prophecy revelation for jpappl

if i was face to face with a bear, i am certain i would be shitting my pants. BUT the possibility of me coming face to face with a bear (if unlikely) would not deter me from taking a hike in the woods and enjoying it. and while the idea of being ripped apart by a bear is definitely unpleasant, i am not afraid of death.

see, some people are paralyzed by fear. and they miss out on so many worthwhile endeavors because of it. now if i knew that in a particular part of the forest, bears were rampant, being smart, i would not choose that area to take a hike.
So you would go into a bear invested area unafraid of the very real possibility that you may be ripped to pieces ?
And when you finally come across a bear that is going to rip you to pieces you are afraid ?
Then I'd say that it was pretty stupid to go hike there.
So you would go into a bear invested area unafraid of the very real possibility that you may be ripped to pieces ?
And when you finally come across a bear that is going to rip you to pieces you are afraid ?
Then I'd say that it was pretty stupid to go hike there.

you didn't read what i said. i said i'm not stupid. it would be stupid to go hiking in an area that you knew was bear infested. in the united states, there are plenty of areas, like the smoky mountains for example, were there are bears, and where people hike. are the mountains infested with bears? no. are hikers commonly attacked by bears there? no. if i enjoyed hiking, i would not choose an area known to be infested, or where attacks commonly occur to hike. but, i would not allow the remote possibility of an attack stop me from experiencing something i enjoyed doing.
Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

I don't believe I've ever experienced schizophrenia, but I know it does happen to others.

Like sex, you may never of experienced that but it does happen.

To compare real life to Lori's delusions is a fallacy. I've also never been to the South Pole, but I know it's there.
There is evidence of sex. I missed that post Q quoted before, but what Lori says is really just her 'hearing' voices.
I'm more convinced now than ever that it's some sort of mental condition she had. Or rather, this is the best concrete clue yet.

Most likely. She was indoctrinated as a child so clearly everything she's claiming in regards to a conversation with god is what was pounded into her head as a child. She also claimed to have a bad experience with that, so a mental disorder makes sense.
Ok, never mind.
You are afraid of things though, at least you admitted that :D

the thought of being mauled by a bear is a horrible one. but, i am not afraid of living the rest of my life scarred, or handicapped, and i am not afraid of death.
que paso

rjr6;2345631 rjr6 Devout Theist (402 posts) said:
I don't guess you know much about me, but I don't want some of Lori, I want all of her.
want is a weee bit different than 'getting some'

the conflict is self evident; she is not religious; you claim a devout theist....

and any man on this site, knows when in the heat of battle (the sexual front of the relation) most any 'difference' can be over come (a winkie has no conscious)

My feelings for her are very deep as she has helped me in ways no one else could, or would.
Not very devout, are you?

Perhaps you might wish to reconsider what is most important?

She is amazingly at once sympathetic but shows no pity, strong and opinionated yet immensely respectful.
Sounds like a poem but not the individual we discussing.

Truthful and honest and is not shaken or weak when challenged or pressured to dismiss her integrity to gain a benefit.

definitely no Lori..... Perhaps mother teresa or mary poppins; but truthful and honest have no place with your partner; specifically put.

She is a wonderful person, a miracle in fact considering the circumstances of this world.
How is a single person a miracle?

How is she wonderful, when the history is so short? Perhaps take a little time before starting the shoe eating.

I believe her-many people would crumble considering what she has been through and she has come through the other side with a big heart, huge in fact-with no other intent but to help others because of her experience.
each is unique, each have been thru much

Lori has shared choices that she has made, that were self inflicted and then had to learn the hard way. ie.... she has been in direct contact and is pissed because her 'self' keeps getting in the way.

Observing the Love within her eyes during courtship is not the same as having experienced integrity and character bound to reality; that takes time and will be evidenced in actions, not her words. (her words show us all, that lack of (integrity) hence why this thread is wrenched with contestants hammering the inquiries)

When she touched my heart I knew God's hand was right there with hers.
When having an O, it can be proven that many a man and women has screamed "OH God" and released all inhibitions.

i was even called a screamer once. :D

but i wish to ask; if God is with us all; why would your pleasure be gods doing?

did you pray for a mate?

what have you done to deserve it?

She literally saved my life through her compassion and selflessness, but Lori expects alot from me, and I intend to meet her expectations.


Saved your life? Oh my GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank God there are people like Lori, or else there would be one less rjr6.

which is "Tex" and which is "Squeeky"...........?

i wanna be charlie when i come over to play!
I don't believe I've ever experienced schizophrenia, but I know it does happen to others.

To compare real life to Lori's delusions is a fallacy. I've also never been to the South Pole, but I know it's there.

Point taken.
Devout Theist (402 posts)
I don't guess you know much about me, but I don't want some of Lori, I want all of her
. this Clam Sauce?? :p

don't laugh if I cry...:bawl:
you know, a little over a decade ago, i did have 10 cats in my house.

I see. I also took in a stray who turned out to be a wonderful little guy, but my primary cat didn't like him. Lucky for her, he got hit by a car earlier this year. :bawl:
I see. I also took in a stray who turned out to be a wonderful little guy, but my primary cat didn't like him. Lucky for her, he got hit by a car earlier this year. :bawl:

oh, so sorry. :bawl:

i'm trying to get my mom to take her. i mean, who does she think she is not having any pets? that's completely unacceptable. she's the one who taught me to be compassionate and responsible for animals. :mad:

Do you believe this man?


Did he have a mental episode? or did he lie?

Either one works. :D With "W" it's difficult to assess. I saw the movie "W" which depicted Bush as one of the "Good ole' boys" drinking and cavorting to his hearts content, until he became a born again Christian. Then, he got serious. :rolleyes:
Christianity enabled Bush to lie with impunity. There is nothing you will not do when you think God is on your side.
Either one works. :D With "W" it's difficult to assess. I saw the movie "W" which depicted Bush as one of the "Good ole' boys" drinking and cavorting to his hearts content, until he became a born again Christian. Then, he got serious. :rolleyes:

I guess we'll find out when he pops his clogs, like we did with Lincoln.
Christianity enabled Bush to lie with impunity. There is nothing you will not do when you think God is on your side.

you mean "when you SAY god is on your side, and there's a bunch of religious nutballs who vote strictly republican because pat robertson tells them to".