prophecy revelation for jpappl

Matthew 24:10-12

10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,


2000 years ago, a unimportant man from Galilee said this, around 2000 years later it is true(probably occurred earlier but not to this extent)

Now I think that is amazing. Think for a second how unlikely that would be of becoming true... If you say extremely likely then try harder, because that is hogwash.

Better verse:

Mark 13:21-23

21At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ[a]!' or, 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it. 22For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect—if that were possible. 23So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.

This is your evidence ?

What a bunch of crap.

So it is your claim that people are worse today than they were thousands of years ago ?

Is this what your relating to the verse ?
But only one of those ways had any meaning whatsoever at the time the bible was written: a human generation.
Technology didn't have any generations, development was effectively static.

where have you been? human development has been going on for how many years now guys???
where have you been? human development has been going on for how many years now guys???

Technological ages
- Stone Age
- Bronze Age
- Iron Age
- The Renaissance
- Industrial Age
- Information Age

So when did Jesus live again ? And when should he have come back ?
where have you been? human development has been going on for how many years now guys???

At the time (as stated) the bible was written development was effectively static.
Do you have any evidence that the "message" was meant purely for our times, here and now?
You'll find that there have been numerous people throughout history that have come to the conclusion (erroneously) that the so-called prophecies were meant for the period in which THEY lived.
And guess what?
They were wrong too.
When the bible was written the word generation meant one thing, and one thing only.
At the time (as stated) the bible was written development was effectively static.
Do you have any evidence that the "message" was meant purely for our times, here and now?
You'll find that there have been numerous people throughout history that have come to the conclusion (erroneously) that the so-called prophecies were meant for the period in which THEY lived.
And guess what?
They were wrong too.
When the bible was written the word generation meant one thing, and one thing only.

what do you mean effectively static? evolution of humanity is never effectively static. how many years of human evolution have occurred?
what do you mean effectively static? evolution of humanity is never effectively static. how many years of human evolution have occurred?

Lori, how do you propose to divide all those years of 'evolution' into generations ? And why ?
And could you please answer my posts ? Thanks.
Technological ages
- Stone Age
- Bronze Age
- Iron Age
- The Renaissance
- Industrial Age
- Information Age

So when did Jesus live again ? And when should he have come back ?

IMO, Jesus body was stolen from the tomb in which he was laid to rest. His body was disposed of by burning. Burning corpses was a common practice by the Romans back then. Since then an I.D. thief has been impersonating Jesus.
Lori, how do you propose to divide all those years of 'evolution' into generations ? And why ?
And could you please answer my posts ? Thanks.

what do you divide all those years of evolution into? i know each one has a homo sapien. are they called stages of evolution? stages of development? generations of development...
what do you divide all those years of evolution into? i know each one has a homo sapien. are they called stages of evolution? stages of development? generations of development...

Ok, you really shouldn't talk about evolution if you know nothing about it. Seriously.
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