prophecy revelation for jpappl

It's pretty clear language. I don't believe the messenger of God would deliberately use the wrong word. He would not have said it if he meant it would be far in the future. It only makes sense if he meant it would happen soon.

it's not the wrong word.
Originally Posted by earth
Flat Earth
Put it all together including Peter's vision and the angel in revelations and I get a belief in a flat earth.

And I agree.

I discussed this flat earth aspect with my aunt once. I explained to her the writer having the view of a flat earth, negates the creation story and man's consequential fall from grace. There isn't any hell. She wouldn't have it she'd rather there be a hell??? I don't get it. :)
it's not the wrong word.

I think he meant what he said, one generation. It's not like they didn't know what a generation was, with all those biblical "begats" and such. If Jesus said that he was obviously delusional, but he is also reported to have said the Kindom of Heaven is within, so I wonder who really wrote all that. It is well known now that there were many authors of the texts later compiled and sometimes re-written to form what we now call the canonical bible.
Do you believe they were on the right track ?

i don't know hon, i can't even's been five years...

i remember reading some parts of theories that sounded right, and some that sounded wrong.

the things about the numbers...336 and 337 sounded right.

the 5 flowers game was just a cool way to give away some concert tics if i remember correctly...

the movie though, is about what's going on.

listen enmos, i've told you about the bands. their work is published and well known. their cd's are in stores. lyrics on the net. if you want to get into it that's cool. but honestly, i'm a little exhausted on this topic right now. :(
I think he meant what he said, one generation. It's not like they didn't know what a generation was, with all those biblical "begats" and such. If Jesus said that he was obviously delusional, but he is also reported to have said the Kindom of Heaven is within, so I wonder who really wrote all that. It is well known now that there were many authors of the texts later compiled and sometimes re-written to form what we now call the canonical bible.

If he didn't mean 'generation' in the normal sense then no one can ever know what he was talking about.
I think he meant what he said, one generation. It's not like they didn't know what a generation was, with all those biblical "begats" and such. If Jesus said that he was obviously delusional, but he is also reported to have said the Kindom of Heaven is within, so I wonder who really wrote all that. It is well known now that there were many authors of the texts later compiled and sometimes re-written to form what we now call the canonical bible.

i told you that the word generation can be used a different way in terms of development. it's quite common. just because you didn't think of it first, doesn't mean it's not absolutely common, relevant, and viable. sorry.
I was expecting that :m:

Behold, the prophecy of Spidergoat. I say'th that in the future, people will be unhappy, they will turn to all sorts of religions and philosophies, they will use drugs and videogames to escape from reality, there will be fires and earthquakes and great wars. And Lo, I said this will come to pass and it will come to pass. :)

See? It's easy.
i don't know hon, i can't even's been five years...

i remember reading some parts of theories that sounded right, and some that sounded wrong.

the things about the numbers...336 and 337 sounded right.

the 5 flowers game was just a cool way to give away some concert tics if i remember correctly...

the movie though, is about what's going on.

listen enmos, i've told you about the bands. their work is published and well known. their cd's are in stores. lyrics on the net. if you want to get into it that's cool. but honestly, i'm a little exhausted on this topic right now. :(

I don't want to get into that nonsense. I'm just trying to figure you out.
At this point I'd strongly advice you to at least talk to a psychologist and tell him/her everything you told us. And I don't mean that in a patronizing way.
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i just told you guys three times what he was talking about!!!! jesus!

Technological generation ? :confused:

"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
i told you that the word generation can be used a different way in terms of development. it's quite common. just because you didn't think of it first, doesn't mean it's not absolutely common, relevant, and viable. sorry.

There is no interpretation of generation that doesn't mean a relatively short period of time.
Forget the flat Earth, nothing in the Bible portrays knowledge that would not have been known by the people of the time. You would think maybe one mention of quasars or galaxies, or the expansion of the universe would be relevent, but such things are entirely absent. It's the same with Lori's revelations, just vague interpretations that can't be confirmed by reality.

A person's beliefs can't be dismissed that easily. People have in their minds what they think is evidence. One must provide evidence that directly relates to bibical writings to make any sense, pro or con.

People can believe anything they want to, however, common sense prevails most of the time.
i told you that the word generation can be used a different way in terms of development. it's quite common. just because you didn't think of it first, doesn't mean it's not absolutely common, relevant, and viable. sorry.
But only one of those ways had any meaning whatsoever at the time the bible was written: a human generation.
Technology didn't have any generations, development was effectively static.