prophecy revelation for jpappl

When all is said and done, the bible is not a science book.
Try telling that to the people that believe every single word is true.

If someone said to you "They are coming from all four corners of the planet to see this event" would you be able to understand what they meant? Even if it isn't scientifically accurate.
The phrase originates from the bible... :rolleyes:

If he did you would have questioned it still so why bother?
Keep trying - it's simply more evidence that the bible is flawed as source book for reality.
Who cares.. are you avoiding to answer ?

no, but it's a legitimate question. i've stated already that i think there's a reason why there's no physical contact between myself and them. no corroboration. maybe there's a threat. i don't know.
What does the number 333 mean ?
What does the number 336 mean ?
What do the 5 flowers mean ?

i don't remember off the top of my head. BUT if you want to, google up "afi clandestine" and see what comes up. their fans have spent a LOT of time and energy on theories of interpreting this film. they've delved into every possibility. if i'm not mistaken, 336 means spiritual death, and 337 rebirth...

i don't think i've ever seen that page in particular, but that's why i suggested you google. there's loads and loads of this stuff put out there by fans. afi used to have a website with a message board where the fans would discuss it and the band would interact with them. i'm not sure if the archives are still there or not...
no, but it's a legitimate question. i've stated already that i think there's a reason why there's no physical contact between myself and them. no corroboration. maybe there's a threat. i don't know.

If you were to ask them to confirm it to me in private, would they do it ?
i don't think i've ever seen that page in particular, but that's why i suggested you google. there's loads and loads of this stuff put out there by fans. afi used to have a website with a message board where the fans would discuss it and the band would interact with them. i'm not sure if the archives are still there or not...

Well, I suggest you read it. If you do, it may become clear to you that it isn't about you after all.
Does rjr6 believe you on this as well ?

I believe every word she says-my doubt is my own. My hope is that when all is revealed I am standing with her.
I read in my local newspaper and it sounds relevant, "live the question, not the answer"
Why is it still used?
Maybe because of the strangle hold religion has had on education and literacy through the ages?
Maybe because at one time the bible was promoted as the absolute (and only) truth and many phrases from the bible have worked their way into everyday speech?

No it isn't, just because it doesn't explain how the universe works doesn't mean it is flawed.
Correct, not explaining things doesn't mean it's flawed.
But explaining things incorrectly does mean it's flawed.
See the difference?
Flat Earth...
Sun going round the Earth...

Is science your only source for reality?
Is there another? (For explanations of reality).
Maybe because of the strangle hold religion has had on education and literacy through the ages?
Maybe because at one time the bible was promoted as the absolute (and only) truth and many phrases from the bible have worked their way into everyday speech?

Maybe, or maybe it's just a figure of speech that gets across a point eloquently.

Correct, not explaining things doesn't mean it's flawed.
But explaining things incorrectly does mean it's flawed.
See the difference?
Flat Earth...
Sun going round the Earth...

The flat earth theory that you have postulated I disagree with and the sun going around the earth has waiver thin evidence. But you will never accept this as it is far easier to accept something as wrong in the past based on current developments, you don't spend the time thinking about why they said the things they did or what they experienced and so wrote down.

Does it really matter how a religious text is written, if it conflicts with science so be it they are two different subjects and they don't step on each others toes.

Is there another? (For explanations of reality).

Art, culture, poetry, love...
Maybe, or maybe it's just a figure of speech that gets across a point eloquently.
Er, it's become a figure of speech due to the prevalence of the bible :rolleyes:
At the time the bible was written it probably wasn't a figure of speech - i.e. flat Earth.

The flat earth theory that you have postulated I disagree with and the sun going around the earth has waiver thin evidence.
I didn't postulate it.
"Wafer thin" evidence?
So you didn't bother checking my link with biblical quotes then?

But you will never accept this as it is far easier to accept something as wrong in the past based on current developments, you don't spend the time thinking about why they said the things they did or what they experienced and so wrote down.
Wrong again: what is stated in the bible was promoted as incontrovertible truth - cf Galileo, for instance.

Does it really matter how a religious text is written, if it conflicts with science so be it they are two different subjects and they don't step on each others toes.
You're doing rather well aren't you?
Religion denied scientific observation BECAUSE it contradicted the bible.
Religion does (for example the current promotion of Intelligent Design) step on science's toes.

Art, culture, poetry, love...
The first three are interpretations of, or points of view on, reality.Love is an emotion. They don't explain reality, merely interpret it.
But keep trying.
In Revelations 7:1 you have an angel standing at the four corners of the earth. The writer believed the earth was flat in revelations the same as in genesis. If a divine being was the author then surely the deity could express himself factually. This four corners comment is a real give away expressing the earth to be flat.
Er, it's become a figure of speech due to the prevalence of the bible :rolleyes:
At the time the bible was written it probably wasn't a figure of speech - i.e. flat Earth.

True. But it makes sense today.

So you didn't bother checking my link with biblical quotes then?

Actually I did.

Wrong again: what is stated in the bible was promoted as incontrovertible truth - cf Galileo, for instance.

Well they were wrong.

You're doing rather well aren't you?

Not as well as you, you seem to be on a roll.

Religion denied scientific observation BECAUSE it contradicted the bible.
Religion does (for example the current promotion of Intelligent Design) step on science's toes.

It doesn't contradict the bible, it merely gives us a better understanding of the universe(in this instance). The people of the bible wrote what they saw, why would god explain the mechanics of the universe to people who wouldn't understand it or care about it at the time?

The first three are interpretations of, or points of view on, reality.

So is science. There are no facts in science.

Love is an emotion.

This is arguable, but is way off topic.

They don't explain reality, merely interpret it.

Hmmm, just like science(once again)

But keep trying.

You too, you're not as dumb as I thought... you're quite bright actually.
In Revelations 7:1 you have an angel standing at the four corners of the earth. The writer believed the earth was flat in revelations the same as in genesis. If a divine being was the author then surely the deity could express himself factually. This four corners comment is a real give away expressing the earth to be flat.

It says there's a beast with four or 12 heads too.

Do you know why(because I can't think of the word lol)?
True. But it makes sense today.
No, it doesn't "make sense" since everyone knows there are no corners to the Earth.
It's a legacy from long ago.

Actually I did.

Well they were wrong.
Magnificent refutation. :rolleyes:

It doesn't contradict the bible, it merely gives us a better understanding of the universe(in this instance).
Wrong again.
Galileo (among others) was specifically pilloried for contradicting what the bible said - immovable Earth (you know, one of the things you deemed "wrong" without giving any supporting argument).

The people of the bible wrote what they saw, why would god explain the mechanics of the universe to people who wouldn't understand it or care about it at the time?
Also wrong: the bible is supposed to be the word of god...

So is science. There are no facts in science.
No facts, granted.
But science offers valid testable explanations.
Objective ones, unlike art/ poetry etc.

Hmmm, just like science(once again)
See above.

You too, you're not as dumb as I thought...
You wouldn't be the first to make that mistake.