Proof for ETI: Part 2

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WellCookedFetus said:
no man the gray look way to much like us, the biped design is not common inf act, no other life on earth other then are close reletive even has a body plan like ours.

Yet, we are the only true intelligent design. What is to say, that other animals will not evolve into bipeds as they evolve? In fact, If I recall, they did an extrapolation on what the dinasours would have looked like, had they evolved into an intelligent species - it's also bipedal.

Now who is to say in the universe, this is not an efficient design, favoured by evolution.

Why don't the aliens happen to talk to othe countries?

ETI is in contact with many world governments, and many governments are aware of them - US, France, UK, Germany, Russia, Canada among others.

If they have technology so inferior that they can be detected and there ways seem stupid and antiquated by our technological standards they certainly aren’t intelligent or at least sane. But hey for all we know this might be proof the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy got it right on the money.

Stealth technology has been reverse engineered from ETI technology. So it's not inferior at all. Not all their UFO's are detected on radar, and those that are, seem like they are wanting to be detected. I am not how you call them technologically inferior to us. Inferior to what - the combustion engine, and the vacuum tubes?

then you should read some books about abductees and what they say happened to them.

Not all abductees have really been abducted. Second, the sex experiments that do take place, is extraction of seamen or ovaries, or sexual intercourse with alien Hybrids.

There is no reason to mutilate cows, period! They could grow cows on ther ships or at least their organs; they could do all their experiments on those easy, uncontaminated clean specimens/

You may think there is no need, yet they think make it is absolutely necessarily, for whatever they are doing. They are using this DNA for some sort of genetic agenda. Why grow cows? When they can just extract then, free of cost, from here? In fact there are underground labs where this research and this hybrid building is taking place. In which case, it becomes more logical to take cows from fields.

Why is it that on many of the UFO video they fly around erratically?

Erratically in what sense?

Why don't aliens talk to us directly, at least the majority of the human populace?

They do not want to fully disclose themselves, perhaps as per their own wishes, and perhaps as per the governments wishes. Although the time seems to near now.
Ya dinoman look like use because that what we human would extrapolate, it just as likely it would have retained it tail and form and still become intelligent. By the way Dinoman would have had 3 fingers, many portray the gray with 4 fingers and a thumb in a simian like hand.

Why not governments like Israeli, Pakistan, South Africa, Brazil, ect?

You have know proof stealth was reversed engineered from aliens! Tell me what technologies are in fact humen???

Ok why drop off that cows mutilated bodies back? I mean way does a alien space ship or (goverment black op helocopter) pick them up and take them god knows where and then brings them right back? Why don't these aleins just throw there corpeses into space, why don't the black op take home stack or simple burn the remains?

Hey I have seen alot of UFO videos where they fly around like drunken idiots.

Why would they not want to disclose them selves? I mean their a advance civilization they can rule us any day of the week and be honest about it. I got it! cause they like to fuck around with our heads, ya so they can abduct us and shove thing up our butts to satisfy their urges! And if most people knew about them and what they really want they would not be so terrified when they go up and we would take all the fun out of it for the aliens. Dam the universe is really fuck up!
crazymikey said:
What is to say, that other animals will not evolve into bipeds as they evolve?

Nothing. They may very well do so. Only time (on the order of millions of years) will tell. So far, we have a sample size of one for intelligence and full-time bipedalism. One can only speculate as to what the future may hold.

crazymikey said:
In fact, If I recall, they did an extrapolation on what the dinasours would have looked like, had they evolved into an intelligent species - it's also bipedal.

Who's "they?"

crazymikey said:
Now who is to say in the universe, this is not an efficient design, favoured by evolution.

No one. There is no way to test that hypothesis with current understandings of physical laws.

crazymikey said:
ETI is in contact with many world governments, and many governments are aware of them - US, France, UK, Germany, Russia, Canada among others.

Complete and utter speculation. And from one who claims to "test claims." Tut-tut. And to top it off, a most improbable speculation that is grounded in the wild belief systems of the UFO/ETI movement.

crazymikey said:
Stealth technology has been reverse engineered from ETI technology.

Poppycock. More wild speculation. Just because the technology may be beyond the scope of your understanding doesn't mean that it's "reverse engineered" from an alien race. What a load of X-Files nonsense.

crazymikey said:
Not all abductees have really been abducted.

No shit.

crazymikey said:
Second, the sex experiments that do take place, is extraction of seamen or ovaries, or sexual intercourse with alien Hybrids.

And you know this because....? Don't bother... it's more speculation from a person who "tests claims."

crazymikey said:
In fact there are underground labs where this research and this hybrid building is taking place. In which case, it becomes more logical to take cows from fields.

Pure bullshit. Someone writes a piece of speculative fiction, posts it on the internet and all the sudden everyone believes what they read. There are no underground labs... the energy and logistics that would be involved alone make this sort of thing inconceivable. Even in the remote deserts near Taos, where the UFO myth says these "underground bases" exist, the Jicarilla Apache would have noticed something. If not the construction vehicles bringing supplies, heavy machinery or hauling out waste matrix from the subsurface excavation, then the frequent supply trips that would have to occur to maintain even a modest base of people.

crazymikey said:
They do not want to fully disclose themselves, perhaps as per their own wishes, and perhaps as per the governments wishes. Although the time seems to near now.

There never will be full disclosure. That's how religions work: keep the deity at a distance and non-defined.

Face it, UFO mythology is just like all other supernatural and metaphysical cults: they rely on the poor critical reasoning and the innate desire for humans to believe in something to explain that which cannot be readily explained.

Everything you've shown is but pseudoscience.

I seriously don't think your being harsh enough on him! And I'm not being sarcastic.
the man is fucking crazy and his name is mike, if thats not reason enough what is? (using alien implanted logic)
LoL, I find it bemusing how desperate and low you have stooped. From just plain ignorance, and ridicule to open-insults. You really have struggled in these threads. Does this mean you concede the issue is too overwhelming for your intellects, and you have nothing more left, but wind?

As I said all along: pseudo-skeptics - you ain't got a leg to stand on.
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And as we've said all along: crazymikey - you ain't got no proof

You're newest thread is probably the funniest in terms of your gullibility
Persol, either your blind or just plain dumb - were on umm page 500 - and you ran away from page 100, after you made a fool out of yourself.
Your problem is that you believe that quantity and quality are synonomous.

And I've stooped not stopped, oh bemused one.

In case, you're wondering why I am laughing: I just found a photograph of the claimed Roswell debris!



So are you telling me, multiple witnesses, and intelligece officers, including a Colonel who was in charge of the first nuclear strike force, would go out and call this a flying saucer! HAHAHA
WellCookedFetus said: just as likely it would have retained it tail and form ...3 fingers, many portray the gray with 4 fingers and a thumb in a simian like hand.

Why would they not want to disclose them selves? I mean their a advance civilization they can rule us any day of the week and be honest about it.

I have a question about this dinoman idea. Over the years say looking at 1000 BC to present has there been any observable evolution of any species? That is a period of 3000 years, should be sufficient to see changes in any species evolving to something else. Nadda, not one species can we point to and say "Look the wigget has evolved to a pokemon!" The only thing that has evolved is our understanding and knowledge.

Funny, even the alien autopsy recording the being had six fingers and six toes. Even the human-et/fallen angel spliced DNA keeps showing up in birthing rooms still, babies born with 6 digits. Even babies born with "with an enormous horny shell, similar to armor, with deep creases which fragmented the hard surface into large polygonal plates. The limbs remained in rigid semiflexion. The nose and external ear were hidden in the keratotic layer", ICHTHYOSIS CONGENITA, HARLEQUIN FETUS TYPE

It has been examined and said "why they won't show themselves", simular to the reason they all disappeared off the surface of the earth many years ago, simular reason as to why the Barringer Crater and Wolf Creek Crater are more nuke crater than any nieve characterization of a meteor crater. These were warring ETI not warm and cuddly "ET phone home" and ride my bicycle.
These were warring ETI not warm and cuddly "ET phone home" and ride my bicycle.

If they wanted war - we'd not even be here today. If they want our planet - they can just take it. Why haven't they fiery?

no 3000 years in not sufficient time to see such changes, I would adive you look at life forms that reproduce really fast and live in constantly changing environments, please observe bacteria, viruses and protozoa.

If you want to disrespect evolution please start it in the biology forum.

as for the freaks you mention, show me one hybrid alien child!


its not that have no leg to stand on its that your beyond reason.
The infamous "WHY". Like I mentioned in another thread if you read the ancient writings you would KNOW WHY. It is all in there, just take the time to read it and read about us humans, our past, present and future. The WHY would become evident. But you would think since you asked "WHY" then I should blurt it out. Understanding come from self discovery not being told this or that.
I did give you an example of a mix-breed, the "Hexadactyly is the most frequent form of polydactyly", Six fingers or toes
Your lack of respect is evident in the use of "freaks and hybrid", those children born hexadactyly or congenital ichthyosis are innocent babies, you disgust me.
I was very civil at first but the idea that your claims are less likely then more simpler explanations was beyond you, when I asked into detail on the how and why of these aliens, you give me back vague and in some cause no reponse at all into what kind of logic these aliens have, and then you go into a begging the question fallacy and simple denounce us wrong dispite the evidence we have placed against you.
WCF, let's not get into this false argument. I answered all your questions, even though they were naive questions. You did not even answer one of my questions. You have not explained not one single case. All you''ve done is piggyback on the backs of the other pseudoskeptics, who are not even prepared to consider the ETI matter. So please, save this "evidence" nonsense for someone whose got less than two brain cells.
Mikey's not interested in discussion unless the discussion is limited to:

"I agree with you 100%, Mikey!"

And why is he creating multiple threads on the same subject? His alien threads dominate the pseudoscience forum and all of them say exactly the same thing.
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