Prostitution may be decriminalized in San Francisco.

so could a city make gay marriage legal?

No, because marriage is a state's law (in all of the states of the USA).

I see you, like me, have found an interest in the legalities involved between states and the feds. It's a fascinating study if you have time to go through it all. But if you do, leave out the grossly overly legal bullshit and find a good general analysis ...there are some that are pretty good.

Baron Max
Well, if it does win, then is the next step to legalize pimping? If we think for one moment that women are going to be safe without the protection of a pimp, then y'all got another think coming!

Baron Max

Decriminalizing prostitution is about STOPPING pimping. I'm against street prostitution because I find human trafficking repulsive.

Meanwhile, prostitution has already been decriminalized in pretty much the entire United States, without anyone noticing. As long as you aren't on the street, the cops don't investigate. You can even advertize, as anyone who has ever leafed though a free weekly paper in any major city can attest.

It's funny how the authors of this article single out SF, in what is obviously a culture-war tactic. SF is perhaps a bit more open and formal about what's going on, but there is no substantial difference between there and any other American city. Well, except for the ones in Nevada, where prostitution is explicitly legal...

And the recent national changes in prostitution enforcement (which is to say targetting only street prostitution) has had the effect of making prostitutes safer and decreasing their reliance on pimps (since they now pre-screen customers over the phone, and also control the setting where they meet). It has been correlated with a marked rise in the esteem that sex workers hold their profession in, which has in turn made it more likely for prostitutes to remain in the sex business.

Escort stings get set up ALL THE TIME. Craigslist and Redbook busts are out the yin yang, probably more common than street busts because more money/prominent people are involved.

I don't know about that. Young drunk college students will do just about anything. they'll let old creeps "feel them up" or they'll give blow jobs for $40, just to pay for a taxi ride home. (Like some porn film). I believe the women you're thinking of are the ones who have lived past their college years and are much more mature and less naive. I think those women are less likely to resort to prostitution. College girls can't wait for someone to give them a reason to take their panties off. Then they'll realize how stupid that choice was in the morning.

I suspect you don't associate with many young college women. As a young woman getting an education who enjoys sex, I find your post distasteful. You need to get laid. :rolleyes:
unfortuantly this doesnt go anywhere near far enough, it needs to be compleatly legalised and then REGULATED to protect both the sex workers AND the clients from violence, theft and STD's
then you have to promise to support laws when they are instituted against crimes perpetrteted against the sex workers and the clients. so far i see a reluctance to do this coming from a number of posters here, you are particularly lenient on crime and criminals, are you not?
of course crimes against sex workers and there clients should be procuted. These include both criminal laws like assult and theft AND OH&S laws relating to things like STD tests BEFORE using sex workers and regulations requiring sex workers to be regually tested ect. Further more TAX laws must be inforced as well
I have to say, I do now. I enjoy the companionship and closeness, but relationships are so confusing and finding someone on the same wavelength is impossible. Not to mention arguments about protection are eliminated and what you want can be mail-ordered. That said, getting an erotic massuesse is too risky for this girl. I'll go without.
I have to say, I do now. I enjoy the companionship and closeness, but relationships are so confusing and finding someone on the same wavelength is impossible. Not to mention arguments about protection are eliminated and what you want can be mail-ordered. That said, getting an erotic massuesse is too risky for this girl. I'll go without.

Risky in what way? Just curious.
I have to say, I do now. I enjoy the companionship and closeness, but relationships are so confusing and finding someone on the same wavelength is impossible. Not to mention arguments about protection are eliminated and what you want can be mail-ordered. That said, getting an erotic massuesse is too risky for this girl. I'll go without.

Risky in what way? Just curious.

If a male escort decided to commit a crime against me or passed an STD, I could find myself fucked without opening my legs.

Mm. I would have guessed something like this, but you said -masseusse-, which I believe is female, not masseur. In any case, as some here know, the first time I had sex was with a hooker (with a condom). It wasn't exactly planned, but I did want to find out what sex was like. I waited 10 years before having sex again, in large part because I wanted the second time to be for something other then money. There are others ways to release sexual energies, such as what I believe you are referring to, that is, namely masturbation and gadgets to make it better if necessary.
takandjive, it would be a neat trick to get an STD without any sexual contact:p
if you want to do it use a legal licenced brothal (if they exist where you are) because that way you can be sure that it is regulated for your saftey and the saftey of the sex worker
if you want to do it use a legal licenced brothal (if they exist where you are) because that way you can be sure that it is regulated for your saftey and the saftey of the sex worker

Well, that's true .......but ONLY if the prostitute is checked after EACH sexual encounter ...and waits until the results are in before she can have sex again with anyone! How are you going to police that, Asguard?

Baron Max
not nessarly, doctors and nurses are exposed to blood born disease on a daily basis yet we hardly ever hear about them infecting there pts, ambos are in a more uncontroled enviroment and are highly likly to get cut while working on pts and the same goes there. Regular health checks are just one issue, using condoms are another. Yes there will be SOME level of risk but that risk can be managed.
Max, there are many factors that people dont see or maybe they just dont care about them. A big issue they cannot grasp is legalization does not obliterate illegal behavior.

The problem of illegal workers brought in from other countries, by that countries citizens and for that countries clients. Many are sexual slaves and of course there will be children who are used in prostitution as well.

Personally the thought of being a hooker is creepy because i have to screw anything with the cash. But then people are forced into it as well, including children and drug addicts, and that will not change be making it legal.
of course it will, you really have no idea what unionisation and regulation does to an industry do you?

look at the difference between the US banking system and the australian one, one is heavly regulated and there for stable and the other isnt and is collapsing. You can easerly aplie the same principle to prositution, for instance requiring birth certificates be presented is a good way to start to make sure all paticipants are over a certain age, regular snap inspections is another way and happens quite often in the hospitality industry (for food saftey) with the threat of shut down if one under aged sex worker is found ect
of course it will, you really have no idea what unionisation and regulation does to an industry do you?

look at the difference between the US banking system and the australian one, one is heavly regulated and there for stable and the other isnt and is collapsing. You can easerly aplie the same principle to prositution, for instance requiring birth certificates be presented is a good way to start to make sure all paticipants are over a certain age, regular snap inspections is another way and happens quite often in the hospitality industry (for food saftey) with the threat of shut down if one under aged sex worker is found ect

If that is the case then the U.S banking system has collapsed many times. So tell me how does the U.S system and Aussie system differ?

you are not grasping what i am saying are you? making it legal will make it less dangerous as far as arrest for the top shelf but the bottom shelf will need to find unregulated means anyway.
if you want to know the difference between the Australian and US system i suggest you investigate APRA:

after all we havent had ANY of our banks (or insurance companies for that matter) fail or even make a loss as far as i know

as for an unregulated compared to the regulated one there are 2 things which can be done about that. 1) education of both clients and sex workers 2) inforcement, yes occasionally a sweat shop comes to light but they are shut down REALLY quick either by the unions or the department of work place relations (either state or fed).

its possable you will get some which slip through the cracks but the majority will be alot safer and it will ensure ALOT more coperation with the police from sex workers and clients if they know they wont be charged simply for doing there job