prophecy revelation for jpappl


Millions of years of evolution.

What is it about us that causes these horrible problems ?


I understand, but we can't let the fear of the unknown paralyze us and we can't give up.

We got ourselves into this by making stupid decisions along the way and then we do our best to correct them. Sometimes we can't and we pay for that.

The biggest issue we have is socioeconomic with the population size. I am not saying that we can't sustain the numbers, but we can't sustain the numbers the way we are doing it. So something will have to give.

It's called reality and we have to face it and try to solve the issues and not run away from them.

I am sure he mean't the knowledge base and in a sense that helps. Technological advancements can change the word. We don't know to what extent, but I am sure there will be advancements that will have an effect on the big picture.

Still doesn't change your opinion of him or me though. LOL.

Well it may be difficult if you consider the entire planet. I mean somebody somewhere is usually fighting with someone.

The reality is we haven't evolved for millions of years from being peaceful. We have had to do both.

If we hadn't found times and ways to be peaceful we would have wiped each other out. And if we didn't find reasons to fight we wouldn't have survived or something else would have taken our place.

So what you view as failed and wrong and tainted.

I view as what we have come to be because of where we came from.

We have come a long way from the trees and the caves and we will go through more sh*t as we continue to adjust to changes that are beyond any individuals control.

We just have to do what we can and do our best to be part of the overall solution. And there is one, but it won't happen overnight.

evolution has not caused these things, we have always been this way. and as i've stated before to enmos, you could dwindle the population down to a mere 2 people, and they would still find ways to abuse each other, they would still lie, still fear, and still suffer.

what you're suggesting is a hopeless pipe dream j. (not trying to be an asshole, but really...come on.)
the only scenes that depict what happened to me personally are the ones i mentioned

So what do all the other scenes mean ?

I mean anybody can find some things that relate to something in their life.

What did you do with all of the things that don't fit ?
evolution has not caused these things, we have always been this way

HUH, wtf, doink. That is what I said. Evolution. We have always been this way ? Yes they were developed over millions of years. That is pretty much always.

you could dwindle the population down to a mere 2 people, and they would still find ways to abuse each other, they would still lie, still fear, and still suffer.

And they would still love and care for each other. Ever been in a long term relationship ? The highs are high and the lows are low. So we are human.

what you're suggesting is a hopeless pipe dream j. (not trying to be an asshole, but really...come on.)

No I haven't really made a specific suggestion here. I am merely pointing out that it is reality and we have to deal with it.

The funny thing is, you are constantly claiming that we are so imperfect and tainted and DOOMED. But yet here we are after millions of years still trucking along, waiting for the next big asteroid to hit LOL.

So it appears that we aren't so dorked up as you claim and have done pretty good considering the task of 7 billion people a day, with some coming, some going all working together as best they can, with good days, bad days and everything in between.

You are quitting that's all. If that is a way to escape and make you feel better that's fine, but don't close the door on humanity. I don't share your view because it's pointless.
So what do all the other scenes mean ?

I mean anybody can find some things that relate to something in their life.

What did you do with all of the things that don't fit ?

you would have to ask the artist. they know a lot more about it than i do.

there's nothing there that doesn't fit. the witnesses are there for a reason. the secret in the box is prophecy that will be revealed.
you would have to ask the artist. they know a lot more about it than i do.

there's nothing there that doesn't fit. the witnesses are there for a reason. the secret in the box is prophecy that will be revealed.

Ok. So who are these people ?

Do you have their names ?
HUH, wtf, doink. That is what I said. Evolution. We have always been this way ? Yes they were developed over millions of years. That is pretty much always.

you just totally contradicted yourself. if we were that way from the start, then there is nothing developed over time.

And they would still love and care for each other. Ever been in a long term relationship ? The highs are high and the lows are low. So we are human.

oh blah! why in god's name are you people so goddamned satisfied with the lows?!?!? ugh! :mad:

No I haven't really made a specific suggestion here. I am merely pointing out that it is reality and we have to deal with it.

yeah, i'm gonna deal with it alright. you just watch me. somebody's gotta take a stand for something better.

The funny thing is, you are constantly claiming that we are so imperfect and tainted and DOOMED. But yet here we are after millions of years still trucking along, waiting for the next big asteroid to hit LOL.

"trucking along"...was that a euphamism?

So it appears that we aren't so dorked up as you claim and have done pretty good considering the task of 7 billion people a day, with some coming, some going all working together as best they can, with good days, bad days and everything in between.

"working together as best they can"...what planet are you on dear????

You are quitting that's all. If that is a way to escape and make you feel better that's fine, but don't close the door on humanity. I don't share your view because it's pointless.

i'm not closing the door hon, i'm opening it. and sure as fuck i'll get out of this hell hole, and on to something so much better, and i'm taking you with me. ha!
Ok. So who are these people ?

Do you have their names ?

AFI is the first band that got me down the rabbit hole
then there was HIM
then my chemical romance
then shinedown
then 30 seconds to mars
then NIN

if you want to hear about what happened to davey look up the lyrics to a song called "a single second" by AFI. i don't know what happened exactly, but it sure doesn't sound pleasant.
the only scenes that depict what happened to me personally are the ones i mentioned. ...

Considering we are talking about an omnipotent being, He certainly was not very direct. He could have, for instance, had you do some automatic writing, and say:

The world will soon be taken over by aliens. The book of revelations was imprecise about the nature of the apocalypse.

Take care,

Instead he does it in such a way that is indistinguishable from the ravings of a lunatic so no one will believe you. That seems unnecessarily cruel and evasive. I had a friend who was schizophrenic, and he would talk in the same way. Instead of a black box, it was a black chip to be implanted in your brain, he was intensly religious and felt that every song or show on TV was a secret message from God. I'm not saying you are schizophrenic, because you seem functional, but perhaps you have schizotypal personality disorder. I have another friend with SPD, and he reports similar things. He also says God talks to him, but he is far more functional than a true schizophrenic. God told him to join the army, and he did a tour in Iraq. He got out after he was diagnosed with SPD.
Considering we are talking about an omnipotent being, He certainly was not very direct. He could have, for instance, had you do some automatic writing, and say:

The world will soon be taken over by aliens. The book of revelations was imprecise about the nature of the apocalypse.

Take care,

Instead he does it in such a way that is indistinguishable from the ravings of a lunatic so no one will believe you. That seems unnecessarily cruel and evasive. I had a friend who was schizophrenic, and he would talk in the same way. Instead of a black box, it was a black chip to be implanted in your brain, he was intensly religious and felt that every song or show on TV was a secret message from God. I'm not saying you are schizophrenic, because you seem functional, but perhaps you have schizotypal personality disorder. I have another friend with SPD, and he reports similar things. He also says God talks to him, but he is far more functional than a true schizophrenic. God told him to join the army, and he did a tour in Iraq. He got out after he was diagnosed with SPD.

well prophecy's no fun if it's straight forward and obvious. ;)

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
HUH, wtf, doink. That is what I said. Evolution. We have always been this way ? Yes they were developed over millions of years. That is pretty much always. ”

you just totally contradicted yourself. if we were that way from the start, then there is nothing developed over time.

No, you misunderstood or I wasn't clear enough. When I said that is pretty much always or all times. It's because millions of years is a damn long time, where and when exactly we picked up and advanced the good and bad traits is most likely impossible to trace. So pretty much always relates to millions of years.

We developed them for a variety of reasons, some for our survival. So what is wrong with that. That is what we do, survive.

And they would still love and care for each other. Ever been in a long term relationship ? The highs are high and the lows are low. So we are human. ”

oh blah! why in god's name are you people so goddamned satisfied with the lows?!?!? ugh!

I'm not. But without the lows how could we judge the highs ?

No I haven't really made a specific suggestion here. I am merely pointing out that it is reality and we have to deal with it. ”

yeah, i'm gonna deal with it alright. you just watch me. somebody's gotta take a stand for something better.

And millions of people do that everyday of the year. These are some of the good traits that people have developed by the way. Those same people who give and give and give also can be an asshole from time to time.

trucking along"...was that a euphamism?

No but come to think of it, sure it fits. Survival you know.

"working together as best they can"...what planet are you on dear????

Earth. Occupied by humans for a long time now and still going strong.

“ You are quitting that's all. If that is a way to escape and make you feel better that's fine, but don't close the door on humanity. I don't share your view because it's pointless. ”

i'm not closing the door hon, i'm opening it. and sure as fuck i'll get out of this hell hole, and on to something so much better, and i'm taking you with me. ha!

Still sounds like your closing the door.
AFI is the first band that got me down the rabbit hole
then there was HIM
then my chemical romance
then shinedown
then 30 seconds to mars
then NIN

if you want to hear about what happened to davey look up the lyrics to a song called "a single second" by AFI. i don't know what happened exactly, but it sure doesn't sound pleasant.

Maybe I need to more clear.

What are the names of the band members and/or what are the specific bands.

I get NIN Nine inch nails. Are the others just song names or band names or what.

Is AFI the name of the band or does that stand for something else.
Considering we are talking about an omnipotent being, He certainly was not very direct. He could have, for instance, had you do some automatic writing, and say:

The world will soon be taken over by aliens. The book of revelations was imprecise about the nature of the apocalypse.

Take care,

Instead he does it in such a way that is indistinguishable from the ravings of a lunatic so no one will believe you.

Its like an attack against intelligence. Live in a fog land existence for reality.
Its like an attack against intelligence. Live in a fog land existence for reality.

I wonder how religious people tell the difference between "true" revelations and insanity? It seems to me if these revelations come from your own brain, it would contain qualities unique to the source. I suggest that the free association nature of Lori's experience points to the brain and not an omnipotent God. Look at how nothing is said directly, instead it is a matter of interpreting images and words into a pre-existing framework of religious thought. God could have easily left some hallmark in His message that would distinguish it from hallucination, like something Lori herself could not have known.

I understand this part, but where I am perplexed is when you bring the bible into it. It then goes from being god to being a specific god, to you see the difference. You are in one way saying that it doesn't matter what you call it, but at the same time you are specifying which one it is.

i am not specifying anything, god is.

That is where we started way back. Then it kept creeping towards being influenced by the bible. I don't see how you can expect me to separate out the idea of a god visisting and communicating with you and your references to the bible corresponding with these revelations.

Don't you see the conflict there. So it's not that I am not listening or ignoring your answers. I guess I haven't recieved a satisfactory answers that justifies why these messages all or mainly are supported by biblical text.

i didn't determine the message, god did. like i said, he could have referenced anything, but he referenced the bible. :shrug:

Again, if you are truly not religious and that even you believe that the it's just coincidental that they correspond with biblical text.

i don't believe in coincedences. but if it makes you feel better god has also used a variety of other things, including reference to a hindu goddess to communicate with me.

Then who's god or what god is it ? And/or is it a god at all ?

it's just god. i think it's safe to say no one owns him. (shhh...don't tell the catholics).

Well I opened myself up to the things that eventually caused me to have an anxiety attack. But I have only blamed myself. You say you could not have done this to yourself. Maybe, that is only something you can ultimately know.

since i don't believe in coincedences, i don't believe what happened to you was a coincedence. in regards to your experience, you were seeing what is wrong with the world and receiving a message. *alert* but in the other post i just responded to, you're saying everythings hunky dory. don't want to have another anxiety attack would we? there is nothing to fear, but that doesn't mean everything's hunky dory either.

How so. What I am saying here is that if the bible is nonsense (you aren't religious) than how can the words of what you perceive as god correspond with the texts of a book full of bunk. They would not. Since they apparently are, then where or who are these messages coming from ?

because i'm not religious doesn't mean i think the bible's bunk. i think the bible is like the matrix. layered in meaning. interpreted by the spirit at different times to different people...different messages and understanding...all true.

Well it apparently will be difficult to determine if anything contradicts what he has told you since it is also clear that you may have interpreted them incorrectly.

just gotta wait and see. but so far, no contradictions.

Well, regardless of what you tell us we can always say that. But I am curious why would that stop you from wanting to corroborate the story.

doesn't matter what i want. good thing cause i probably would have fucked the whole thing up. ever tried to get close to a hot rock star? i don't have the energy for that. i drove myself nuts trying to do it actually. i was pissed and i felt like they were fucking with me and then denying me and i just got really frustrated. got my ass kicked second row at an afi show. those kids nowadays are brutal. moshing...crowd surfing. it's hard to watch a band when a 150 lb sweaty motherfucker is landing on your head every 30 seconds. :mad:

Does it matter what we say. Of course not. But what about them. Maybe they are having this happen to them. I think they would like to know it's not just them.

they know what's going on. they did this to me on purpose. somehow it not only helped them, but it accomplished something they believe in and were somehow prescient about. i don't know if they dreamed about it or what, but somehow they knew about all this a long time ago. shit, reznor's been singing about it for decades. i don't get it.

What did a three year old do to be considered sinful. I am asking this because it is clear that you think we are all full of sin. Not sure what a 3 year old could do that is so bad.

sin is a condition just as much or more than it is an act.

There are stories of aliens in the bible ? Where.

i don't it.

Did you see my link on ufo's in ancient art.

no, but i've seen that stuff before.

The point being that whether there were aliens visiting us 1000's of years ago is irrelevant. I am suggesting that they are in this equation because they are somewhat relevant today. In other words, the only reasoned they came into the equation is because of their relevance to you and the person that claims they were abducted.

i've never experienced any sighting or abduction as far as i'm aware, and i didn't know my friend when i came out here 10 years ago with the revelation i received about them and the mark. that's how i met her remember? weird though, the first time we met in person, i had driven to louisville to meet her and we experienced missing time together. a good 2-3 hours...poof! i have no idea what happened. :shrug:

Well my question persists because you answered it with a question. If everything that the bible says is true about how it all started and the story of creation is bunk. Than why indeed ?

Good question. I think the best explanation based on some evidence is a massive meteor impact. But there have been die offs before and since of many species, nothing to do with meteor strikes.

certainly the meteor didn't strike all of the dinosaurs at once who had just happened to congregate to exactly where it struck. what effects of the meteor strike would have caused their sudden extinction?

Well I am saying that I created it for me. And I am not saying the same thing happened to you. But I am bringing it up because it is possible that is what occurred. You make the final judgement on that of course. You only have to answer to you.

i don't think what that song meant to you was any coincedence j. that's how god works sometimes.
Maybe I need to more clear.

What are the names of the band members and/or what are the specific bands.

I get NIN Nine inch nails. Are the others just song names or band names or what.

Is AFI the name of the band or does that stand for something else.

geez...what the hell kind of lame music do you listen too man?

those are all band names, and the singers are the ones telling the story...

MCR (my chemical romance) how in god's name do you not know this band?
30 Seconds to Mars
Nine Inch Nails

check it out. listen for yourself...
the only scenes that depict what happened to me personally are the ones i mentioned. the kiss is the spiritual interaction that i talked about,
This is a personal interpretation, nothing more.

and them rooting through my apartment to recover the black box is what i assume is a depictiction of them observing me to discover some secret.
What do you mean YOUR apartment ? :confused:
And what secret are they looking for ?

i think the box contains prophecy.
Another purely personal interpretation based on.. well, nothing, frankly.

you can see davey writing furiously when he has it in his possession.
So ?
it was after the kiss (when i take the box from him in the movie) that i received all of mine.
:confused: When YOU take the box from him ??
What does "I received all of mine" mean ?

the kids in the classroom are witnesses. the "i am nothing" on the blackboard is indicative of his broken state of spirituality or existance i would imagine. coming out of the water at the end of the movie is indicative of rebirth. the box is opened and the secret revealed.
All personal interpretation which may have nothing to do with the intention of the makers.
What is the secret ? They don't show us..
geez...what the hell kind of lame music do you listen too man?

those are all band names, and the singers are the ones telling the story...

MCR (my chemical romance) how in god's name do you not know this band?
30 Seconds to Mars
Nine Inch Nails

check it out. listen for yourself...

HIM? lol