prophecy revelation for jpappl

Did you know of these musicians and the type of music they played(and lyrics) before they referred to themselves as perfect etc.(the visit) ?

I had a spiritual experience once where I felt a presence in the room but it was completely benevolent and it felt like love but more intense, it felt amazing, I communicated telepathically too, with no prophecies but funnily enough a musician was involved.

i was led down the rabbit hole so to speak by one record by one of the musicians. the one that was sick and god told me to write the letter to, and then to send the flowers to. i had heard 2 songs on the radio from the record and liked them and meant to buy it. didn't get around to it. then i traveled to florida with a friend who had it in his car, and i listened to it, and liked it, and meant to buy it. didn't get around to it before i took another trip with my brother who is a guitar and bass teacher. we were chatting during a layover when he suggested i buy this record. some of his students had brought it in to learn guitar riffs from, and he said he knew i would like it. so i was like, "alright! alright! i'll get it!" (talking to god). when i did buy it and listen to it i was strangely attracted and intruiged by the lyrics and music. i could tell that the singer was in some seriously deep shit, and that it was spiritual in nature. some of what he said reminded me somehow of conversations with a good friend about her abduction experiences, but unlike her experiences, something had gone terribly wrong with him. he was tormented and angry and isolated and very sad. i wanted to help him.

for a long time i thought he was the only one. it was over a year later before other musicians who were suffering in the same way were "presented" to me. 5 others in particular, though i later discovered that there are many more, and probably other people who aren't musicians at all for all i know. i only recognize the musicians because of the messages they present in their work. it blew my mind in the first place, but then when i discovered that it was an epidemic of sorts, it was almost impossible to comprehend what was going on...
this is a short film the band also made around the same time they released that record. it's called "clandestine", and depicts whatever it is that's going on. i'm depicted by the woman who kisses davey while he's having tea and writing (which it really was him that kissed me while i was sitting on my couch reading revelations like god told me too). the kiss is the sensation that i felt that started on my upper arms, moved up my shoulders, my neck, and ended up on my face. the sensation lasted for 3 minutes. not that i timed it while it was happening, but the artist relayed that to me in a more recent song.

it's also my apartment they're rumaging through trying to find the black box that i apparently took from davey when i kissed him.

the number 37 you'll see...777. i was also 37 years old when this happened to me.
well it makes great music doesn't it?

it occurred to me going through this, what better voice for christ than rock n' roll?

Although Black Sabbath had some religious themes, for the most part Christian rock is really lame.
It's just some random nonsense that they tried to make look creepy, but it doesn't.
Could you please explain scene by scene how it corresponds to what happened to you ?

yes, we are. what is it about us that causes these problem?


Millions of years of evolution.

What is it about us that causes these horrible problems ?


and what is the solution to this? let's see, how about a new religion? a new church? a different government? another politician? a new technology? a new drug? another institution? better education? how about knowledge? it seems to me that the more we know, the worse we get.

I understand, but we can't let the fear of the unknown paralyze us and we can't give up.

We got ourselves into this by making stupid decisions along the way and then we do our best to correct them. Sometimes we can't and we pay for that.

The biggest issue we have is socioeconomic with the population size. I am not saying that we can't sustain the numbers, but we can't sustain the numbers the way we are doing it. So something will have to give.

It's called reality and we have to face it and try to solve the issues and not run away from them.

example here? he claims to have the answers to the ills of our society, and it is knowledge. i've said it before, and i'll say it again, he is in possession of this knowledge and is still a raging, egotistical, abusive prick.

I am sure he mean't the knowledge base and in a sense that helps. Technological advancements can change the word. We don't know to what extent, but I am sure there will be advancements that will have an effect on the big picture.

Still doesn't change your opinion of him or me though. LOL.

based on an overwhelming amount of evidence, what is folly, is the idea that any of the problems listed above, can or will be solved with any or all of the proposed solutions above. what overwhelming evidence? well how about the entire recorded history of mankind? is that enough evidence? can you point to a time, anywhere in recorded history, when humanity has lived peacefully?

Well it may be difficult if you consider the entire planet. I mean somebody somewhere is usually fighting with someone.

The reality is we haven't evolved for millions of years from being peaceful. We have had to do both.

If we hadn't found times and ways to be peaceful we would have wiped each other out. And if we didn't find reasons to fight we wouldn't have survived or something else would have taken our place.

So what you view as failed and wrong and tainted.

I view as what we have come to be because of where we came from.

We have come a long way from the trees and the caves and we will go through more sh*t as we continue to adjust to changes that are beyond any individuals control.

We just have to do what we can and do our best to be part of the overall solution. And there is one, but it won't happen overnight.
It's just some random nonsense that they tried to make look creepy, but it doesn't.
Could you please explain scene by scene how it corresponds to what happened to you ?

the only scenes that depict what happened to me personally are the ones i mentioned. the kiss is the spiritual interaction that i talked about, and them rooting through my apartment to recover the black box is what i assume is a depictiction of them observing me to discover some secret. i think the box contains prophecy. you can see davey writing furiously when he has it in his possession. it was after the kiss (when i take the box from him in the movie) that i received all of mine. the kids in the classroom are witnesses. the "i am nothing" on the blackboard is indicative of his broken state of spirituality or existance i would imagine. coming out of the water at the end of the movie is indicative of rebirth. the box is opened and the secret revealed.