Prostitution may be decriminalized in San Francisco.

You have not had any fail YET and what is the big deal if a bank fails? This happens in all businesses.

Education? oh, believe me these people are very educated. They are educated on the street, this is the difference between them and you.
.... Regular health checks are just one issue, using condoms are another. Yes there will be SOME level of risk but that risk can be managed.

So if a client is infected with an STD, does that mean he can sue the government, the managers of the brothel?

Baron Max
So if a client is infected with an STD, does that mean he can sue the government, the managers of the brothel?

Baron Max

Anyone who has sex with a prostitute should be aware of such a consequence... I mean, its a prostitute... obviously odds are much higher that she has an std than someone who isn't one, especially since condoms don't prevent the transmission 100%.

Sometimes shit happens that you cannot be held accountable for, like someone rear ending you when parked at a red light. Other times, people bring problems to themselves fully aware of the potential consequences.

A good counter argument would be... if a brothel claims it to be 100% std free, then I guess someone who gets one from them has the right to sue... assuming they can prove that's where he/she got it from.
Mm. I would have guessed something like this, but you said -masseusse-, which I believe is female, not masseur. In any case, as some here know, the first time I had sex was with a hooker (with a condom). It wasn't exactly planned, but I did want to find out what sex was like. I waited 10 years before having sex again, in large part because I wanted the second time to be for something other then money. There are others ways to release sexual energies, such as what I believe you are referring to, that is, namely masturbation and gadgets to make it better if necessary.

I was reading Wolves of the Calla this evening and realized I mispelled "masseuse." King was talking about a guy. The dictionary takes your side and says it's feminine. Well, wrong twice in one day. :(

I'm very glad to know your sexual history, but condoms aren't 100%. Also, while masturbation is nice and I can do the job better than anyone else, it's fun to give it the old college try.
umm john, what difference does the political adjender of the site make if all he was linking it for was to highlight the number of countries where it is legal?
An agenda makes a big difference when looking at issues fairly and intelligently or do you prefer to be lied to and manipulated?

Note: I am not implying that was the posters intent.
no you should always critically assess what you read, however its very hard to find ANYTHING which has no bias. MAYBE the ABS and organisations like that but even in resurch its hard

An example would be the resurch i was doing in MAST suits (millatry anti shock trouses). I found 2 lots of meta resurch on them, one was from the US journal of shock and trauma and the other was cochrane. the cochrane one was VERY critical of them saying there was apsolutly no evidence for them and even evidence against them, the US source stated that there was little evidence against them and little evidence for them (ie little difference in the evidence between the 2). However the recomendations were the exact oposite of each other with the US one strongly recomending them and the cochrane one strongly oposing them.

Ok that was a little off topic but my point is that the old proverb "dam statistics and lies" fits even into what should be straight unbiased science let alone area's which get moral issues mixed into them
could you possibly find a more biased and asinine example to link to?
An agenda makes a big difference when looking at issues fairly and intelligently or do you prefer to be lied to and manipulated?
Note: I am not implying that was the posters intent.

Could you possibly keep such inanity to yourself?

I started the thread & that link is on topic & should be of interest.
legalizing prostitution just raises the gutter, same for drugs. but some like it there and some just like to visit.
John99 i dont actually agree with you. The irony is that anyone in low income work has a higher risk of poor health, exploitation ect. Thats an unfortunate fact of life, as i quoted before in another thread 700 people are killed in work place acidents every year in australia (higher by far than the road toll) and as you go down the class list that risk increases. You might be surprised to find (concidering prositution and stripping were included in this) that the highest risk (ranked by number of employees rather than apsolute numbers) for women was teaching and nursing for women, police and farm work for men. Ie your alot safer being a legal prositute rather than a nurse
It seems reasonable to assume a nurse may have higher risk of injury than a prostitute working in a legal brothel. I dont think that is the point htough and you raise another important question\fact, a low income prostitute is a low income prostititu. Dont be fooled by high price call girl statistics or ideal situations alone.

That is the problem i have with this is the exploitation of human beings, mainly the poor. There will then be low price\budget hookers and everything that comes with it. Believe it or not prostitution and hard drugs go hand in hand.

It is the lower class (poor) who deal with the criminal element regardless if it is legal or not. the difference is that you are creating a situation where poor people may have no choice but to prostitute themselves if it is legal or at least make it easier. Bad decisions start when we are young and effect people for the rest of their lives.
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actually our lecturer suggested (she didnt give definitive proof) that though prositutes and strippers are in class 6 (there were 6 classes listed, cabinate minsters were class 1, nurses and cops were 3 or 4, prosititues were 6) she said they tend to be better paid than class 1. Wether thats true or not is up to you to decide or resurch.

Now wether they have the health of class 6 or class 1 i simply dont know (would be interesting to find out), im sure there are some with high health and some with quite low health but thats a guess