prophecy revelation for jpappl

The truth is the truth, Lori. That's what everyone wants to hear. Try to remember that.

you don't give a rat's ass about the truth. you want to hear whatever coddles your oh so precious ego. that's why you don't know god.
You believe in gods. Simple, really. :rolleyes:

religion is an man-made institution that i am not a part of. god is not an institution, and god is not religious, so i fail to see how knowing god qualifies one as religious.
religion is an man-made institution that i am not a part of. god is not an institution, and god is not religious, so i fail to see how knowing god qualifies one as religious.

You failing is a common occurrence, so it makes sense you would fail at understanding that. Don't worry about it though, your lying problem is more important to deal with at this time.
because experiences of this nature are isolating, and isolation is really terrible.

isn't that the real reason people share anything? :confused:

Well, if it's isolating in real life, what made you think it would be different on a science forum ?

The reason most people share something is because they want the other person to know what happened.
You failing is a common occurrence, so it makes sense you would fail at understanding that. Don't worry about it though, your lying problem is more important to deal with at this time.

you do nothing but insult. seriously, you offer nothing to any conversation but a bunch of hurled insults. what is the point of that Q?
Lori, you are religious, just not part of organized religion. I don't know why people are saying you are lying, I think that's very rude. I have to assume you are discussing this subject in good faith, there is nothing to indicate otherwise. If people want to even attempt to prove you are lying they would have to prove that you didn't experience what you experienced, and no objective observations can be made of that.
you do nothing but insult. seriously, you offer nothing to any conversation but a bunch of hurled insults. what is the point of that Q?

There is no insult, Lori, only facts. You are either lying or are insane. Take your pick.

I'm only offering facts while you only offer lies. What is the point of that, Lori?
Lori, you are religious, just not part of organized religion. I don't know why people are saying you are lying, I think that's very rude. I have to assume you are discussing this subject in good faith, there is nothing to indicate otherwise. If people want to even attempt to prove you are lying they would have to prove that you didn't experience what you experienced, and no objective observations can be made of that.

Just for the record, I'm not saying that she's lying.
If people want to even attempt to prove you are lying they would have to prove that you didn't experience what you experienced, and no objective observations can be made of that.

That she actually talked with gods or she hallucinated talking with gods?
Well, if it's isolating in real life, what made you think it would be different on a science forum ?

i actually did meet someone out here by posting this stuff who lessened my isolation a great deal. yay.

The reason most people share something is because they want the other person to know what happened.

there are a host of reasons why that could be. sometimes it's just fun to share experiences in order to get to know someone or understand them or their lives. is humanity lost? is there really no appreciation for the lives and experiences of others just for the sake of sharing and learning about someone else? that's sad.
Lori, you are religious, just not part of organized religion. I don't know why people are saying you are lying, I think that's very rude. I have to assume you are discussing this subject in good faith, there is nothing to indicate otherwise. If people want to even attempt to prove you are lying they would have to prove that you didn't experience what you experienced, and no objective observations can be made of that.

thank you. :)
i actually did meet someone out here by posting this stuff who lessened my isolation a great deal. yay.

there are a host of reasons why that could be. sometimes it's just fun to share experiences in order to get to know someone or understand them or their lives. is humanity lost? is there really no appreciation for the lives and experiences of others just for the sake of sharing and learning about someone else? that's sad.
We learn nothing from it because we don't believe it.
Sharing something no one believes is kind of pointless, wouldn't you say ? :shrug:
There is no insult, Lori, only facts. You are either lying or are insane. Take your pick.

I'm only offering facts while you only offer lies. What is the point of that, Lori?

make up your i lying or insane?

the reason you're hurling insults is because the only alternative answer is that you're wrong, and you obviously can't handle that possibility. :bawl: