Prophet Mohammed Consummated 9-year old "Wife"

Yes, I said I understand and that Mohammad was not a pedophile and was simply a product of his time and place. BUT, I also maintain that a forward thinking person would have set a better example, been a monogamist and adopted Aisha.

What are your forward thoughts for the coming centuries?
I wonder if any Shakespearean enthusiast would have implicitly understood that the marriage to the boy her age was the more appropriate? I mean, he didn't pick another 40 year old man but instead a person of the same age because they could fall in love together - as is natural for two young people around that age.

Shakespeare was arguably in love with a young man himself and probably wrote all his major characters around him.
Yes, I said I understand and that Mohammad was not a pedophile and was simply a product of his time and place. BUT, I also maintain that a forward thinking person would have set a better example, been a monogamist and adopted Aisha.
Not necessarily, because a "forward thinking person" at the time was not of such beliefs.

I wonder if any Shakespearean enthusiast would have implicitly understood that the marriage to the boy her age was the more appropriate? I mean, he didn't pick another 40 year old man but instead a person of the same age because they could fall in love together - as is natural for two young people around that age.

Her parents did not want her to marry Romeo.
Yes, I said I understand and that Mohammad was not a pedophile and was simply a product of his time and place. BUT, I also maintain that a forward thinking person would have set a better example, been a monogamist and adopted Aisha.

Muhammad was a monogamist with Khadija until she died. Then, he began marrying different women whose husbands and sons had died in the battles between the Muslims and the Qur'aysh. Muhammad took these women to give them security and shelter, since they were mostly old, vulnerable widows with little or no family wealth. Do you think he married these old widows to protect them, or because he simply liked to have many women? Consider his relationship with Khadija, too.

Second, his marriage with Aisha (which was around the age of eighteen for her) was partly due to a big reason why marriages in those days even occurred: political reasons. Muhammad quite possibly married Aisha because he and Aisha's dad (Abu Bakr) were great friends. As a sign of hospitality and friendship, Muhammad married Abu Bakr's daughter.
Do you suppose the relationship was itself monogamist? By that I mean, perhaps Mohammad had other "wives" but didn't have sex with them? Maybe he was just their caretaker?

Its hard to say, although Mohammed himself would not treat his wives unequally while preaching to others to do so.

We only hear more about Aisha because she was beautiful and highly involved in the political circle. It was she who commandeered the anti-nepotists against the nepotists and along with Ali was responsible for the creation of the Sunni and Shia groups. As a woman with so much influence and public involvement, she was obviously the subject of greater discussion. Mohammed himself never spoke of any wife as much as he did of Khadija.
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Does anyone know if Aisha had any children? I can't locate any information on this
So then why is the marriage age for a female 9 years old in Iran? Because it could be a coincidence.
Nope. She didn't marry after Muhammad died, either.

Its a strange feeling to think that without Aisha, there may never have been a Sunni/Shia split. No one opposed Ali as much as she did. In a way she is single handedly responsible for 90% of the Muslims following the Sunni path.

Aisha was returning to Medina from Mecca after Hajj, but turned back when she heard the news of Uthman's assassination and the accession of Ali to the caliphate. Aisha's two brothers-in-law Talha and Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, who were considered to be two of the most significant Sahaba of Muhammad, also arrived in Mecca. Uthman's governor in Mecca was Abd-Allah ibn Umayr al-Hadrami. Marwan ibn al-Hakam and other members of Banu Umayya, Uthman's clan, were staying as his guests. All of them held a meeting.

Aisha got Talha's and Zubayr's support despite them having already given their oath of allegiance to Ali. Both had been previously nominated for the caliphate by Umar, the second caliph, before his death; but Uthman was appointed for the caliphate in priority to them. Aisha also managed to enlist the support of the powerful clan of Banu Umayyah, to whom Uthman had belonged. The ex-governors of Uthman, who had been displaced by Ali, also joined her. Yala, the ex-governor of Yemen, had carried off to Mecca a large sum of treasure when he was displaced. He gave over to Aisha sixty thousand dinars, along with six hundred camels; one of which was a very large and well-bred, valued at 200 gold pieces. It was named Al-Askar and was especially presented for Aisha's personal transportation.
ah, it was so long ago. cant blame women for everything.

and she said: "Ali I oppose you, oppose you, oppose you":bawl:
Its a strange feeling to think that without Aisha, there may never have been a Sunni/Shia split. No one opposed Ali as much as she did. In a way she is single handedly responsible for 90% of the Muslims following the Sunni path.

I think her opposition to Ali was legitimate, although it should have never escalated to warfare. The murder of Uthman made her go a little crazy in anger. Can't say I blame her.
I think her opposition to Ali was legitimate, although it should have never escalated to warfare. The murder of Uthman made her go a little crazy in anger. Can't say I blame her.

I agree that she did the right thing. It was Ali who was misguided. He should never have accepted the Caliphate from rebels who murdered Uthman.
I agree that she did the right thing. It was Ali who was misguided. He should never have kidnapped Uthman.

It's sad how quickly things descended following the Prophet's death. Nobody could match his ability to unify people. Of course, I must give credit to Omar - he was, without a doubt, the strongest Caliph, and would have never allowed for the whole Uthman/Ali/Aisha situation to unravel. Do you agree with Aisha's decision to wage war with Ali? I mean, it wasn't devastatingly detrimental, but I still think it may have been an overreaction.
What are your forward thoughts for the coming centuries?
People will learn to live with their environment, reduce the number of total births, become more democratic, alleviate aging and become less monotheistic and probably less multicultural but more superstitious. Probably a lot more Alien cults.

SO, if I were a Prophet I'd think about those things.

Shakespeare was arguably in love with a young man himself and probably wrote all his major characters around him.
I'm not even sure if there was a single person named Shakespeare. If so he was probably a Lord. I wouldn't doubt he was gay. Many artists are. Leonardo comes to mind.

Oh yeah, you once insinuated Reza was gay. Maybe, but I don't think so.
There is no indication the Da Vinci was gay but there is indication that he had no sex life to speak of.
Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno, known as il Salaino ("The little devil) or Salai, was described by Giorgio Vasari as "a graceful and beautiful youth with fine curly hair, in which Leonardo greatly delighted.

i dont know what that means as far as him being a homosexual. usually when someone engages in sexual activity and has a few lovers they find it hard to keep secret but actually there are no known male lovers of DaVinci. he did have make helpers but i cant see why that means he was banging them. the man was driven as an artist and inventor so maybe he did not have time or interest in a sex life. it is possible or possibly even probable that he aspired merely for greatness, which he did achieve.

IOW, it is doubtful he was a homosexual.