prophecy revelation for jpappl


It's funny because you are so adamant that we are full of sin, but what do you do with all of the traits that make humans wonderfull as well. ”

Save them! Allow them to become unhindered.

What do you say about them now. I mean people have them now, they don't need to be in heaven to have them, so why if we are so full of sin do we have these good traits at all.

“ Do you believe christ is our savior Lori ? ”

Yes I do and would give up my life for his kingdom.

I thought you weren't religious ?

All true, like the story of creation in 7 days. I mean didn't God supposedly create the plants before he created light. That is one dumb son of a b*tch. ”

Well if there was no light yet, then how long was the day he made plants?

Huh. If there was no light how would the plants stay alive is the question.

“ And no results. The contradictions would be ?

Then arrange a meeting. Everyone in a room. If they truly know then it should be no problem. Are you concerned that they might not know, that is a possibility isn't it ? ”

You know what I think? 1 you have very naïve thoughts about getting those guys together or anywhere. 2 We're going to disappear, its just a matter of time. They talk about disapearing and leaving a mark. Trent says "we'll find the perfect little place so we can run and hide. we'll build a wall and we can keep them on the other side"

Well if it were me and these things we happening and I was claiming that these musicians were in on it. I would do what I could to confirm it with them in person.

The fact that you don't want to do that tells me a lot about how sure you are they are involved.

Look at it from our perspective. Arrange a meeting and videotape it. Should be interesting.

That Trent dude is a total ass per you. I don't care what he has to say in some lyric, he is not in contact with god, is not a god himself, just some guy trying to sell his wares.

And what about the wonderfull traits Lori. How do those fit. Apparently they are not allowed to be used. ”

Who said that? You just made that shit up right there.

What do you mean I just made it up. It's a question to you. How do or where do the wonderfull traits fit into the blood full of sin ?

So you tell me there are aliens in the bible and then tell me to google it.

I will take that as I was wrong there are no aliens mentioned in the bible afterall. ”

Google the shit! I'm on a phone here! You think I'm going to remember the verses?

Ok so I did a little research for you. People who advocate aliens in the bible are using "angels" as aliens. So basically there ain't Sh8t about aliens.

“ But you knew of the idea of aliens. ”

Well, having not lived in a cave my entire life, yeah.

Yes, and that is where the idea came from.

You mean the earth would have physically been in disarray? Void of life, light, and vegetation?

Hm. I've heard that somewhere before.

Disarray sure. But the dinosaurs weren't cleansed from the earth for having sin in their blood were they ?

It's funny because you are so adamant that we are full of sin, but what do you do with all of the traits that make humans wonderfull as well. ”

Save them! Allow them to become unhindered.

What do you say about them now. I mean people have them now, they don't need to be in heaven to have them, so why if we are so full of sin do we have these good traits at all.

“ Do you believe christ is our savior Lori ? ”

Yes I do and would give up my life for his kingdom.

I thought you weren't religious ?

All true, like the story of creation in 7 days. I mean didn't God supposedly create the plants before he created light. That is one dumb son of a b*tch. ”

Well if there was no light yet, then how long was the day he made plants?

Huh. If there was no light how would the plants stay alive is the question.

“ And no results. The contradictions would be ?

Then arrange a meeting. Everyone in a room. If they truly know then it should be no problem. Are you concerned that they might not know, that is a possibility isn't it ? ”

You know what I think? 1 you have very naïve thoughts about getting those guys together or anywhere. 2 We're going to disappear, its just a matter of time. They talk about disapearing and leaving a mark. Trent says "we'll find the perfect little place so we can run and hide. we'll build a wall and we can keep them on the other side"

Well if it were me and these things we happening and I was claiming that these musicians were in on it. I would do what I could to confirm it with them in person.

The fact that you don't want to do that tells me a lot about how sure you are they are involved.

Look at it from our perspective. Arrange a meeting and videotape it, should be interesting.

That Trent dude is a total ass per you. I don't care what he has to say in some lyric, he is not in contact with god, is not a god himself, just some guy trying to sell his wares.

And what about the wonderfull traits Lori. How do those fit. Apparently they are not allowed to be used. ”

Who said that? You just made that shit up right there.

What do you mean I just made it up. It's a question to you. How do or where do the wonderfull traits fit into the blood full of sin ?

So you tell me there are aliens in the bible and then tell me to google it.

I will take that as I was wrong there are no aliens mentioned in the bible afterall. ”

Google the shit! I'm on a phone here! You think I'm going to remember the verses?

Ok so I did a little research for you. People who advocate aliens in the bible are using "angels" as aliens. So basically there ain't Sh8t about aliens.

“ But you knew of the idea of aliens. ”

Well, having not lived in a cave my entire life, yeah.

Yes, and that is where the idea came from.

You mean the earth would have physically been in disarray? Void of life, light, and vegetation?

Hm. I've heard that somewhere before.

Disarray sure. But the dinosaurs weren't cleansed from the earth for having sin in their blood were they ?
Which bit of "Er, it's become a figure of speech due to the prevalence of the bible" did you miss?
It's a factually meaningless phrase that has remained understandable because of prevalence..........

You just don't get it do you? You are the only one correct, you do not want to learn, you think you know it all. Well I'll let you rant to someone else. This is way off topic and pointless.
Well then give me the interpretation, yourself.

I going to do some digging because I know Josephus conveyed in his writings the jews belief in the shape of the earth. It wasn't a sphere.


I spend no time in revelations, I have no time for it. That's a topic for another time.

Forget the flat Earth, nothing in the Bible portrays knowledge that would not have been known by the people of the time. You would think maybe one mention of quasars or galaxies, or the expansion of the universe would be relevent, but such things are entirely absent. It's the same with Lori's revelations, just vague interpretations that can't be confirmed by reality.
You just don't get it do you? You are the only one correct, you do not want to learn, you think you know it all. Well I'll let you rant to someone else. This is way off topic and pointless.
Lori has already stated she's said what she wanted to.
Actually I do get it.
And I certainly appear to know (or understand) more than you.
The bible was in error on numerous things, serious error.
Yet it's still held up as the word of an all-knowing god.
Forget the flat Earth, nothing in the Bible portrays knowledge that would not have been known by the people of the time. You would think maybe one mention of quasars or galaxies, or the expansion of the universe would be relevent, but such things are entirely absent. It's the same with Lori's revelations, just vague interpretations that can't be confirmed by reality.

Jesus made some prophecies that actually came true. That is reality and fact, and more impressive then mentioning quasars to a bunch of sheep herders.
Jesus hasn't been proven wrong yet. I'll think of the most impressive one and show you.

We can't prove something that hasn't happened yet.

So when can we say it was a bunch of crap. 1000 years. 2000 years, name the date. He hasn't shown yet, when is the cut off for him to get here ?

Oh right there isn't. Round and round we go.
Matthew 24:10-12

10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,


2000 years ago, a unimportant man from Galilee said this, around 2000 years later it is true(probably occurred earlier but not to this extent)

Now I think that is amazing. Think for a second how unlikely that would be of becoming true... If you say extremely likely then try harder, because that is hogwash.

Better verse:

Mark 13:21-23

21At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ[a]!' or, 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it. 22For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect—if that were possible. 23So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.
i already answered that. sorry but you cant say its wrong just because it doesnt make your arguement anymore.
It's pretty clear language. I don't believe the messenger of God would deliberately use the wrong word. He would not have said it if he meant it would be far in the future. It only makes sense if he meant it would happen soon.

Matthew 24:10-12

10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,


2000 years ago, a unimportant man from Galilee said this, around 2000 years later it is true(probably occurred earlier but not to this extent)

Now I think that is amazing. Think for a second how unlikely that would be of becoming true... If you say extremely likely then try harder, because that is hogwash.

Better verse:

Mark 13:21-23

21At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ[a]!' or, 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it. 22For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect—if that were possible. 23So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.

Oh big deal. Nothing about that is not typical of human culture in general. It was true when he said it and it's true now.
Matthew 24:10-12
10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,
2000 years ago, a unimportant man from Galilee said this, around 2000 years later it is true(probably occurred earlier but not to this extent)
Now I think that is amazing. Think for a second how unlikely that would be of becoming true... If you say extremely likely then try harder, because that is hogwash.
Nope it's hogwash because it's as true today as it was 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago.
You're taking it to mean in your own lifetime - and there's no evidence that that's when he meant.
It's a typical fortune-teller's trick.
Don't say anything specific, just leave it up to interpretation and the dummies will fall for it every time.

Better verse:
Mark 13:21-23
21At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ[a]!' or, 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it. 22For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect—if that were possible. 23So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.
"Better" meaning "as nebulous as the previous one, and just as applicable"?
I believe what Lori says about her experience and I doubt my understanding of all the events as it relates to what is happening in our lives.

So you believe that she really had those experiences, but you are unsure about whether or not they describe reality ?