Prophet Mohammed Consummated 9-year old "Wife"

I am not worried about some old dude who molested an underage girl some 1600 years back..I am more worried about his followers molesting the civilization with their outdated belief systems.

You should be more worried with so called rationalists using their beliefs as an excuse to kill hundreds of thousands of them. And not being held accountable for it.
So-called? If the reason wasn't really rational, then they screwed up, didn't they? What strategy is the best one for determining a course of action?
Last night on telly they said the age of marriage in Iran is 9 years old for a female, due to Sharia. Thats what they said just last night.

Is that true SAM?
Probably, may even be younger. Used to be 18 and 21 during Mossadegh's government, but no idea what it is now.
it's not like you can take the chance of offending Moe or your sky daddy ... better to go run and hide under the intellectual bed now.. better to be a safe apologist or just avoid thinking all together....
The moral judgment is yours alone.

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Why don't you check how that hadith is categorised by the people who collected it?

And what level of authenticity they ascribe to it?

You can choose to believe what you like, of course, but its your choice to ignore the rules they have established, in any case.

And fyi, the Quran does not repeat any tales from the Gospels or Torah, it refers to them. Not that it matters since you're clueless in any case.

And no its not a filthy Christian Hadith, its a sign of the times, like Romans having boys to play with and Egyptians marrying their sisters. The moral judgment is yours alone.
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And fyi, the Quran does not repeat any tales from the Gospels or Torah, it refers to them. Not that it matters since you're clueless in any case.
SAM when you base the theme of your book on someone else wittings that's called PLAGIARISM.

Anyway, I already said there is nothing at all special about Islam is that sense. And you made the case previously that other than Me Moe Last Sky-Daddy Prophet that there isn't anything new in there so I think we're in agreement.
SAM when you base the theme of your book on someone else wittings that's called PLAGIARISM.

Since the Quran only refers to (not repeats) previous stories in the Torah while making specific points about life, its not.

And if you are going to make a charge like that, please give me examples of where the Quran is "plagiarised" from the Torah or Gospels.
And btw, for plagiarism, you need to claim authorship for the contents.
Haaaa - the WHOLE bases of the book is based on the Jewish One God myth.

Come on SAM, please.

Oh, you forgot to mention whether it was morally wrong to order those singing slave girls heads to be chopped off. Was it?
Haaaa - the WHOLE bases of the book is based on the Jewish One God myth.

Come on SAM, please.

Oh, you forgot to mention whether it was morally wrong to order those singing slave girls heads to be chopped off. Was it?

If they were traitors and the judicial sentence for treason was death, nope.

But since thats a gharib (unsubstantiated) hadith collected centuries after the fact, the point is moot anyway
Doth thou truly believe the slander of the Christan Church, knowledge of God and Jesus Christ himself forbidden to be released.

She was not old enough for marriage, did she love? did she? she must say "I love you" and feel in such a way that no one feels.
The Qur'an was collected centuries after the fact, from bark twigs, heresay etc...

I was asking about the story SAM, the story so the point isn't moot.

Lets suppose that their ONLY crime was to singe mockery about The Prophet. And that they were instructed to do so by their owner (they were slaves). IF this was the case (and I'm not saying it was but IF it was) and that was the reason why Mohammad asked to have their heads cut off - then would you say this was an evil immoral act?

Just suppose there was a story about Xenu. Xenu plays a game of two-ups. Loser, whom is never Xenu, loses their scrotum. Now, suppose many Scientologists believed this story and for centuries they used the story to justify forced orchiectomy (kind of like the Catholics and Muslims who liked their pretty boys pretty).

NOW, suppose it's the modern day. Can't we ask about the morality of Xenu's game of two-ups? Can't we discuss His ordering the removal of someones scrotum?

I think we can. And you should agree that we can.

So why don't you SAM. What are you afraid of? Sky-daddy going to get mad at you and send you to Hell?
So what? There are probably many instances of Xenu doing benevolent acts. I really don't care. I'm asking about this particular one.

For sake of argument:
Lets suppose that their ONLY crime was to singe mockery about The Prophet. And that they were instructed to do so by their owner (they were slaves). IF this was the case (and I'm not saying it was but IF it was) and that was the reason why Mohammad asked to have their heads cut off - then would you say this was an evil immoral act?