prophecy revelation for jpappl

Maybe one can't find a consistent God because God and the devil come together. You don't get one without the other.
Show me the evidence, Dave. It boils down to whatever one believes. That smacks of make it up as you go.

It's not about evidence at this point, it's about a way of life. You will get your evidence if you follow the teachings of Jesus.

No one will believe you like.
Even his teacher, John the Baptist?

Jesus said, “Among those born of women (that is, of all the people in the world), there is none greater than John.”​
I believe he was a great teacher and a great man who was more at one with God then any one before or after him.

Back then men had no choice but to take things in faith. Jesus was a teacher but he has no facts. Facts are superior to belief. Why would you instruct me to fill my mind with inferior things. You wouldn't be trying to trash my mind would you?

j, you know and i know that the only reason you're saying that is because you don't believe there is a god, so you look for an alternative answer. this is what astounds me really...when people think they are in a better position to understand what's happened to me and why than i am. what makes you and many others think that you're more qualified to understand my personal experiences than i? i swear, for the life of me, i can't figure that one out.

I understand this part, but where I am perplexed is when you bring the bible into it. It then goes from being god to being a specific god, to you see the difference. You are in one way saying that it doesn't matter what you call it, but at the same time you are specifying which one it is.

i would know these things even if the bible or any other religious text did not exist, or if i had never seen or heard of them. i wouldn't use the word

That is where we started way back. Then it kept creeping towards being influenced by the bible. I don't see how you can expect me to separate out the idea of a god visisting and communicating with you and your references to the bible corresponding with these revelations.

Don't you see the conflict there. So it's not that I am not listening or ignoring your answers. I guess I haven't recieved a satisfactory answers that justifies why these messages all or mainly are supported by biblical text.

Again, if you are truly not religious and that even you believe that the it's just coincidental that they correspond with biblical text.

Then who's god or what god is it ? And/or is it a god at all ?

“ It's pretty clear that you are not willing to consider that these things could have originated within you. ”

my part is that i have opened myself up to it. i have offered myself. other than that, no, i did not, and could not have done this to myself.

Well I opened myself up to the things that eventually caused me to have an anxiety attack. But I have only blamed myself. You say you could not have done this to yourself. Maybe, that is only something you can ultimately know.

My biggest questions revolve around your qualifying these experiences with the bible. To me that is qualifying the bible as the word of god and since I think that it is nonsense then I think that these revelations and prophecies are Lori created not god created. That is not to say you are lying, but that you created them in your mind, they have come out and to you they are very real. ”

you have just substantiated the point i made earlier in this post.

How so. What I am saying here is that if the bible is nonsense (you aren't religious) than how can the words of what you perceive as god correspond with the texts of a book full of bunk. They would not. Since they apparently are, then where or who are these messages coming from ?

to my knowledge there isn't anything that doesn't fit. i've stated that these certain messages (revelations) were very direct and clear. my interpretation of them however was either incomplete, or wrong altogether. but there has not been anything that has contradicted anything god has told me or taught me.

Well it apparently will be difficult to determine if anything contradicts what he has told you since it is also clear that you may have interpreted them incorrectly.

i'm learning all the time. isn't that the point of life? or is the point of life to be right?

I agree that we should remain open books and continue to learn and not be close minded. This forum is full of people like that.

They can't admit even a tiny mistake because they view it as sign of weakness, I view that as a sign of immaturity. And there are plenty of adult children out here.

not allowed. it's corroboration. the impression i get is that whatever is to be accomplished by this, is to be accomplished in an entirely spiritual sense, and that way, if their story substantiates my story, no one can say "well you just collaborated the story and made it all up".

BUT, they do sing about it...constantly. and not just that, but in their lives, in interviews, in their personalities, you can see the changes, and hear their stories.

Well, regardless of what you tell us we can always say that. But I am curious why would that stop you from wanting to corroborate the story.

Does it matter what we say. Of course not. But what about them. Maybe they are having this happen to them. I think they would like to know it's not just them.

“ Answer questions like, is a 3 year old child full of sin in their blood ? ”

were some 3 year old children born with birth defects? ever known a perfect 3 year old child? sin is a condition. we are all affected by it equally.

What did a three year old do to be considered sinful. I am asking this because it is clear that you think we are all full of sin. Not sure what a 3 year old could do that is so bad.

“ Aliens, why are aliens in the picture, could it be because they are relevant now ?, because they were not 100 years ago. ”

how would you even know? there wasn't much mass media back then, so if someone did experience something i'm sure the story wouldn't go far. there are however alien beings described in the bible and other religious texts, and in egyptian hieroglyphics (sp). maybe the influence is stronger now because of the times???

There are stories of aliens in the bible ? Where.

Did you see my link on ufo's in ancient art.

The point being that whether there were aliens visiting us 1000's of years ago is irrelevant. I am suggesting that they are in this equation because they are somewhat relevant today. In other words, the only reasoned they came into the equation is because of their relevance to you and the person that claims they were abducted.

“ Why the bible ? Do you believe in dinosaurs ( i know your answer )? Do you believe in evolution ? ”

why not the bible? because it's hard to swallow? because you don't understand it? ask god why the bible, because if he's sent me to the store for silk flowers, he could have very well sent me to a bookstore too. yes of course dinosaurs existed, and of course evolution occurs! for god's sake! i am not some ignorant religious person!

Well my question persists because you answered it with a question. If everything that the bible says is true about how it all started and the story of creation is bunk. Than why indeed ?

what is science's best explanation for the cause of the dinosaur's extinction?

Good question. I think the best explanation based on some evidence is a massive meteor impact. But there have been die offs before and since of many species, nothing to do with meteor strikes.

We are talking about 100's of millions of years in time.

“ My point being how valuable is the information you are getting if it lines up with the bible which is full of errors based on what we have come to know. ”

we don't know shit when it comes to the bible. that's one thing that's been made pretty obvious to me. but you know how everybody's gotta be an expert, and everybody's got an ego, and so it's this side vs that side. i don't have a side!

Ok. That isn't an answer to my question, but ok.

“ So what I am again saying is that you could have unknowingly created this monster simply by caring and deeply thinking about the world and looking for solutions to the madness. That's what happened to me. ”

that is not what happened to me, and from what i've heard, that is not what happened to you either. from what you've told me, you experienced something that had nothing to do with you, and it freaked you the fuck out, and you had an anxiety attack. i did not have an anxiety attack. i rode it out. and believe me when i say, it kept on coming...

Well I am saying that I created it for me. And I am not saying the same thing happened to you. But I am bringing it up because it is possible that is what occurred. You make the final judgement on that of course. You only have to answer to you.
Before we get into theological minutae, the only evidence for these things is a collection of very old manuscripts. If the church hadn't burned the Maya codices, or if other civilizations wrote down their legends, you could be worshipping some other encarnated God.
I believe he was a great teacher and a great man who was more at one with God then any one before or after him.

Why would you step in and speak to Lori about the book of revelation's the way you did, believing the way you do?

You believe Jesus is a man, a teacher. Then voice your opinion to Lori.

I doubt you believe the things written in book of revelations. Why didn't you tell Lori you didn't believe Jesus was God. Revelations sure says he is.
Back then men had no choice but to take things in faith. Jesus was a teacher but he has no facts. Facts are superior to belief. Why would you instruct me to fill my mind with inferior things. You wouldn't be trying to trash my mind would you?

You believe what you want, it's a choice of making the world a better place or not.

Believe in your science and atom bombs and good luck.
Why would you step in and speak to Lori about the book of revelation's the way you did, believing the way you do?

You believe Jesus is a man, a teacher. Then voice your opinion to Lori.

I doubt you believe the things written in book of revelations. Why didn't you tell Lori you didn't believe Jesus was God. Revelations sure says he is.

I didn't talk about revelations, I said her interpretation may be wrong.
I didn't talk about revelations, I said her interpretation may be wrong.

You beat around the bush a little. You implied you agreed with the curse I pointed out. Now, to you Jesus is a man not God as it is written in revelations. You were waiting for a nice entry, I think. Nothing to instruct coming from the heart. Just an entry. You have your entry but you may not want it.