prophecy revelation for jpappl


No one wants that and why you getting the attention

We all a strange species. Kind of like "gluttons for punishment.'

When people in a group come together, often each have different accounts of events but once each come to terms with the equality of the events; then a trust ensues between the people. Even if one stands out embellishing what the others know is incorrect, often when that ONE comes clean; the rest Love em even more for having the ability to stand up straight. (i just learned a lesson from my own writing right there)

Most all love the artist, but we all know a painting is an opinion rather than the fact of the matter.

that ideology has millions in churches lying out their behinds; because that frame of testimony is being allowed (accepted) rather then identified for what it is, an opinion that has little relevance to truth unless grounded to the lesson of the experience within the common sense of reality.

You talking to God is of no value; him teaching you something that is good to life and mankind; ahhhhhhhhhh.... then we can find the special behind it, equally.

the gogo ego is upon your self maintaining a position without the intent of offering the GOOD for each to comprehend that 'miracle' equally.

TODAY: in the news! The earth is turning!

That is news 'to some' yet equally true to all mankind.

telling us, you are gods 'chosen' and the bringer of the birth, and that you are just a victim of circumstance (HE chose you) but that nothing your claiming represents for anything other than your 'self' and of your mind to pick up the rest from the writings of bible (theology)

Most all of God contributers are not representing themselves as being special but that there is knowledge to be shared.

So either you have knowledge or something each can attribute truth to; from your awareness (experience)

ORRRRRRRRRRRRRR.............. you are living in the gogo ego of self

and it sounds like some guy is listening to you, which is allowing him to 'get some'......

it is exactly the same that billions do telling others; "i accept' that belief..... just to get your rocks off (be saved in the eyes of church)


i'm not religious.

and, just an are one of the most arrogant, self-serving, hypocritical, disgusting lunatics i've ever encountered.

congrats on that.

i'm not religious.

then why did/do you compare your 'beliefs' of what GOD told you to the bible?

See OP

and, just an observation...

that is why i am asking the questions

you are one of the most arrogant, self-serving,
what self, am i serving?

i posted these last few to allow you to self examine; fuck me

i am an idiot............ but nothing i post is tellng people i am the guy god talks too............ and then tell people believe me without offering material people can experience for themselves.

nothing i say is really about me, other than a bunch of 'coincidences' like the birth month/yr...... (that cracks me up in itself)

hypocritical, disgusting lunatics i've ever encountered.
to a self centered person; you bet i am a lunatic... because i WiLL not BEND just to be liked or be nice.

i see personal responsibility to be as absolute, as possible, grounding with existence and reality

and if a living soul is trying to learn, than objective reality is the only pursuit to EVER maintain as a focus.

i am learning every day, wench, in humility to life and existence

and to hammer a nail in the head is normal, to a hammer

you whole experience of what you saw, is unfolding in front of you but you are not quite smashed flush (for a good finishing)
and btw bitchadi,

"the guy" is not getting "some", he's getting a wife.
it's a religious forum. :confused:

besides, i have to shared other experiences. i share my thoughts about religion as well.

i post in other subforums.

these things though have made quite an impact on my life. :shrug:

People don't post their experiences just because they experienced them.
They either post their experiences because they want acknowledgment, or because they want people to believe them.
You didn't post what you ate for breakfast this morning, or what shape your latest turd was because you either have no need for acknowledgment for those experiences or because you don't need other people to believe it.
and btw bitchadi,

"the guy" is not getting "some", he's getting a wife.

so YOU will FEEL comfortable

i remember a few back, you thought you would be alone forever......

all sad

but now that pride is puffying you up (gogo ego) and nothing can topple the perch of self

p/s... question to the forum: does any believe, that guy, would ask, without already 'getting some'?

then if, HE needs to overcome reality, just for it................. and this Lori is selling what we are all reading, and he is buying it................

Anyone see a 'manson family' being born here?
People don't post their experiences because they experienced them.
They either post their experiences because they want acknowledgment, or because they want people to believe them.


well, considering it's a discussion forum and all, i thought they would be a topic to discuss.

if you'll recall, jpappl inquired as to the revelations, and so i posted them.

people are so vehement about being right. it's kind of scary. or sad. :(
so YOU will FEEL comfortable

i remember a few back, you thought you would be alone forever......

all sad

but now that pride is puffying you up (gogo ego) and nothing can topple the perch of self

p/s... question to the forum: does any believe, that guy, would ask, without already 'getting some'?

then if, HE needs to overcome reality, just for it................. and this Lori is selling what we are all reading, and he is buying it................

Anyone see a 'manson family' being born here?

this post is one of your many that is indicative of psychosis the likes of charles. that's my only comment. i'll let rjr6 respond to the rest if he wants to, though he would probably be better off rising above this hideous, judgemental, hateful, and degrading nonsense.
You didn't post what you ate for breakfast this morning, or what shape your latest turd was because you either have no need for acknowledgment for those experiences or because you don't need other people to believe it.
Because you posted about it by yourself first.

yeah.'s a discussion forum. it's no fun if no one posts anything to discuss now is it? people come out here and post about all kinds of experiences. just because these are outside of a lot of paradigms in this particular subforum, doesn't mean it's inappropriate to post about them. does it? do i really have to be responsible for knowing and considering all of the members paradigms given a particular subforum or thread? come on...
is there a subforum for breakfasts and turds? because that would be boring.
yeah.'s a discussion forum. it's no fun if no one posts anything to discuss now is it? people come out here and post about all kinds of experiences. just because these are outside of a lot of paradigms in this particular subforum, doesn't mean it's inappropriate to post about them. does it? do i really have to be responsible for knowing and considering all of the members paradigms given a particular subforum or thread? come on...
I never said that what you posted was inappropriate. That's not the issue.
I say that you posted it for reasons other than just that you had the experiences.
this post is one of your many that is indicative of psychosis the likes of charles. that's my only comment. i'll let rjr6 respond to the rest if he wants to, though he would probably be better off rising above this hideous, judgemental, hateful, and degrading nonsense.

Lori dear,

compassion can be observed when brethren care enough to hammer personal responsibility into the mind of your most cherished Loved ones

I would never allow my kids to be so cruel without personal reflection.

Just call it Love dear!

I am sure you know what it is like to get 'nailed'.