prophecy revelation for jpappl

I assume you mean "who is the word"?

Jesus is the word, because he was the words that were written about the coming messiah.

He is the word who became flesh and dwelt among US imagine that!?

Do you want me to link you to the John Lennon track?

The next time you're in communion with your God. Ask for an explanation of How the Trinity exist. The God head, the three in one deity?
He might have had good intentions, but it didn't work out that way. Evidence points to Jesus actually being quite a militant revolutionary just like John the B. Understandable, given the nature of Roman rule. The NT was written/compiled by Romans who avoided criticism by accentuating the peaceful passages.

Then you lied to me Dave and God didn't say the trinity is a load of bullshit. It was you saying that.

You know earth I don't take kindly to being called a liar, and to be honest, at this point in time, I have little time for you.

Call me what you will.
Whenever I check this aspect of link up with God through somebody claiming to have God's ear then the claim falls through. I keep checking but its not looking to good for those claiming to have a relationship with the almighty.
Whenever I check this aspect of link up with God through somebody claiming to have God's ear then the claim falls through. I keep checking but its not looking to good for those claiming to have a relationship with the almighty.

Have you spoke to God then?
Nope. Every believer thinks they have relationship with God. Nothing useful is evident, no questions answered. Vague is existing in a fog. Reality existing in a castle in the sky?

I'm pretty sure I haven't talked to God, instead of castle in the sky why not pie in the sky with his wonderful youtube vids?
I'm pretty sure I haven't talked to God, instead of castle in the sky why not pie in the sky with his wonderful youtube vids?

Dave you can believe whatsoever you want to. When you make your beliefs public, like on a discussion board. Well, then, those beliefs are open for examination. I will continue examining your beliefs.

And you don't see any connection with "god telling you to open the bible" of all things and your belief that our blood is full of sin and we need to be saved by Jesus ?

J, it was god who told me to! In the middle of all this spiritual weirdness! I hadn't opened that bible in years! And I ended up ripping it to shreds and throwing it across my living room ib a fit of frustration and rage.

I believe in coincedences and the reason I listened to that song and their music was it corresponded to what I was interested in. God didn't tell me to listen to them, I had been listening to them for years and so it was just a coincendence that I happened to play them at that point. It could have been a number of songs from Floyd or ELP or others I also like. Coincendence.

I never said the world was hunky dory, quite to the contrary I agree that there are a lot of F8cked up people and alot of them get in positions of power. The difference is I also see the good in people and the human race.

So do I. That's why I went through with what I did. If I didn't I wouldn't have offered.

It's funny because you are so adamant that we are full of sin, but what do you do with all of the traits that make humans wonderfull as well.

Save them! Allow them to become unhindered.

Do you believe christ is our savior Lori ?

Yes I do and would give up my life for his kingdom.

All true, like the story of creation in 7 days. I mean didn't God supposedly create the plants before he created light. That is one dumb son of a b*tch.

Well if there was no light yet, then how long was the day he made plants?

And no results. The contradictions would be ?

Then arrange a meeting. Everyone in a room. If they truly know then it should be no problem. Are you concerned that they might not know, that is a possibility isn't it ?

You know what I think? 1 you have very naïve thoughts about getting those guys together or anywhere. 2 We're going to disappear, its just a matter of time. They talk about disapearing and leaving a mark. Trent says "we'll find the perfect little place so we can run and hide. we'll build a wall and we can keep them on the other side"

And what about the wonderfull traits Lori. How do those fit. Apparently they are not allowed to be used.

Who said that? You just made that shit up right there.

So you tell me there are aliens in the bible and then tell me to google it. :mad:

I will take that as I was wrong there are no aliens mentioned in the bible afterall.

Google the shit! I'm on a phone here! You think I'm going to remember the verses?

But you knew of the idea of aliens.

Well, having not lived in a cave my entire life, yeah.

That is not how it would have worked. The meteor would have changed the weather patterns such that it could/would have wiped out plant growth etc, massive amounts of debris in the air, blocking out the sun, once that happened for a long enough period of time, everything reliant on it would have perished. Many creatures would be able to survive it being smaller and more adaptive. The immediate impact of the meteor wouldn't have mean't instant extinction.

You mean the earth would have physically been in disarray? Void of life, light, and vegetation?

Hm. I've heard that somewhere before.

It wasn't a coincidence that I played the song because as I said, i was listening to it and other like it because it was comforting to know others were concerned as well. The fact that it triggered my attack was a coincendence.

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