prophecy revelation for jpappl

If you were to ask them to confirm it to me in private, would they do it ?

how would i ask them that? i don't know what they would do??? how would i? i don't know these guys. there's obviously a reason why they haven't contacted me or allowed me to see them in person. don't know what that reason is necessarily, other than the speculation that i've already mentioned.
No, it doesn't "make sense" since everyone knows there are no corners to the Earth.
It's a legacy from long ago.

So if someone used that phrase to you, you wouldn't understand them?

Wrong again.
Galileo (among others) was specifically pilloried for contradicting what the bible said - immovable Earth (you know, one of the things you deemed "wrong" without giving any supporting argument).

Yes, thank god religion doesn't rule the roost anymore(not in my country in anyway).

Also wrong: the bible is supposed to be the word of god...

What is wrong exactly

No facts, granted.
But science offers valid testable explanations.
Objective ones, unlike art/ poetry etc.

You might as well be a robot, you sound like data.
lol ? What do you mean ?!
Do you mean that you think that you may be a fool for believing her ?

It is not a matter of belief, but of doubting my understanding. This is not something that has happened, it is happening.
It says there's a beast with four or 12 heads too.

Do you know why(because I can't think of the word lol)?

Well then give me the interpretation, yourself.

I going to do some digging because I know Josephus conveyed in his writings the jews belief in the shape of the earth. It wasn't a sphere.
Therefore we have a thread, I'm learning as much as you are. Lori is not posting this thread to endow us with understanding as much as to learn, I imagine.
So if someone used that phrase to you, you wouldn't understand them?
Which bit of "Er, it's become a figure of speech due to the prevalence of the bible" did you miss?
It's a factually meaningless phrase that has remained understandable because of prevalence.

Yes, thank god religion doesn't rule the roost anymore(not in my country in anyway).
Apart from Bliar (among others) pushing for the teaching of ID and religion-based education?
Apart from Bliar leading us into Afghanistan and and Iraq with the words "I asked god what I should do and he told me it was the right thing"...?

What is wrong exactly
The Earth is not flat, the Earth is not fixed with the Sun going round it, bats aren't birds, people don't come back from the dead, angels don't exist etc etc.

You might as well be a robot, you sound like data.
So you think I have no appreciation of art or poetry?
Wrong again.
Not quite.. similar, but not quite. And it says something entirely different in another scene.

yeah, that's right. it changes. it's been a while since i watched it. when this first happened, god, i watched it like a million times. trent referred to nothing too. his old record company was called nothing records.
how would i ask them that? i don't know what they would do??? how would i? i don't know these guys. there's obviously a reason why they haven't contacted me or allowed me to see them in person. don't know what that reason is necessarily, other than the speculation that i've already mentioned.
There is a reason, they don't know you exist. You imagined it all.
In Revelations 7:1 you have an angel standing at the four corners of the earth. The writer believed the earth was flat in revelations the same as in genesis. If a divine being was the author then surely the deity could express himself factually. This four corners comment is a real give away expressing the earth to be flat.

Acts 10:9-11
About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.

The reason for the sheet with the four corners in both Peter's vision and in revelations is because of the belief the earth was flat.
Well, I suggest you read it. If you do, it may become clear to you that it isn't about you after all.

lol...enmos. what you're reading about is fan theory on interpretation. i know what's going on as it relates to me. this is obviously covert enmos. i mean, none of these guys are making press releases about what they're really up to. they're just expressing themselves as artists. there's a reason why things are being done this way.
i'm done with this thread. jpappl asked for the revelation and i told him. i'm done talking about this shit. i'm done. it's pointless...
The church actually wasn't as much against the theory of a spherical Earth as we are led to believe by the Galileo story. It was more of a political thing with him.
lol...enmos. what you're reading about is fan theory on interpretation. i know what's going on as it relates to me. this is obviously covert enmos. i mean, none of these guys are making press releases about what they're really up to. they're just expressing themselves as artists. there's a reason why things are being done this way.

What about the secret websites that actually exist ?
i'm done with this thread. jpappl asked for the revelation and i told him. i'm done talking about this shit. i'm done. it's pointless...

Great! Then you can now start posting outside the religion forum..
Flat Earth
Here is detailed analysis of 7000 years of thinking regarding earth’s shape. It is important to note that the entire question of the shape of the earth during the early Medieval Age appears to be isolated to Europe where some Christian belief in a flat earth existed, as did opposition to the antipodes.

The Jewish Encyclopaedia describes the Firmament as follows: Genesis 1:6-8
"The Hebrews regarded the earth as a plain or a hill figured like a hemisphere, swimming on water. Over this is arched the solid vault of heaven. To this vault are fastened the lights, the stars. So slight is this elevation that birds may rise to it and fly along its expanse."

Put it all together including Peter's vision and the angel in revelations and I get a belief in a flat earth.
Could you please try to be bit more vague ? :bugeye:

I believe what Lori says about her experience and I doubt my understanding of all the events as it relates to what is happening in our lives.