prophecy revelation for jpappl

I think that rj doesn't have to beg either. I can't remember for how long Lori has been celibate, but it was a long ass time..

LOL. He might have gotten more than he bargained for, at least for a few months anyway.
He loves animals and invited my dog and me to go on a vacation with him to a cabin on a private island on a remote lake in canada. My dog loved it and him and I had the time of my life. He was so good to her, and that's where he proposed to me. :)

Oh, I thought you had like 10 cats.
Lori, why did you decide to meet up with him originally?
For all you knew he was a creep.

We talked on the phone for hours a night for weeks before we met in person. Not the typical stupid date speak either, but important stuff. I knew there was something very special happening before we ever met in person.
We talked on the phone for hours a night for weeks before we met in person. Not the typical stupid date speak either, but important stuff. I knew there was something very special happening before we ever met in person.
Ok, but still.. you can never know.
Ok, but still.. you can never know.

i'm not afraid of anything...remember? not that i would intentionally put myself in harm's way, but being afraid doesn't stop me from taking chances.
i'm not afraid of anything...remember? not that i would intentionally put myself in harm's way, but being afraid doesn't stop me from taking chances.
By taking chances like that they could one day find your body lying somewhere in a ditch.
Oh, I thought you had like 10 cats.

you know, a little over a decade ago, i did have 10 cats in my house. i had 3 that i had kept for years, and then let in a pregnant stray i found on my porch in the dead of winter. that made 4. she had 6 kittens, which made 10. i had to keep them until they were weened, and then found a home for them, but the person who agreed to take them had a sick dog who was dying and she had to wait until the dog passed before she could take the kittens, so i ended up with them all in my house for about a year. those were crazy days...

now i have 3 cats in my house. 2 of which were of the litter born there over a decade ago, and 1 recently rescued stray, which i'm trying to find a home for. i wish i could keep her (she is so awesome), but one of my older cats attacks her at every opportunity, so i have to keep them segregated, which is a pain in the ass. i also feed 3 little strays (which are her babies), but they are outdoor kitties, and they're not coming in. sometimes the daddy stops by for a visit as well. i'm thinking about what i'm going to do this winter to keep them warm. cause they're NOT coming inside.
By taking chances like that they could one day find your body lying somewhere in a ditch.

trust me hon, if that hasn't happened yet, as careless as i was when i was younger, it's safe to say it will never happen. plus, the possibility of that is not going to make me afraid. it just doesn't. there's a line between being stupid and self destructive, and being inhibited by fear.
trust me hon, if that hasn't happened yet, as careless as i was when i was younger, it's safe to say it will never happen.
I was pretty reckless driving my car when I was younger, but that doesn't mean that because I never got in any accidents that reckless driving won't get me killed if I start doing it again now.
I was pretty reckless driving my car when I was younger, but that doesn't mean that because I never got in any accidents that reckless driving won't get me killed if I start doing it again now.

yes true. i'm glad i'm not reckless and careless like i was when i was young.
I'm just saying, be careful trusting strangers.

thanks dad. ;)

i told you how i am when we were talking about being naive. i'm not stupid, but i'm also not afraid of anything.

ok, enough about that. :p
Not being afraid of anything IS stupid.

no it's not. it's like this....i am not careless, reckless, or self-destructive, so i am not stupid. BUT given that, i am not afraid of anything. i refuse to allow fear to dictate any aspect of my life.
no it's not. it's like this....i am not careless, reckless, or self-destructive, so i am not stupid. BUT given that, i am not afraid of anything. i refuse to allow fear to dictate any aspect of my life.

If you are taking a hike in a remote area of the forest (where bears live) and you come across a bear, you are not afraid ?
If you are taking a hike in a remote area of the forest (where bears live) and you come across a bear, you are not afraid ?

if i was face to face with a bear, i am certain i would be shitting my pants. BUT the possibility of me coming face to face with a bear (if unlikely) would not deter me from taking a hike in the woods and enjoying it. and while the idea of being ripped apart by a bear is definitely unpleasant, i am not afraid of death.

see, some people are paralyzed by fear. and they miss out on so many worthwhile endeavors because of it. now if i knew that in a particular part of the forest, bears were rampant, being smart, i would not choose that area to take a hike.