Prophet Mohammed Consummated 9-year old "Wife"

supposing mo did not found a religion that was distinct from prevailing ideologies of the time. supposing he just plagiarized and pracitized shit... say from the hebrews...?
Of course it was plagiarized. The fables are nearly identical, that only happens when someone is copying.

Yes, Mo was a product of his culture and environment.
Some Muslim historians say that the girl was not 9 years old but rather 14 years old and that the Hadith is flawed

Mohommad was known to be a man, imperfect, and not even close to being Allah, but a messenger

The most important part of Islam is the Five Pillars anyway, so its really not important
Some Muslim historians say that the girl was not 9 years old but rather 14 years old and that the Hadith is flawed

Mohommad was known to be a man, imperfect, and not even close to being Allah, but a messenger

The most important part of Islam is the Five Pillars anyway, so its really not important

And 14 is soooo much better than a 9 year old 'eh?

What religion are you anyway?
And 14 is soooo much better than a 9 year old 'eh?

What religion are you anyway?

Don't ever read any historical books or novels. Hell, don't ever read Jane Austen.

In olden times, a girl was virtually deemed an old maid if she was not married by the age of 18. It was quite normal for young teenage girls (especially) to marry at a very young age.
Don't ever read any historical books or novels. Hell, don't ever read Jane Austen.

In olden times, a girl was virtually deemed an old maid if she was not married by the age of 18. It was quite normal for young teenage girls (especially) to marry at a very young age.

Yeah, I guess thats true... Still, this doesnt absolve ol' Mo in my eyes!!! :p
The sources on Ayesha's age are less valid as these:

When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children, two daughters and four sons, the youngest of whom was James (the Less, "the Lord's brother"). A year after his wife's death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age, Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates

Most sources put Mary's age at twelve for the birth of Jesus.
And Josephs at 90 when he married her.

It was the regular thing at the time.
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hehe... Mary is the word for Mother from the root Ma which is a natural utterance of babies.

But anyway. For the sake of argument. Lets suppose someone, anyone, were to consummate a marriage with a 9 year old. Do you think this is wrong or that this is OK?

If some nice 50 year old man who hears voices of God in his head and had a band of followers wants to consummate his marriage with your 9 year old do you
a) say sure here you go
b) tell the old man to get stffed
c) call the police
SAM said:
Most sources put Mary's age at twelve for the birth of Jesus.
And Josephs at 90 when he married her.
Those sources then have Joseph traveling all over the place for years afterwards doing carpentry, and walking to distant cities to do things like fetch Jesus from the Temple, when he was 102.

Others in the same set of stories having lived to be five and six hundred years old, of course.

So is that the kind of plausible reliability we can also attribute to the official accounts of Mohammed ?

It was the regular thing at the time.

So because it was ok for Mo to marry a 9 or 14 year old or whatever 1500 years ago, that it is still acceptable today. Is that what you are saying?
The interesting thing about being an apologist is the understanding that yeah the behavior is wrong. If it wasn't wrong then there'd be nothing to defend.
Those sources then have Joseph traveling all over the place for years afterwards doing carpentry, and walking to distant cities to do things like fetch Jesus from the Temple, when he was 102.

Others in the same set of stories having lived to be five and six hundred years old, of course.

So is that the kind of plausible reliability we can also attribute to the official accounts of Mohammed ?

Pretty much. It was forbidden to record any hadiths in Mohammed's lifetime (thats actually from one of the hadiths, ironically) and it was adhered to for a hundred years after. Following that, initial hadiths were simply collected, once people realised how many there were, some attempt at credibility was made by attaching the chain of narration or isnad. But most were collected between 200 to 400 years after Mohammeds death. They were collected from anyone and everyone, since there was no way of knowing if any particular pronouncement was accurate or not. Many were backed up from various sources, many could not be traced to a reliable source, etc. The accuracy of transmission itself says nothing about the veracity of a hadith.

Muslim scholars have classified various Hadiths. A Hadith can be 'sahih'(sound/authentic), 'hasan sahih' (higher level than sahih but lower than sahih),'hasan'(approved), 'hasan sahih gharib' (hasan in regard to soundness but gharib in regard to chain of transmitters), 'gharib' (uncommon, number of narrators is reduced to one at any stage), 'mutawatir' (continuous), 'mashhur' (well known), 'da'if'(weak), 'mawdu' (forged), 'marsal' (forwarded), 'marfu' (traced directly), 'mudallas' (deceptive), 'shadh' (isolated), 'munkar' (disapproved), 'munqati' (disjoined), 'muttasil' (joined), 'maqtu' (broken), 'mawquf' (suspended), 'matruk' (abandoned), 'mu'aalaq' (one or more consecutive transmitters are omitted), 'mahfudh' (contradictory), 'hadith qudsi' (holy narration).

So why do we keep them around, with all these anomalies?

Historic value:

Wilferd Madelung - "work with the narrative sources, both those that have been available to historians for a long time and others which have been published recently, made it plain that their wholesale rejection as late fiction is unjustified and that with [not without] a judicious use of them, a much more reliable and accurate portrait of the period can be drawn than has been realized so far."

Most Muslims know this and accord them credibility based on their level of knowledge and education rather than piety. Bukhari for instance, declared that only about 4000 of his 600,000 collected hadiths was probably accurate. And he is considered to be the most accurate.

Bukhari sounds like quite the quirky fellow himself, from anecdotes surviving about him (about as much credible as his hadiths, presumably)
On one occasion, it is said that he was travelling on a boat and had 500 gold coins with him to get him through his journey. While at sea, one of the people on the boat saw his money, and out of greed, he began screaming "I had 500 gold coins and someone has stolen it". At that moment, Imam Bukhari threw his 500 gold coins in to the ocean. The whole boat was searched and no coins were found. After arriving at their destination, the man asked Imam Bukhari, "what did you do with the money?", he replied, "I threw it in the ocean". Out of shock the man asked why. Imam Bukhari replied, "I am compiling a book of the hadith of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), I cannot allow anything to damage my reputation and discredit me"
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Of course it was plagiarized. The fables are nearly identical, that only happens when someone is copying.

Yes, Mo was a product of his culture and environment.

Aren't you supposed to be a scientist? Whats the definition of plagiarism?

Islam is not a new religion and Mohammed has never pretended it was.

You'll find not only the Christian and Jewish scriptures named in the Quran* (which in itself is something extraordinary in any world scriptures), but also the acknowledgement that there have been unnamed prophets throughout time around the world.

*this is called a citation and you should look up what that means. Its what you do when you plagiarise other authors in your manuscripts.
I am not worried about some old dude who molested an underage girl some 1600 years back..I am more worried about his followers molesting the civilization with their old belief systems.
I am not worried about some old dude who molested an underage girl some 1600 years back..I am more worried about his followers molesting the civilization with their outdated belief systems.