prophecy revelation for jpappl

People generally do treat me with respect.

Not here they don't.

Not everyone is an irresponsible hate monger.

Not everyone speaks with gods. In fact, there is the highest of probabilities that no one speaks with gods.

Hence, you are a bold-faced liar and deserve no respect whatsoever.
Not here they don't.

yes, most people here do. you however are an exception.

Not everyone speaks with gods. In fact, there is the highest of probabilities that no one speaks with gods.

Hence, you are a bold-faced liar and deserve no respect whatsoever.

see? again, this is a perfect example of what i'm talking about. thank you for the illustration.
yes, most people here do. you however are an exception.

see? again, this is a perfect example of what i'm talking about. thank you for the illustration.

But Lori, there's a difference between respecting a person and respecting their.. uh.. claims.
But Lori, there's a difference between respecting a person and respecting their.. uh.. claims.

yes, that's true. it still seems rather arbitrary to me at best. at worst, laden with an egotistical agenda. :)

point being, is that Q can not prove that i am a liar anymore than i can prove that i'm not.

so, in all fairness, he should just stfu about that. don't you think?
You just did prove that you're a liar. Thanks. :)

no i didn't. let me dumb it down for you dear...

i can not prove to you that god has communicated with me, even in a variety of ways, including hearing his voice.

and you can not prove that i am a liar.

what i find "interesting" (euphamism), is how much this apparently bothers you. i mean otherwise, why be so beligerent? the way you react is the way most people react when threatened. insecure? that's not my problem Q.
and you can not prove that i am a liar.

what i find "interesting" (euphamism), is how much this apparently bothers you. i mean otherwise, why be so beligerent? the way you react is the way most people react when threatened. insecure? that's not my problem Q.

Liars always have bothered me, they are low lifes. And yes, it is YOUR problem, a very serious problem that you have no intention on fixing. Hence, you will always be a low life if you continue to be a liar.
Liars always have bothered me, they are low lifes. And yes, it is YOUR problem, a very serious problem that you have no intention on fixing. Hence, you will always be a low life if you continue to be a liar.

i'm not lying.
i'm not lying.


Go to church? I am the church! (3,332 posts)

are you suggesting it is good to believe you?

Meaning: if your God allows you to have such arrogance, without being able define or verify your 'revelations'; then WOW! Wrong GOD!

you DO realize, you will either come straight or as long as you are on this site, will have a tough time with most everyone? (continually be 'hammered')

Go to church? I am the church! (3,332 posts)

are you suggesting it is good to believe you?

Meaning: if your God allows you to have such arrogance, without being able define or verify your 'revelations'; then WOW! Wrong GOD!

you DO realize, you will either come straight or as long as you are on this site, will have a tough time with most everyone? (continually be 'hammered')

by "come straight" you mean "say what you want to hear"?

"good to believe me"? it's neither good nor bad i don't think. it's just information. it's a testimony. like i said, whether someone believes me or not is entirely arbitrary at best, and egotistical at worst.
what you guys don't understand, probably given your egotistical nature, is that i am not testifying to these things so that you will believe me or not believe me. i am testifying to these things because they happened to me. i don't give a flying fuck if you believe it.
what you guys don't understand, probably given your egotistical nature, is that i am not testifying to these things so that you will believe me or not believe me. i am testifying to these things because they happened to me. i don't give a flying fuck if you believe it.

Sorry Lori, but that can't be all of it. You're specifically sharing this experience and not any of the other experiences you had.
like i said, whether someone believes me or not is entirely arbitrary at best, and egotistical at worst.

So, someone who doesn't believe you talk with gods is egotistical. In other words, they have the problem and you don't?
what you guys don't understand, probably given your egotistical nature, is that i am not testifying to these things so that you will believe me or not believe me. i am testifying to these things because they happened to me. i don't give a flying fuck if you believe it.

No, they didn't happen to you. You are lying, and since you lie to that extent, nothing you say can be taken seriously as that will most likely be a lie, too.
Sorry Lori, but that can't be all of it. You're specifically sharing this experience and not any of the other experiences you had.

it's a religious forum. :confused:

besides, i have to shared other experiences. i share my thoughts about religion as well.

i post in other subforums.

these things though have made quite an impact on my life. :shrug:
No, they didn't happen to you. You are lying, and since you lie to that extent, nothing you say can be taken seriously as that will most likely be a lie, too.

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

you've stated your opinion a gazillion times. you're a broken record.
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

you've stated your opinion a gazillion times. you're a broken record.

So, does that mean you're going to stop lying and come clean?

Or, will you continue this pathetic charade of lies and deceit?
So, does that mean you're going to stop lying and come clean?

Or, will you continue this pathetic charade of lies and deceit?

Q, have you ever done any work in the theater?


does come clean = say what you want to hear?
by "come straight" you mean "say what you want to hear"?

No one wants that and why you getting the attention

We all a strange species. Kind of like "gluttons for punishment.'

When people in a group come together, often each have different accounts of events but once each come to terms with the equality of the events; then a trust ensues between the people. Even if one stands out embellishing what the others know is incorrect, often when that ONE comes clean; the rest Love em even more for having the ability to stand up straight. (i just learned a lesson from my own writing right there)

Most all love the artist, but we all know a painting is an opinion rather than the fact of the matter.

"good to believe me"? it's neither good nor bad i don't think. it's just information. it's a testimony.
that ideology has millions in churches lying out their behinds; because that frame of testimony is being allowed (accepted) rather then identified for what it is, an opinion that has little relevance to truth unless grounded to the lesson of the experience within the common sense of reality.

You talking to God is of no value; him teaching you something that is good to life and mankind; ahhhhhhhhhh.... then we can find the special behind it, equally.

like i said, whether someone believes me or not is entirely arbitrary at best, and egotistical at worst.

the gogo ego is upon your self maintaining a position without the intent of offering the GOOD for each to comprehend that 'miracle' equally.

TODAY: in the news! The earth is turning!

That is news 'to some' yet equally true to all mankind.

telling us, you are gods 'chosen' and the bringer of the birth, and that you are just a victim of circumstance (HE chose you) but that nothing your claiming represents for anything other than your 'self' and of your mind to pick up the rest from the writings of bible (theology)

Most all of God contributers are not representing themselves as being special but that there is knowledge to be shared.

So either you have knowledge or something each can attribute truth to; from your awareness (experience)

ORRRRRRRRRRRRRR.............. you are living in the gogo ego of self

and it sounds like some guy is listening to you, which is allowing him to 'get some'......

it is exactly the same that billions do telling others; "i accept' that belief..... just to get your rocks off (be saved in the eyes of church)