Prophet Mohammed Consummated 9-year old "Wife"

Well from what i have seen, women need to be trained or conditioned to adapt to their husband having a few wives. B the same token we dont see Wolygamy, which is the practice of women having many husbands so right there that is just sign of male domination. which who knows what is what anymore.

Multiple partnering is a common practice in Sub-Saharan Africa. It often does not involve a marriage, and this is a known contributor to the AIDS epidemic there. :shrug:
The idea that Polygamy causes poverty might fit the data, but correlation doesn't always indicate causation. They could have invented Polygamy because they were poor, and a family could pool their resources in larger groups. Women get along with each other better than men, so having multiple men in a family group would be problematic, and they are also mothers. Mothers are inherently better at childcare, they can nurse. You would have to discount other reasonable explanations before we could accept your premise.
This may be true but one would think that a person in communion with "God" (or someone with a bit of foresight) would at least opt to set the positive example and not take multiple wives for themselves while still allowing the broader society to do things within their culture so that in the future, if the society became more civil, then it would be easier to ban polygamy and give women equality.

Even Mao understood this and banned it in China, where people tended to take many wives, have many children and run large family homes/farms. While many of his policies were crap, this one at least, is paying off over the long run.
