prophecy revelation for jpappl

This is a personal interpretation, nothing more.

What do you mean YOUR apartment ? :confused:
And what secret are they looking for ?

Another purely personal interpretation based on.. well, nothing, frankly.

So ?

:confused: When YOU take the box from him ??
What does "I received all of mine" mean ?

All personal interpretation which may have nothing to do with the intention of the makers.
What is the secret ? They don't show us..

well who else's interpretation would i give you silly but my own? :confused:

by my apartment, i mean that girl in the movie is depicting me, and whatever they were looking for (prophecy revelation), they found it with me, in my house, watching what happened to me. hence "received all of my own" prophecy revelation.

what's so funny enmos? HIM is one of the most popular band's in the world right now. almost every song a love me. you haven't noticed that they sing about spiritual things?
well who else's interpretation would i give you silly but my own? :confused:

by my apartment, i mean that girl in the movie is depicting me, and whatever they were looking for (prophecy revelation), they found it with me, in my house, watching what happened to me. hence "received all of my own" prophecy revelation.

It's just your interpretation based on exactly nothing, it has no bearing on reality whatsoever.
It's just your interpretation based on exactly nothing, it has no bearing on reality whatsoever.

BULLSHIT! it's based on the experiences i've had. jesus, haven't you been paying ANY attention at all?!?!?!?
BULLSHIT! it's based on the experiences i've had. jesus, haven't you been paying ANY attention at all?!?!?!?

Your experiences have nothing to do with the movie.
You are just trying damn hard to make it seem that it does to yourself.
Your experiences have nothing to do with the movie.
You are just trying damn hard to make it seem that it does to yourself.

it was not hard to do. i didn't have to try at all. it was completely obvious after what i went through.
Hang on there. This video IS ABOUT you watching him and him watching back ? Do the makers of the clip know this ? lol

probably not...who knows. i think the makers don't question the artists too much as long as they make money.
Are you saying that they intentionally made the movie about you ?

they intentionally made the movie to depict what it is that we're all involved in. i am involved, and i know that androgenous looking lady is supposed to be me. not that i'm androgenous looking.
they intentionally made the movie to depict what it is that we're all involved in. i am involved, and i know that androgenous looking lady is supposed to be me. not that i'm androgenous looking.

"I know that androgenous looking lady is supposed to be me", says who ?
Is she playing YOU ?