prophecy revelation for jpappl


Do you believe this man?


Did he have a mental episode? or did he lie?

Why is it God is the inspiration to our wars and our battles? History bares this observation out.

Constantine in the 4th century converted to Christianity because an omen came true. The omen was related to a great battle about to unfold.

I am not accusing you of lying. I am however, suggesting that it could from reading your experience, be something that came from within you and not a god.

j, you know and i know that the only reason you're saying that is because you don't believe there is a god, so you look for an alternative answer. this is what astounds me really...when people think they are in a better position to understand what's happened to me and why than i am. what makes you and many others think that you're more qualified to understand my personal experiences than i? i swear, for the life of me, i can't figure that one out.

Right and there is no reason to call you a liar or get upset at your experience. There is nothing gained in doing so.

thank you. :)

But I think that you should and do expect to be questioned about it.

sure, yeah. sometimes the basis for the questioning is bothersome to me. when it isn't for the purpose of actually understand what happened, or for the purpose of just allowing me to share my life, or to get a glimpse into what i've been through. when the line of questioning has some other agenda that is egotistically driven, that's irritating. you know what i mean? i can't blame a person for having paradigms, or beliefs of their own, and i suppose some people are just trying to make my experience fit in with their beliefs.

What I was saying earlier in another thread. My biggest doubt about your experiences being from GOD is that you are relating everything to biblical text at some point. So I question that would occur unless you believe in christ as your savior and the biblical texts being the word of god.

Don't you see the conflict there. If you are not religious then god would be what. IOW and I have asked this before, if it's not the god of the bible, then what or who's god is it ? Is it a god ?

God not being religious doesn't exempt you from drawing these beliefs from the bible. Once you go there, which you have, your bringing into the equation the bible. Do you want to compare the biblical texts with reality ?

If the bible is full of errors and is supposed to be the word of god, what does that say about the prophecy.

It's like creating a math equation from a book that says 1 + 1 = 3.

i've answered this question to you specifically several times now, and you keep either ignoring my answer or rejecting it because you've already decided differently about the way this works with people. and granted, you may be right about some people. some people who are religious admit readily that they believe things simply because it is written. that is NOT how i have come to understand the things i do about god.

g-o-d spells a word. it is a label to describe something. that something can be known whether you know it's name or not. you could call it "it". you could call it "harry". but whatever you call it, it's still the same thing. the influence that god has had on my life has accomplished things. i am completely aware of the fact that there is something greater than me at work in developing me and teaching me and changing my life. now, even so, i still can not define god. BUT i've been made aware of certain characteristics of god because i've witnessed what it's done to me and how it's done that. i would know these things even if the bible or any other religious text did not exist, or if i had never seen or heard of them. i wouldn't use the word god, unless it happened to be some really weird "coincedence" that i just happen to choose to call it that, but it would still be god.

It's pretty clear that you are not willing to consider that these things could have originated within you.

my part is that i have opened myself up to it. i have offered myself. other than that, no, i did not, and could not have done this to myself.

I have admitted to you that twice before I have come to an unusual somewhat out of body epiphany based on what I was deeply delving into, but I understood them to be my thoughts affecting me in a physical way. It happens and can sneak up on you.

this is not the case with me.

My biggest questions revolve around your qualifying these experiences with the bible. To me that is qualifying the bible as the word of god and since I think that it is nonsense then I think that these revelations and prophecies are Lori created not god created. That is not to say you are lying, but that you created them in your mind, they have come out and to you they are very real.

you have just substantiated the point i made earlier in this post.

My other big question is what have you done with all of the pieces that did not fit. All of the things in life that you have come across since these experiences, where do they fit in the puzzle, if they didn't what did you do with them ?

to my knowledge there isn't anything that doesn't fit. i've stated that these certain messages (revelations) were very direct and clear. my interpretation of them however was either incomplete, or wrong altogether. but there has not been anything that has contradicted anything god has told me or taught me. i, unlike a lot of people, are not so arrogant to think that i have to know everything about everything and have to be right all the time. i'm learning all the time. isn't that the point of life? or is the point of life to be right?

For example. Ever talk to the musicians to verify there is the connection that you percieve.

not allowed. it's corroboration. the impression i get is that whatever is to be accomplished by this, is to be accomplished in an entirely spiritual sense, and that way, if their story substantiates my story, no one can say "well you just collaborated the story and made it all up". :shrug:

BUT, they do sing about it...constantly. and not just that, but in their lives, in interviews, in their personalities, you can see the changes, and hear their stories.

Answer questions like, is a 3 year old child full of sin in their blood ?

were some 3 year old children born with birth defects? ever known a perfect 3 year old child? sin is a condition. we are all affected by it equally.

Aliens, why are aliens in the picture, could it be because they are relevant now ?, because they were not 100 years ago.

how would you even know? there wasn't much mass media back then, so if someone did experience something i'm sure the story wouldn't go far. there are however alien beings described in the bible and other religious texts, and in egyptian hieroglyphics (sp). maybe the influence is stronger now because of the times???

Why the bible ? Do you believe in dinosaurs ( i know your answer )? Do you believe in evolution ?

why not the bible? because it's hard to swallow? because you don't understand it? ask god why the bible, because if he's sent me to the store for silk flowers, he could have very well sent me to a bookstore too. yes of course dinosaurs existed, and of course evolution occurs! for god's sake! i am not some ignorant religious person! let me ask you something j...what is science's best explanation for the cause of the dinosaur's extinction?

My point being how valuable is the information you are getting if it lines up with the bible which is full of errors based on what we have come to know.

we don't know shit when it comes to the bible. that's one thing that's been made pretty obvious to me. but you know how everybody's gotta be an expert, and everybody's got an ego, and so it's this side vs that side. i don't have a side!

So what I am again saying is that you could have unknowingly created this monster simply by caring and deeply thinking about the world and looking for solutions to the madness. That's what happened to me.

that is not what happened to me, and from what i've heard, that is not what happened to you either. from what you've told me, you experienced something that had nothing to do with you, and it freaked you the fuck out, and you had an anxiety attack. i did not have an anxiety attack. i rode it out. and believe me when i say, it kept on coming...
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There are instances in the Bible where God is said to have commanded war.

there are also instances in the bible where men have used the word and the concept of god to lie and coerce and threaten and steal and kill. you don't see that going on still? i do.
That was a long time ago, we haven't heard from that god in a long time...
So what? His Word has an expiration date?

there are also instances in the bible where men have used the word and the concept of god to lie and coerce and threaten and steal and kill. you don't see that going on still? i do.

Of course, which is why religion is evil. The Bible also describes righteous men being willing to kill for God when God commanded it.
The Bible also describes righteous men being willing to kill for God when God commanded it.

Abraham is a good example. Abraham brought his son to a place of worship on a mountain. According to the story, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son on the alter of worship. At the last minute a goat or sheep was noticed and Abrahams son was replaced with an animal to sacrifice.

How do you think Abraham’s son felt. I’d bet Abraham never got his son to go on that mountain again. :)