Proof for ETI: Part 2

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WCF, the existence of Area 51 was claimed by several, claming the US government was conducing tests of anti-grav UFO's, and reverse engineering ETI technologies, as well as keep EBE's.

Yet, the government denied the existence of this, for more than 50 years. This proves, they were hiding something, and also proves, that the government has covered up Area-51 all this time. Hence, the claims of the existence of Area-51, were always right, and if they are right, then it's likely - so must be the rest of it.

Of course, you belong to the school of thought - that you need it proven, before you can investigate it. In other words, you will accept "area-51 exists" because it's proven, but will demand evidence for the rest of the claims. Once one of those claims are proven, such as the existence of anti-grav UFO's. You will accept it, because it is proven, but will then demand evidence for the existence of ETI. In other words, you don't want to think, you just want it all given to you on a silver platter.

The fact of the matter is. You have no counter-claims, or arguments, for all the evidence. You just have a very uneducated opinion. Hence, you just have to wait, for the government to disclose ETI officially - the catch is, if the conspiracies have any weight at all, you may risk your future. It's somewhat akin to convincing someone the "earth is not flat" some will not beleive, no matter how much proof you give them. While some will, and once they do, it's not an intellectual victory, is more about, what to do next.

Such as jews in Germany, who deduced from what is going on, that their future maybe in danger. So they migrated to other countries, like Africa. No matter how much they implored their fellow jews to follow - they failed. Why? The same myopia - "no evidence Hilter and Nazi is going to do that" and when they got proof of that, it was too late.

You look ahead to the future, by all means, and I sincerely hope it is all and well for you, but if these conspiracy theories, have even a little truth to them, you, your friends, and your family, may suffer terribly.
I think you forgot something crazymikey
So please, backup your following statements with non-crackpot sites:
A 19th century scientist determining an object to Mach 15.
FTL travel being possible.
Sources that show anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams exist.
You look ahead to the future, by all means, and I sincerely hope it is all and well for you, but if these conspiracy theories, have even a little truth to them, you, your friends, and your family, may suffer terribly.
Funny, it was the push to act based on fear that helped Hitler come to power in the first place.
Persol: If it is not occured to you already. I'm ignoring you, however out of decency, all your "statements" have been answered more then once, and all you need to do, read again. :)
"Hence, the claims of the existence of Area-51, were always right, and if they are right, then it's likely - so must be the rest of it."

The assumption that because Area 51 exists there must be aliens there is a good example of the fantasy world you live in and the faulty logic that comes with it.
Shaman,the fact that Area 51 exists, and it has always been claimed, and considering that all other claims have also been confirmed(6+1) and considering they all have the common denominator of ETI. There is an 86% chance that the claim of ETI is true.
Henceforth, you have no leg to stand on, by supporting odds of 14%: therefore you are using faulty logic and are living in a world of denial.

As I've proven above: Even if these odds were to creep up to 94%, you still would not believe. Simply, because you need it proven 100% before you can believe it. You cannot think for yourself, you need it all given to you on silver platter. In that case, all I can say to you, stop coming to this topic, and just wait for disclosure.

Again where do you get your math! I mean your just like Exploding_Necquim: sighting of numbers without any proof! We can't believe what either you say because you have no proof: just because area 51 exist does not mean they have aliens there, a no unverified probability listings are going to convince us.
WCF, that is again an uneducated opinion. Ask exploding Necquim, to start up a thread "Proof for I'm from the future" and provide you over 20 logical and valid proofs for it, for around 600 pages - and he'll be just like me.

In fact, exploding Necquim does not really beleive what he is saying, he is a regular member here(could be you ;) ), with an alter-ego, in attempt to mock us "gullible crackpots" The fact of the matter is; I have evidence for ETI -mountains and mountains of it. The fact of the matter it is so compelling, that the only way you can deal with it, is by denying it.

Your problem is simple: You're in denial.
Your evidence is crap none if it is confirmed, none if it is physical proof, and most of it sound like stuff people just pull right out of their butts, as for Exploding_Necquim who knows he does not believe what he says (I don’t think he does either) but his points have just as much evidence as yours which is the scary part! By the way I would have to be pretty stone and drunk combined to make up the crap he does.
WCF - What is actually funny, you've been given cases to anaylse, and you've not been able to explain them. Yet, you don't hesitate to call them crap. As I said, nothing but uneducated opinions.

As, far as im concerned, ETI has been proven now. All 20+ cases that have been presented, you have not been able to prove one wrong. Hence ETI has been proven.

Now, that ETI has been proven, the next step is: what next?
As for you, and the other pseudoskeptics, you can wallow in ignorance and denial, and wait for it to officially be disclosed. Till then, you have no business being in this topic and discrediting ETI.

With regards to the time-traveller guy. You should be careful WCF. You are the only one that's talking about him, and you continue to talk about him, across several forums. People may start to think, there is a connection between you and this guy ;)
Mikey, what is interesting is this video, I listened to it and I would believe this housewife/mother with 4 kids before I would ever believe anything postulated by ones such as WCF, Persol etc. or even the governments.

I came across this recording from another forum site.
Event: Phoenix, Arizona, March 1999
Hence ETI has been proven.
If thats how you feel i vote the mods move it to the science section of the forums, or that you start it again there, its no good it being accepted in the pseudoscience forum and you continue posting here if its fact is it?
Lemming, a better alternative would be, to rename this "pseudoscience" forum to "Alternative science and theories" forum. What is the point of having a forum, where "crackpots" discuss, and where topics have to be started again, so others can discuss. If there is anyone of capacity here, they should be able to come here and discuss.

Although there is nothing left to discuss. It's more about: What to do next. It's no good, just knowing ETI exists. It's as about as good as knowing the universal law of gravitation. We need to do something with the knowledge.
rename this "pseudoscience" forum to "Alternative science and theories" forum
Im not sure, the idea was we have a real science forum and a fake/hypothetical/sci-fi forum, i'd rather you discussed it in the science forum and made a case to the other mods if they delete it without letting you show your proofs.
It's no good, just knowing ETI exists. It's as about as good as knowing the universal law of gravitation. We need to do something with the knowledge.
I'd agree with that, knowledge is only power if you use it.
crazymikey said:
Persol: If it is not occured to you already. I'm ignoring you, however out of decency, all your "statements" have been answered more then once, and all you need to do, read again. :)
Well no.... you didn't. Lying and saying that you did isn't going to float.

Either backup your statements or don't make them. As a reminder, please backup your following statements with non-crackpot sites:
A 19th century scientist determining an object to Mach 15.
FTL travel being possible.
Sources that show anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams exist.
All 20+ cases that have been presented, you have not been able to prove one wrong. Hence ETI has been proven.
Well actually, I've seen people point out holes in each one you posted. Funny that like the above questions you failed to address the other falacies as well.

I think all of us combined have brought up evidence and theories that are far more likely, against all of the cases and evidence you have presented; its just you don't see to listen to us. I see us keep repeating over and over again "why is this so" and "what about this" and you don't even reply, you just ignore us.

You know what I sometime get the idea that many of you kooks actually know better and are just going along with this alien crap to bust are balls, just like el kooko E_N.
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Can anyone identify the blatantly obvious fallacy in mikeys claim?
Didnt he tell you? Fallacys dont count with his claims, he's actually made several before, especially the ones he uses against us most, apples to oranges and misunderstanding of Occam's razor, but we are kind enough not to point them out.
the claims of the existence of Area-51, were always right, and if they are right, then it's likely - so must be the rest of it.
This is also a logical fallacy, one parts true therefore it all is, im sure the same could be said about the bible.
the claims of the existence of Area-51, were always right, and if they are right, then it's likely - so must be the rest of it. ”

This is also a logical fallacy, one parts true therefore it all is, im sure the same could be said about the bible.

Becareful, Lemming, apples to oranges fallacy, is when unequal quantities are being compared NOT when equal quantities are being compared. I can compare apples to apples, and oranges to oranges, but not apples to oranges. The claims of Area 51 has a common denominator of ETI, and ETI was explicitly linked with area 51, more than 50 years, before it was disclosed in 2000/2001.

When I am commiting "fallacy" be king enough to point it out. Oh and Lemming, they were not "kind" enough to point it out; they were kind enough to openly insult ETI, me, and others who supported ETI. So if this is what is kind, i'd rather, they not be kind ;)
crazymikey said:
Oh and Lemming, they were not "kind" enough to point it out; they were kind enough to openly insult ETI, me, and others who supported ETI.
Lol... we insulted ETI? That's just funny.

Aso, we didn't insult you. We pointed out that you don't seem to understand the meaning of proof and that you are a fanatic who can't hold a good argument. You can thank us later for pointing this out.
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