prophecy revelation for jpappl

If both Jesus and Lori talk to God, what's the difference between them?

Good question :)

Jesus taught and was male.

Lori only prophecies and is female.

Jesus was nailed to a cross for us apparently too.

There are a few other differences, but you probably know them in anyway.

I guess.

Where in the book of revelation does it say Jesus is God?

Just out of interest...

Dave I think possibly you have a gift coming. I'm trying to think of one.

When I have time, I'll go digging about the Jesus being the word of God, thereby making him God.
Good question :)

Jesus taught and was male.

Lori only prophecies and is female.

Jesus was nailed to a cross for us apparently too.

There are a few other differences, but you probably know them in anyway.

I guess.

Apparently is an understatement. I have no more proof of what Lori says than what Jesus says.
The point is scripture upon examination doesn't make sense. Yet those are the words written supposedly to explain things to man. Smirk.....

I know what you mean.

Without getting into a 10000 faults with scripture debate, can you give me one example that doesn't make sense(In the gospels)?

I will try my best to explain it.
Have you ever tried to follow the teachings of Jesus?

Now you're suggesting, IMO, live a lie or at the least a fable about something called Able.

The burden of proof rests with you the proponent of the position.

You think you should be allowed to persuade me with imagine _________ (fill in the blank). No evidence only imagine.
Have you ever tried to follow the teachings of Jesus?

He said some profound things, mostly in the non-canonical gospel of Thomas, but I don't follow anyone. Following is for losers. Besides there's the whole God thing, which I don't believe. I think the cult of Jesus emphasizes the wrong parts of his story. The wisdom of some of his teaching is self-evident, worthy of emulation if you're into that. I don't have a problem with moral suggestions or didactic mythology, it's only where the supernatural runs up against what we know about the universe that I dislike.
Now you're suggesting, IMO, live a lie or at the least a fable about something called Able.

The burden of proof rests with you the proponent of the position.

You think you should be allowed to persude me with imagine _________ (fill in the blank). No evidence only imagine.

I didn't ask you.
He said some profound things, mostly in the non-canonical gospel of Thomas, but I don't follow anyone. Following is for losers. Besides there's the whole God thing, which I don't believe. I think the cult of Jesus emphasizes the wrong parts of his story.

Case closed.
It was closed for me some time ago. I respect wisdom, but not folly, which is what most Christians think is important, the whole blood sacrifice for sin, rising from the dead, that's all bullshit. Saying smart things about behavior and philosophy is fine, but when science proves that mythology is wrong, then that mythology needs to be abandoned.
It was closed for me some time ago. I respect wisdom, but not folly, which is what most Christians think is important, the whole blood sacrifice for sin, rising from the dead, that's all bullshit. Saying smart things about behavior and philosophy is fine, but when science proves that mythology is wrong, then that mythology needs to be abandoned.

What has science proven wrong about Jesus?
I am giving you the coveted cheap tricks award.

Think about it while you’re throwing snow it’s easy to cut and paste a few facts you know. You’re a joke with the cheap tricks game you play. And the reason for the cheap tricks Jack in the box.