prophecy revelation for jpappl

According to what ideology ?
The world just is what it is. One could say it's perfect in that sense.

Because of pathogens, circumstances and people. And overpopulation.

Because of people, both directly and indirectly. And overpopulation.

Because of the nature of people and their artificial environment. And overpopulation.

I believe there can be changes made, but I also believe that because of the nature of humanity that will either never happen or it will happen too late.

Perfect ? According to what ideology ?

Perhaps. I don't see the relevance.

So ? You're still talking about breast-cancer, right ?

Wait a minute... You make something up and then proceed to say that at least you have the balls to admit what you just made up yourself ?
Thereby insinuating that anyone that doesn't agree with you must have no balls.. ? Wtf?

According to your own ideologies apparently enmos. You don't like the ills of this world any more than I do. You want to blame overpopulation but in the same breath blame the nature of people. The latter is absolutely correct. You know as well as I do that the population could dwindle down to next to nothing and that next to nothing would still find plenty of ways to abuse each other. Look at the people in this world who have everything they want and need. Way more than enough. No constraints re money or resources or land or living conditions. Still miserable and abusive. Still suffering on some level, just as much as someone whose circumstances are much different. Everyone feels fear, isolation, anger. Everyone suffers. As you said, its inherent.

If it is inherent then it is genetic. Science knows enough to tell us that our genes determine what is inherent in us. And if we can genetically weed out threats of breast cancer and other ailments. If we can genetically alter ourselves to be just about anything, then why not perfect?

Let's say perfection is perfect harmony with ourselves and nature. That should eliminate fear, suffering, sickness, and abuse. Its just that as humans, we can not define what that perfect and complete harmony is comprised of, or rather obviously, how to achieve it.

The whole story of christ is about sinless blood and communion. Communion is that perfect harmony.

What I meant is that I appear to be one of the very few who have enough balls to admit that there is something inherently wrong with me that I can not fix myself. Christ (sinless blood and resulting communion) is the fix.
According to your own ideologies apparently enmos. You don't like the ills of this world any more than I do. You want to blame overpopulation but in the same breath blame the nature of people. The latter is absolutely correct. You know as well as I do that the population could dwindle down to next to nothing and that next to nothing would still find plenty of ways to abuse each other. Look at the people in this world who have everything they want and need. Way more than enough. No constraints re money or resources or land or living conditions. Still miserable and abusive. Still suffering on some level, just as much as someone whose circumstances are much different. Everyone feels fear, isolation, anger. Everyone suffers. As you said, its inherent.

If it is inherent then it is genetic. Science knows enough to tell us that our genes determine what is inherent in us. And if we can genetically weed out threats of breast cancer and other ailments. If we can genetically alter ourselves to be just about anything, then why not perfect?

Let's say perfection is perfect harmony with ourselves and nature. That should eliminate fear, suffering, sickness, and abuse. Its just that as humans, we can not define what that perfect and complete harmony is comprised of, or rather obviously, how to achieve it.

The whole story of christ is about sinless blood and communion. Communion is that perfect harmony.

What I meant is that I appear to be one of the very few who have enough balls to admit that there is something inherently wrong with me that I can not fix myself. Christ (sinless blood and resulting communion) is the fix.

Protecting people from each other is not priority here. Protecting life from humans is.
And decreasing the population to a much smaller population is being 'realistic' on my part. I wouldn't give shit if they decided to let us die out altogether.
Protecting people from each other is not priority here. Protecting life from humans is.
And decreasing the population to a much smaller population is being 'realistic' on my part. I wouldn't give shit if they decided to let us die out altogether.

Well that's not valuing human life, and is sad and hopeless. As shitty as we all are, and as society is, I do see plenty of value in us worth saving. And I see a way.
Well that's not valuing human life, and is sad and hopeless. As shitty as we all are, and as society is, I do see plenty of value in us worth saving. And I see a way.

Human life is, as far as I'm concerned, second to life in general.
I just wanted to make sure I was correct in thinking that you didn't, as Q and the gang seem to be insinuating that you did.

Lori claims to have conversations with god, Dave. We gave her the opportunity to demonstrate that and she failed miserably. Of course, she blames everyone else for her failure and can't understand why people don't treat her with respect.

i was texting with rj right before i came out here, and i told him he was my hero.

and his reply was, "you are a goddess".

now we all can see what you are expecting. :bugeye:

from the "i talk to god" to the idea that YOU are the 'women in the bible' that (if any read) is the ONE to bare the 'god' child to mankind


i like Love stories; but if that guy you are dating has any idea of these beliefs of yours and still calls you;

you 2 are scary!
now we all can see what you are expecting. :bugeye:

from the "i talk to god" to the idea that YOU are the 'women in the bible' that (if any read) is the ONE to bare the 'god' child to mankind


i like Love stories; but if that guy you are dating has any idea of these beliefs of yours and still calls you;

you 2 are scary!

You should be scared bitchadi, but that doesn't have anything to do with me.
Lori claims to have conversations with god, Dave. We gave her the opportunity to demonstrate that and she failed miserably. Of course, she blames everyone else for her failure and can't understand why people don't treat her with respect.

People generally do treat me with respect. Not everyone is an irresponsible hate monger.
Human life is, as far as I'm concerned, second to life in general.

That is a beautiful ideology enmos, which could be the basis for communion. Not in regards to population control, but if everyone adopted that ideology and made it a way of life, this world would be a much better place.
Lori claims to have conversations with god, Dave. We gave her the opportunity to demonstrate that and she failed miserably. Of course, she blames everyone else for her failure and can't understand why people don't treat her with respect.

Judging by some of the responses and general bad karma that this thread has generated, I will bow out. Thanks for clearing it up for me Q.