time around; the second time, I read a book a day when I was sick, so I finished the whole bunch in a week ;-). I looked at it again much later, though, and found that my tastes had changed. Still, I liked the movie; trust modern movies to come up with modern stuff; like a little nudity, say :). They also got rid of some of the stuff that I found a little dry and not always correct, once I got to the age where I didn't just believe what I was told :p.

takandjive said:
I guess the best route is just not to nail anyone until I am pretty sure birthing their brood is wise. I'm never gonna get laid.

Lol :). Well, you may not need to be -that- careful. You might want to follow these 2 suggestions (there may be more, I just came up with them now):
1. Don't drink alcohol or engage in other mind distorting drugs with people you don't trust and even if you trust them, I'd recommend not doing the deed while under the influence. Things like ensuring the condom is properly placed and even remembering if you took the pill recently aren't activities best undertaken while under the influence.

2. If you do decide to do it with someone you're not sure you want to be the father of your children, I'd recommend atleast doing it with the guy you think is the closest fit to the above; temporary passion is good, ofcourse, but you want to aim for the type that you don't think will fade anytime soon. Also, condoms and contraception generally do work.

If you miss the contraception bit or if for some reason it fails, there are always abortions. However, even if it's legal in your jurisdiction, for many, it's traumatic and even if it wouldn't normally be, society generally makes it that way (I read a good article on alternet about this phenomenon).

There is, ofcourse, sexual activities that are fairly safe in terms of getting pregnant. I say fairly safe because, as some say, 'one thing can lead to another'. Again, things like whether 1 or both parties have been drinking can affect the outcome here and I don't know how prevalent things like those college porn sites are in real life, but I imagine that it's not -all- fantasy land, so I'd be careful of going to parties where you don't trust too many people to make sure you're not pressured into doing something you'll later regret.
Lol :). Well, you may not need to be -that- careful. You might want to follow these 2 suggestions (there may be more, I just came up with them now):
1. Don't drink alcohol or engage in other mind distorting drugs with people you don't trust and even if you trust them, I'd recommend not doing the deed while under the influence. Things like ensuring the condom is properly placed and even remembering if you took the pill recently aren't activities best undertaken while under the influence.

I should have known the former lover and I wouldn't work when he got me stoned and drunk and asked if I'd ever cheated on my boyfriend. We didn't sleep together that night, but that was a timebomb. Lord, he was pretty.

2. If you do decide to do it with someone you're not sure you want to be the father of your children, I'd recommend atleast doing it with the guy you think is the closest fit to the above; temporary passion is good, ofcourse, but you want to aim for the type that you don't think will fade anytime soon. Also, condoms and contraception generally do work.

This is where I inform you I get nice boys, but I am so the girl your mother warned you about.

Your advice is sweet. ;) I got it under control. I just need someone smart and cute and hip. And without the clap. That's a challenge. :p
scott3x said:
Lol :). Well, you may not need to be -that- careful. You might want to follow these 2 suggestions (there may be more, I just came up with them now):
1. Don't drink alcohol or engage in other mind distorting drugs with people you don't trust and even if you trust them, I'd recommend not doing the deed while under the influence. Things like ensuring the condom is properly placed and even remembering if you took the pill recently aren't activities best undertaken while under the influence.

I should have known the former lover and I wouldn't work when he got me stoned and drunk and asked if I'd ever cheated on my boyfriend. We didn't sleep together that night, but that was a timebomb. Lord, he was pretty.

Is this the guy who was 20 years older then you? Or a lover before that?

takandjive said:
scott3x said:
2. If you do decide to do it with someone you're not sure you want to be the father of your children, I'd recommend atleast doing it with the guy you think is the closest fit to the above; temporary passion is good, ofcourse, but you want to aim for the type that you don't think will fade anytime soon. Also, condoms and contraception generally do work.

Your advice is sweet. ;)

Thanks :)

takandjive said:
I got it under control. I just need someone smart and cute and hip. And without the clap. That's a challenge. :p

Lol :). It's all too complicated for me sometimes. If I can ever manage to get a job that does better then what I get through social assistance, maybe I'll try the dating scene once again; right now though, I just don't think I'm all that 'marketable'.

And so, I'd rather just play World of Warcraft, meet a few people, playing 3d toons of the opposite gender there and engage in hugs and blowing of kisses; you can't actually even virtually kiss in world of warcraft- blowing of kisses is as far as it goes; still though, you don't just blow a kiss to -anyone-. Since it's one of the most provocative things you can do on the game, it's got panache ;-).

There is, ofcourse, dancing.. and dancing can go all the way to the underwear; beyond that if you've got a special add on I hear, laugh ;-).
Is this the guy who was 20 years older then you? Or a lover before that?

Same one. Best relationship, but lessons learned. Love him like crazy, but can't be with him. Wonderful guy.

If I can ever manage to get a job that does better then what I get through social assistance, maybe I'll try the dating scene once again; right now though, I just don't think I'm all that 'marketable'.

Bummer. But, you never know. I had someone interested iawhile back who had a few bucks and thought this made up for being repulsive. Your situation seems better and more desirable.
scott3x said:
Is this the guy who was 20 years older then you? Or a lover before that?

Same one. Best relationship, but lessons learned. Love him like crazy, but can't be with him. Wonderful guy.

Nods. Did his questioning you if you ever cheated on him have anything to do with the fact that you can't be with him? I'm definitely not like that anyway; being polyamorous, I'm rather different; as long as it's open, I don't mind a close friend or 2 being sexually involved as well. Ofcourse, that might not be your thing either, laugh ;-).

takandjive said:
scott3x said:
If I can ever manage to get a job that does better then what I get through social assistance, maybe I'll try the dating scene once again; right now though, I just don't think I'm all that 'marketable'.

Bummer. But, you never know. I had someone interested awhile back who had a few bucks and thought this made up for being repulsive. Your situation seems better and more desirable.

:). If you ever take a visit to Toronto, Canada, PM me and maybe we could meet ;-). You could, ofcourse, get on World of Warcraft as well; if you ever want to try the game, PM me and I can send you a 10 day demo pass; I could show you the ropes of the game :).
Nods. Did his questioning you if you ever cheated on him have anything to do with the fact that you can't be with him? I'm definitely not like that anyway; being polyamorous, I'm rather different; as long as it's open, I don't mind a close friend or 2 being sexually involved as well. Ofcourse, that might not be your thing either, laugh ;-).

Actually I had another boyfriend at the time and he was asking if I cheated on him.

Here's my take on polyamory: Multiple relationships? Messy. Threesomes with another woman, maybe a regular basis with the right woman? Acceptable.

:). If you ever take a visit to Toronto, Canada, PM me and maybe we could meet ;-). You could, ofcourse, get on World of Warcraft as well; if you ever want to try the game, PM me and I can send you a 10 day demo pass; I could show you the ropes of the game :).

If you're from St. Catherine's, I have to kill you. Otherwise, will entertain!
scott3x said:
Nods. Did his questioning you if you ever cheated on him have anything to do with the fact that you can't be with him? I'm definitely not like that anyway; being polyamorous, I'm rather different; as long as it's open, I don't mind a close friend or 2 being sexually involved as well. Ofcourse, that might not be your thing either, laugh ;-).

Actually I had another boyfriend at the time and he was asking if I cheated on him.

Are you saying you were in 2 relationships at once :)?

takandjive said:
Here's my take on polyamory: Multiple relationships? Messy.

Well, certainly more complicated. I had a girlfriend and this 18 year old 2 years back and it was complicated alright. I wouldn't have changed it for the world though.

takandjive said:
Threesomes with another woman, maybe a regular basis with the right woman? Acceptable.

:). It can go further then just having another sex partner though; you may want to take a look at 3 Dog Pictures' Family youtube series.

takandjive said:
scott3x said:
:). If you ever take a visit to Toronto, Canada, PM me and maybe we could meet ;-). You could, ofcourse, get on World of Warcraft as well; if you ever want to try the game, PM me and I can send you a 10 day demo pass; I could show you the ropes of the game :).

If you're from St. Catherine's, I have to kill you.

What's wrong with St. Catherine's :-/? Anyway, I was born in Vancouver and moved to Toronto when I was about 2; I may have never been to St. Catherine's in my life, laugh :p.

takandjive said:
Otherwise, will entertain!

Sounds good :)
Are you saying you were in 2 relationships at once :)?

LSS: Boy A hadn't touched me in six months. Boy A wouldn't let me have Boy B over to have dinner as a friend. Will not go into how Boy A was a jerk. I went to dinner with Boy B as a friend of a friend. Mutual want. I broke up with A before B and I saw each other again and started up.

:). It can go further then just having another sex partner though; you may want to take a look at 3 Dog Pictures' Family youtube series.

I've not seen it work. Improbable, not impossible.

What's wrong with St. Catherine's :-/? Anyway, I was born in Vancouver and moved to Toronto when I was about 2; I may have never been to St. Catherine's in my life, laugh :p.

My best friend lives there. We're on the outs and you sound similar. This is the last thing I need! ;)