Prostitution may be decriminalized in San Francisco.

If you miss the contraception bit or if for some reason it fails, there are always abortions. However, even if it's legal in your jurisdiction, for many, it's traumatic and even if it wouldn't normally be, society generally makes it that way

Morning after pills, aka plan B, is hardly traumatic. Mifepristone (RU-486) is not that big a deal if you act early. The key here is you want to act as early as possible.

It is the people who dawdle around and wait until they are mid to late stage pregnancy who have issues.

Having babies is tricky. It took us six months once we decided on the first. 2 years on the second and bang on the first try for the third. There were at least 2 possibly 3 natural abortions as well. Natural abortions during the first trimester are why people usually don't usually announce until they start showing.

That was after 23 and 16 years respectively of being sexually active without having any trouble with unwanted pregnancies.

Ironically both our sisters got knocked up around 16. Both had their kids. One kept him and the other put her up for adoption and all involved went on to have perfectly normal lives and families.
How about decriminalize everything, like Portugal has, and then only criminalize those behaviors which actually are criminal, like hurting others, stealing, dui, etc.

dui does not hurt anyone...until there is an accident. i think you are making my point.
If I can ever manage to get a job that does better then what I get through social assistance, maybe I'll try the dating scene once again; right now though, I just don't think I'm all that 'marketable'.

I met my ex when I was flat broke.

Money can be a hindrance.

Never have dated. I tend to be the fall in love at first sight and move in together type. Generally it either goes gang busters immediately or it fizzles out immediately.

My advise is don't try to be what you thinks the other wants. Be yourself so there are no surprises later. Strike while the iron is hot and don't cling if it doesn't work out.
dui does not hurt anyone...until there is an accident. i think you are making my point.

Stealing doesn't hurt any one either. So what? Driving Under the Influence is significantly dangerous to the society. Dancing Under the Influence is not.
are you aware that being under the influence of either drugs or alcohol is not illegal?

how does stealing not hurt anyone? does not have to be physical harm to cause damage.
yo, in Italy you can videotape people and you having sex without that someone else's consent. How is that for sexual revolution.

I used to see it as just flat out wrong. But then I thought about it. What if you want to do it because you're afraid that something might go wrong and you'd like a record? If you're a prostitute, I can certainly envision it happening. For this reason, I now think that it -should- be allowed, but only for this reason. I think the only reason one should be allowed to store the tape if nothing goes wrong, is to prove that the event occured if at some point it becomes necessary to do so. The possibility of blackmail certainly exists here, but I think knowing the truth even if it hurts trumps uncertainty. And if the recorder of the tape or someone else tries to sell the tape or put it online just to hurt the person recorded even though they haven't done anything wrong, I certainly think that -that- would be wrong.
scott3x said:
If you miss the contraception bit or if for some reason it fails, there are always abortions. However, even if it's legal in your jurisdiction, for many, it's traumatic and even if it wouldn't normally be, society generally makes it that way

Morning after pills, aka plan B, is hardly traumatic. Mifepristone (RU-486) is not that big a deal if you act early. The key here is you want to act as early as possible.

Nods. I heard a story of a woman who -wanted- to get it, but couldn't, due to laws in her jurisdiction. Is it accessible to get the pill in all of North America now?

swarm said:
Having babies is tricky. It took us six months once we decided on the first. 2 years on the second and bang on the first try for the third. There were at least 2 possibly 3 natural abortions as well. Natural abortions during the first trimester are why people usually don't usually announce until they start showing.

That was after 23 and 16 years respectively of being sexually active without having any trouble with unwanted pregnancies.

Ironically both our sisters got knocked up around 16. Both had their kids. One kept him and the other put her up for adoption and all involved went on to have perfectly normal lives and families.

Cool. This is why I so dislike our lives being ruled by statistics, such as the age of consent; experience as a young mother or father can and does vary.

I think it's safe to say that your cases were outside the norm, however; as a general rule, I don't think that underage mothers do well in North American society.
scott3x said:
If I can ever manage to get a job that does better then what I get through social assistance, maybe I'll try the dating scene once again; right now though, I just don't think I'm all that 'marketable'.

I met my ex when I was flat broke.

Money can be a hindrance.

How do you figure? I don't mean gobs of it, just like a 'normal' job that pays the bills.

swarm said:
Never have dated. I tend to be the fall in love at first sight and move in together type. Generally it either goes gang busters immediately or it fizzles out immediately.

My advise is don't try to be what you thinks the other wants. Be yourself so there are no surprises later. Strike while the iron is hot and don't cling if it doesn't work out.

The striking while the iron is hot I've got; that is, -after- the initiation starts. I see many beautiful women each day as I go on the subway. I speak to virtually none of them (if they were to ask for directions, I'd be there ofcourse). I'm thinking of going back to school though; adult school, that is, to finish my high school. I've been trying correspondence but it just isn't working.

The clinging I did once, regretted it; the second time round that that it looked like we were -both- clinging, I cut things off.
are you aware that being under the influence of either drugs or alcohol is not illegal?

PI is an offence almost everywhere in the US. Having illegal drugs in your blood is a criminal offense in some states last I knew.

how does stealing not hurt anyone? does not have to be physical harm to cause damage.

So you think stealing hurts people, even though no one is injured, but you don't see how DUI hurts people, even though people get maimed and killed?!

I bet you are a "libertarian."
Nods. I heard a story of a woman who -wanted- to get it, but couldn't, due to laws in her jurisdiction. Is it accessible to get the pill in all of North America now?
In theory, but religious prudes make it hard in some locals.

I don't think that underage mothers do well in North American society.

I'm not saying it was a cake walk for either of them, especially in the beginning. Both were drop outs and had difficulty getting by for a while. Neither was big on accepting family support either. But eventually they each worked out their issues and got their lives together as much as any one ever does and both sets of kids turned out just fine.
How do you figure? I don't mean gobs of it, just like a 'normal' job that pays the bills.

Having money means working. Working means not having any free time.

I see many beautiful women each day as I go on the subway. I speak to virtually none of them

Chatting up stranges on a subway is hard. How many guys to you talk to on your ride? Not many I bet. If subway talk is your goal, pick a person and introduce yourself each day. Don't do just single woman or they will think you are creepy. Vary back and forth amoung the available people. Have a point of interest or two and if they don't respond don't press. Once the ice is broken it will be obvious who likes talking with you.

I'm thinking of going back to school though; adult school, that is, to finish my high school. I've been trying correspondence but it just isn't working.

School is a main source of mate-age. Form study groups in classes and join activities and clubs.[/quote]

The clinging I did once, regretted it; the second time round that that it looked like we were -both- clinging, I cut things off.

Being able to gracefully exit is hard and at least as important as getting the ball rolling.
to be honest, oerhaps you just dont understand a persons comments. I did leave out a comma, i saw that and really didnt think it was necessary to change it.

I really though that stranger wold see that a comma should have been between those two words. An error like that should be looked at and examined because once it is examined then there is no confusion as to what the comment states. That was to demonstrate that there are two ways of looking at things.

scott3x said:
Nods. I heard a story of a woman who -wanted- to get it, but couldn't, due to laws in her jurisdiction. Is it accessible to get the pill in all of North America now?

In theory, but religious prudes make it hard in some locals.


swarm said:
scott3x said:
as a general rule, I don't think that underage mothers do well in North American society.

I'm not saying it was a cake walk for either of them, especially in the beginning. Both were drop outs and had difficulty getting by for a while. Neither was big on accepting family support either. But eventually they each worked out their issues and got their lives together as much as any one ever does and both sets of kids turned out just fine.

Cool :)
scott3x said:
How do you figure? I don't mean gobs of it, just like a 'normal' job that pays the bills.

Having money means working. Working means not having any free time.

Unless you're working ridiculous hours, I think that there would still be -some- time. Some people also meet partners in the workplace; I've heard that there are both pros and cons to this approach, but atleast it's somewhere where you can physically interact with others.

swarm said:
scott3x said:
I see many beautiful women each day as I go on the subway. I speak to virtually none of them.

Chatting up stranges on a subway is hard. How many guys to you talk to on your ride? Not many I bet. If subway talk is your goal, pick a person and introduce yourself each day. Don't do just single woman or they will think you are creepy. Vary back and forth amoung the available people. Have a point of interest or two and if they don't respond don't press. Once the ice is broken it will be obvious who likes talking with you.

Yeah, maybe. I think I'll save myself the trouble though and just talk to no one there, laugh :p. Much easier to talk here. Or in my volunteer job; I've now ramped up my monthly commitment to 30 hours a month...

swarm said:
scott3x said:
I'm thinking of going back to school though; adult school, that is, to finish my high school. I've been trying correspondence but it just isn't working.

School is a main source of mate-age. Form study groups in classes and join activities and clubs.

Yeah. The main thing is getting the money to attend classes; my mother's not so keen on it right now :p. We'll see.

swarm said:
scott3x said:
The clinging I did once, regretted it; the second time round that that it looked like we were -both- clinging, I cut things off.

Being able to gracefully exit is hard and at least as important as getting the ball rolling.

Not in my case; getting the ball rolling, atleast offline, is far harder for me. Or perhaps it's better to say that there are few things that would make me feel that it was worth the potential risks.
Yeah. The main thing is getting the money to attend classes; my mother's not so keen on it right now We'll see.

Being educated is worth the effort of getting educated.

I don't know about Canada, but here we have a GED that can get the HS diploma out of the way quickly and get one accepted into community colleges. Generally only a modicum of study is needed and there are guides and what not. Home schoolers often use this as a means of establishing their base credentials, as do kids who get sick of HS. A GED and decent scores on the ACT and SAT will generally work most places in the US.

Generally if you don't have a Bachelor's degree you are going to have issues getting a decent job. Though in some fields certification can help.