prophecy revelation for jpappl

you were affraid of being alone.

and now that that is filled,

now you want more

i wasn't afraid of being alone. that's why i had resided myself to it. it was a stand i took because i thought it was the right thing to do, and i know it was the right thing to do. i'm glad i did. i believe that god afforded me my fiance because i was willing to make that stand too.

what you guys don't understand, probably given your egotistical nature, is that i am not testifying to these things so that you will believe me or not believe me. i am testifying to these things because they happened to me. i don't give a flying fuck if you believe it.

I am not accusing you of lying. I am however, suggesting that it could from reading your experience, be something that came from within you and not a god.


well, considering it's a discussion forum and all, i thought they would be a topic to discuss.

if you'll recall, jpappl inquired as to the revelations, and so i posted them.

people are so vehement about being right. it's kind of scary. or sad.

Right and there is no reason to call you a liar or get upset at your experience. There is nothing gained in doing so.

But I think that you should and do expect to be questioned about it.

“ Originally Posted by (Q)
You believe in gods. Simple, really. ”

religion is an man-made institution that i am not a part of. god is not an institution, and god is not religious, so i fail to see how knowing god qualifies one as religious.

What I was saying earlier in another thread. My biggest doubt about your experiences being from GOD is that you are relating everything to biblical text at some point. So I question that would occur unless you believe in christ as your savior and the biblical texts being the word of god.

Don't you see the conflict there. If you are not religious then god would be what. IOW and I have asked this before, if it's not the god of the bible, then what or who's god is it ? Is it a god ?

God not being religious doesn't exempt you from drawing these beliefs from the bible. Once you go there, which you have, your bringing into the equation the bible. Do you want to compare the biblical texts with reality ?

If the bible is full of errors and is supposed to be the word of god, what does that say about the prophecy.

It's like creating a math equation from a book that says 1 + 1 = 3.

from Spider

Lori, you are religious, just not part of organized religion. I don't know why people are saying you are lying, I think that's very rude. I have to assume you are discussing this subject in good faith, there is nothing to indicate otherwise. If people want to even attempt to prove you are lying they would have to prove that you didn't experience what you experienced, and no objective observations can be made of that.

I agree with this. Including the religious part.

It's pretty clear that you are not willing to consider that these things could have originated within you.

I have admitted to you that twice before I have come to an unusual somewhat out of body epiphany based on what I was deeply delving into, but I understood them to be my thoughts affecting me in a physical way. It happens and can sneak up on you.

My biggest questions revolve around your qualifying these experiences with the bible. To me that is qualifying the bible as the word of god and since I think that it is nonsense then I think that these revelations and prophecies are Lori created not god created. That is not to say you are lying, but that you created them in your mind, they have come out and to you they are very real.

My other big question is what have you done with all of the pieces that did not fit. All of the things in life that you have come across since these experiences, where do they fit in the puzzle, if they didn't what did you do with them ?

For example. Ever talk to the musicians to verify there is the connection that you percieve.

Answer questions like, is a 3 year old child full of sin in their blood ?

Aliens, why are aliens in the picture, could it be because they are relevant now ?, because they were not 100 years ago.

Why the bible ? Do you believe in dinosaurs ( i know your answer )? Do you believe in evolution ?

My point being how valuable is the information you are getting if it lines up with the bible which is full of errors based on what we have come to know.

So what I am again saying is that you could have unknowingly created this monster simply by caring and deeply thinking about the world and looking for solutions to the madness. That's what happened to me.
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i wasn't afraid of being alone. that's why i had resided myself to it. it was a stand i took because i thought it was the right thing to do, and i know it was the right thing to do. i'm glad i did.

it you were not to reproduce; released your own child by choice

and then followed that above; then i could believe you

but this below as well the change of heart based on selfish needs (of your own self rather than the good of life) shares the conflict of your integrity.

i believe that god afforded me my fiance because i was willing to make that stand too.

but like coming clean; you don't know how to maintain a stands........... daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlin....

about as wishy washy as it gets

ie... you said "i don't do religion' but then claim you are aware of the mark of the beast because god told you and you going to bare the baby christ but release your own child..............

again: you a scary one

Was it an audible voice or was it sort of telepathic?

Did you feel a presence in the room? If so, what did it feel like?
in the gogo ego of self

and it sounds like some guy is listening to you, which is allowing him to 'get some'......

p/s... question to the forum: does any believe, that guy, would ask, without already 'getting some'?

then if, HE needs to overcome reality, just for it................. and this Lori is selling what we are all reading, and he is buying it................

Anyone see a 'manson family' being born here?

I don't guess you know much about me, but I don't want some of Lori, I want all of her. My feelings for her are very deep as she has helped me in ways no one else could, or would. She is amazingly at once sympathetic but shows no pity, strong and opinionated yet immensely respectful. Truthful and honest and is not shaken or weak when challenged or pressured to dismiss her integrity to gain a benefit. She is a wonderful person, a miracle in fact considering the circumstances of this world. I believe her-many people would crumble considering what she has been through and she has come through the other side with a big heart, huge in fact-with no other intent but to help others because of her experience. When she touched my heart I knew God's hand was right there with hers. She literally saved my life through her compassion and selflessness, but Lori expects alot from me, and I intend to meet her expectations. Thank God there are people like Lori, or else there would be one less rjr6.
Then, that would mean she's insane. Do you think so?

I think insane is a bit crude. I think she could have had a psychotic episode back then.
I'm no expert on mental illnesses so I don't know if it's possible to have these kind of episodes during a period and then never again.
She admitted that she had a difficult time in her life right before all this supposedly happened, and that she didn't exactly had a healthy lifestyle.
I don't guess you know much about me, but I don't want some of Lori, I want all of her. My feelings for her are very deep as she has helped me in ways no one else could, or would. She is amazingly at once sympathetic but shows no pity, strong and opinionated yet immensely respectful. Truthful and honest and is not shaken or weak when challenged or pressured to dismiss her integrity to gain a benefit. She is a wonderful person, a miracle in fact considering the circumstances of this world. I believe her-many people would crumble considering what she has been through and she has come through the other side with a big heart, huge in fact-with no other intent but to help others because of her experience. When she touched my heart I knew God's hand was right there with hers. She literally saved my life through her compassion and selflessness, but Lori expects alot from me, and I intend to meet her expectations. Thank God there are people like Lori, or else there would be one less rjr6.
Are you her new boyfriend ?
Are you her new boyfriend ?

He's my fiance. He's my idealism emodied. He's the man I've always wanted but didn't think existed. He's the reason I took a stand, and the gift of grace bestowed upon me. This is what I meant about power. He is the reason I know.

Bishadi, you're on ignore as of right now.
He's my fiance. He's my idealism emodied. He's the man I've always wanted but didn't think existed. He's the reason I took a stand, and the gift of grace bestowed upon me. This is what I meant about power. He is the reason I know.

Bishadi, you're on ignore as of right now.

When you get a chance maybe you could get around to some of my questions.

That would be great.

Congrats to your fiance and you.

However, just because you both have found wonderful people in each other, doesn't mean it's god's doing.

It's not as if you have to believe in god to be a good person, correct ?

Was it an audible voice or was it sort of telepathic?

God has communicated with me in a variety of ways, seemingly having everything at his disposal and beyond the constraints of time.

Sometimes its like a series of coincedences that mean something to me. Sometimes its been through literature, music, movies, other people, or even nature. Sometimes its like an idea or a revelation that seemingly comes from nowhere. Sometimes its been through overt spiritual interactions or phenomenon. And sometimes its a very clear and extremely concise voice that I perceive in my mind. So yes, its telepathic, or seemingly like that. I don't know how its achieved. But that is why I told enmos I knew he was lying when he claimed that the voice he heard was male. He's already confirmed that he was lying to try to make a point btw. You can't tell the gender because there is no vocal quality to listen to. There is inflection and intensity and personality or characteristics, but nothing audible. One of the characteristics. Being extremely concise. No exageration whatsoever, like people do constantly in conversation with the use of adjectives and adverbs and repeating. The sentences are perfectly efficient. Also there is something to be said of the dynamic of dialog. Because there have been times when its been conversational. What I noticed, and at first was a little frustrated by, is before I could convey a complete sentence in my mind, I would already have a response. So the response began to be conveyed at the very moment I conceived my question or statement. I did not have time to construct it or express it in words (you know, like you do when you talk to yourself or recite conversations in your mind) before it was answered.

Did you feel a presence in the room? If so, what did it feel like?

I'll have to come back to this. I'm texting from my phone now and can only do it so much before I need a little break. :)
He's my fiance. He's my idealism emodied. He's the man I've always wanted but didn't think existed. He's the reason I took a stand, and the gift of grace bestowed upon me. This is what I meant about power. He is the reason I know.

I didn't know he was a member. Did you guys hook up here ??
When you get a chance maybe you could get around to some of my questions.

That would be great.

Congrats to your fiance and you.

However, just because you both have found wonderful people in each other, doesn't mean it's god's doing.

It's not as if you have to believe in god to be a good person, correct ?

Thanks j, and I will tomorrow when I'm back at my PC. Your questions are a bit involved. :)
What I noticed, and at first was a little frustrated by, is before I could convey a complete sentence in my mind, I would already have a response. So the response began to be conveyed at the very moment I conceived my question or statement. I did not have time to construct it or express it in words (you know, like you do when you talk to yourself or recite conversations in your mind) before it was answered.

Like the questions and answers are coming from you and not god. God would not need you to even form the question, would he.

you know, like you do when you talk to yourself or recite conversations in your mind) before it was answered

Bingo !
God has communicated with me in a variety of ways, seemingly having everything at his disposal and beyond the constraints of time.

Sometimes its like a series of coincedences that mean something to me. Sometimes its been through literature, music, movies, other people, or even nature. Sometimes its like an idea or a revelation that seemingly comes from nowhere. Sometimes its been through overt spiritual interactions or phenomenon. And sometimes its a very clear and extremely concise voice that I perceive in my mind. So yes, its telepathic, or seemingly like that. I don't know how its achieved. But that is why I told enmos I knew he was lying when he claimed that the voice he heard was male. He's already confirmed that he was lying to try to make a point btw. You can't tell the gender because there is no vocal quality to listen to. There is inflection and intensity and personality or characteristics, but nothing audible. One of the characteristics. Being extremely concise. No exageration whatsoever, like people do constantly in conversation with the use of adjectives and adverbs and repeating. The sentences are perfectly efficient. Also there is something to be said of the dynamic of dialog. Because there have been times when its been conversational. What I noticed, and at first was a little frustrated by, is before I could convey a complete sentence in my mind, I would already have a response. So the response began to be conveyed at the very moment I conceived my question or statement. I did not have time to construct it or express it in words (you know, like you do when you talk to yourself or recite conversations in your mind) before it was answered.

I'll have to come back to this. I'm texting from my phone now and can only do it so much before I need a little break. :)


I believe you have been contacted, my only concern is that the message(s) conveyed may have been misinterpreted by you(maybe) and that is what has been driving you up the wall.

I'm looking forward to your answer to the last question :)