prophecy revelation for jpappl

I think the number 7 represents the number of completion. God made the earth in 6 days and relaxed on the 7th. The number 8 represents new beginings.

Try 7's next time you play the lottery. Luck does happen.

Ok.. but I don't get to pick any numbers in the lottery.
Nope it's hogwash because it's as true today as it was 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago.
You're taking it to mean in your own lifetime - and there's no evidence that that's when he meant.

It HAPPENED just like he said. But so what, it doesn't agree with your beliefs so you dismiss it, I'm not surprised.

Next robot please....
This is your evidence ?

What a bunch of crap.

So it is your claim that people are worse today than they were thousands of years ago ?

Is this what your relating to the verse ?

It is true, and you choose to disregard it, no surprise.
“ Originally Posted by jpappl
This is your evidence ?

What a bunch of crap.

So it is your claim that people are worse today than they were thousands of years ago ?

Is this what your relating to the verse ? ”

It is true, and you choose to disregard it, no surprise.

What is true, specifically.

Specific examples please.
Jesus made some prophecies that actually came true. That is reality and fact, and more impressive then mentioning quasars to a bunch of sheep herders.

A mythical being made predictions that came true? That's a neat trick.
That people would come proclaiming to be him.

Could you predict that?

Yes, especially since I would have been a false prophet myself.

Especially since that is how they come to be in the first place, namely stating they have been in contact with god and god speaks through them.

Sound familiar ?

or false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect

So what miracles have these false prophets performed ?

Guess he never expected that people would claim to see his face on a grilled cheese sandwich and some moron would pay thousands of dollars for it on e-bay.
Yes, especially since I would have been a false prophet myself.

Especially since that is how they come to be in the first place, namely stating they have been in contact with god and god speaks through them.

Sound familiar ?

Yes. But what he said came true, anyone else make that prediction?

Guess he never expected that people would claim to see his face on a grilled cheese sandwich and some moron would pay thousands of dollars for it on e-bay.

They have and I listened.

The numbers don't lie. Science is very good at numbers. Thus science is good a predicting things to come when relying on their numbers.

The galaxy Andromeda will collide with the milky galaxy in about 4 billion years. Quite a prediction if it had come from the past. These days we think nothing of it because that is what the calculations indicate.
Science has quite a good track record at predicting things, very specific things. That makes me think it provides better explanations than Jesus.