Proof for ETI: Part 2

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Then you give me this appeal to popularity case about alien. Just because a majority of a population believes something does not make it true. The majority of people 500 years ago believe the earth was flat, the majority of germens believe Jews were sub-human in the 1940's. The majority of American believe in aliens visiting the earth on a regular basis in the beginning of the 21st century. This fallacy can even be sumed up as "Hey everyone is jumping off a cliff there for it must be the right thing to do!"

That is just so ironic! :D

You still have not explained the cases I presented to you. How many times, will I have to to ask you? I have not ignored your "arguments" I answered them all, even though they're not evidence for the non-existence of anti-UFO - they're just your inability to believe, because you don't think aliens will abduct us, and fly in our skies etc. You seriously do think im in contact with ETI, don't you? That I have inside information on their policies.

Now, I'll ask you for the last time. Please explain the cases I presented to you, and substantiate it logically. Don't do a Persolism: "People don't think for PR releases" LOL
I did explain them, as they were explained for me, do you want me to just repeat what they said? If so state your case again and I will do my best.

Your ignoring my arguments right now! Come on tell me what makes it so that just because allot of people believe it that it must be true? Come on explain to me why an alien race with technology centuries, millennia even eons beyond our exponentially developing technology would even have a need for us what so ever, and that need would involve fucking with us, shoving thing up our butts, flying around like drunks, mutilating cows, ect. I can: they either don’t exist here or they are totally insane.

Beleif and proof are to very diffrent things, one is faith the other is logic.
Your ignoring my arguments right now! Come on tell me what makes it so that just because allot of people believe it that it must be true? Come on explain to me why an alien race with technology centuries, millennia even eons beyond our exponentially developing technology would even have a need for us what so ever, and that need would involve fucking with us, shoving thing up our butts, flying around like drunks, mutilating cows, ect. I can: they either don’t exist here or they are totally insane.

Beleif and proof are to very diffrent things, one is faith the other is logic.

Is this the 3rd, 4th or 5th time, you have not explained the cases I presented to you? Yet you continue to repeat there is no evidence, and when I give you evidence, you don't even address it. So what should I conclude from this? Are there no counter-explanations or you are not capable of formulating a counter-explanation?

As for your "ignored" arguments. How many times do you want to tell you? I am not an ET contactee. I don't have information on their policies. If you don't understand english, tell me what language you understand, and I'll translate it for you.
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I did address it, they covered it for me. Why should I repeat what other have said, your thread argument is not to me alone. You have the counter their arguments. It is you that continue the ignore me.

I don't care if you’re a contactee or not, you can still postulate on to the logic of these aliens, of the very claims your being here in fact.
I give up WCF. Just don't say there is "no evidence" again, or you really are going to look stupid - seeing as when you are given it, you just ignore it. As for others, the "others" are pseudoskeptics, very stupid ones at that. They have not explained anything at all, and I've replied to them, and shown that.

Now, if you are not capable of thinking for yourself, or just can't think. Then I don't understand what you're doing here? Unless you're just here to cheer on the pseudoskeptics - a cheerleader?
When did I say there is no evidence??? show me. I remember say something on the lines that the evidence is more supporting of more mundane theories. Not only do you ignore you also like to make a lot of strewmen about stuff we did not say or exaggerations on things we did say.
crazymikey said:
A pseudoskeptic refusing to think, and trying to pass of stupidity as legitimate.
If you could at all show how this is related to what you quoted....
crazymikey said:
"eye witness testimony is false" this is why it is used as evidence in a court of law practically every case? Of course this is coming from the dunce, that said press conferences are easy and cheap to hold and that reporters bring their own studio lights lol
First, as explained eyewitness testimony alone does not count much in large cases. Second, press conferences can be cheap and are held cheaply every day.
crazymikey said:
Explanation A: Atmospheric effects
You do realize what 'migratory' means... don't you? It is not atmospheric... it is birds.
crazymikey said:
Explanation B - blimps/baloons...
Like I said, I have no idea what case you are talking about, and said 'with the limited description'. I am not going to go a debunk yet ANOTHER case you presented. Your track record flat out sucks.
crazymikey said:
Gladly. In fact, many astronomers, scientists of the 19th century, prediced the speeds of these flying objects. It's called triangulation, where the approx velocity of the object can be known by the approximate distances. Calculated by a famous astronomer. Explain.
LMAO. Please give me a link of how one man triangulated an objects location and speed in the 19th century. This should be good.
crazymikey said:
Need I say more, lol. I think the subject is under the impression, that because he does not think(ever?) that no one else does.
Thanks for the personal attacks. doesn't really help your case any.
crazymikey said:
Wait, you did not answer my question. What is UFO doing shining a beam of light on Mary - before the advent of flight, heliocentric theory of gravitation and the universe, the modern UFO phenomenon, Star Trek, X files, space science. Expain.
Why is a clock melting over a tree? It's art. Ever hear the term 'light of god', see angles with wings, the devil with horns and a pitchfork, a big hand coming out of the sky, or people with halos above their head? Funny how it should suddenly represent reality when it suits your goal.
crazymikey said:
Explanation D: Debunked?

Subject thinks the 400+ witnesses have been "debunked" without actually proving it or showing it.
I showed you about 5 or 6 of the stories which have been debunked. Don't expect me to waste my time on 400 stories when the author of the site doesn't weed out the obviously false ones.
crazymikey said:
So now Persol, now that this well respected and misrepresented person, you so greatly admire, also disclosed the truth on ETI. Do you believe ;)
No. I also never said I greatly admired him, or that that made what he said true. This is called 'argument from authority' and doesn't float well around here.
crazymikey said:
1. There is actually little evidence to suggest the speed of light is a barrier, and theoretically anti-gravity and ZPE technology open the doors to interstellar travel.
LMAO. Source please.
crazymikey said:
How, do you know, how far ETI is? If they were just 4 light years away
We can see the systems 4 light years away, and they wouldn't support our form of life.
crazymikey said:
3. How do you know what kind of technological abilities and science an advanced ETI race is capable of; Little Persol.
Actually, you will note that I specifically have said "we don't know". At the same time you have said 'this and that will lead to FTL travel'. Your claims our unsupported. My claims that we know of no way to effectively break the c barrier is supported.
crazymikey said:
Actually, you are very stupid, and I don't even have to call you it, you show it yourself.
You don't have to, but you will anyway? Could you please do the same to applying logic?
crazymikey said:
Actually, anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams are out of the "blue" seeing as no one knew about them till today.
Funny. People still don't know about them. Have any non-kook sources?
crazymikey said:
Interesting you mention television; the cathode tube took 30 years to perfect - around 1930's. While the computer took 50 years to go from occupying a room 40 feet by 30 feet to 4nm by 3nm ;)
You have no tools. How long does it take you to build a lathe? Now you have a lathe, how long does it take you to build even more complicated tools?

So please, backup the following with non-crackpot sites:
A 19th century scientist determining an object to Mach 15.
FTL travel being possible.
Sources that show anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams exist.
Persol only likes the scientists that are of the nature of government sponsored media puppets. Where would we be with out the true dreamers and successful “crack-pots” that have provided the greatest inventions and have made the greatest discoveries? Still repressed by governments and religions in the dark ages. And, nay sayer’s of obvious note.

Mikey has some of it put together, yet lacks certain key elements because of his continued ignorance of certain information. Lost and stumbled upon the path to discovery.
Post deleted - Off topic.
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Persol - As your replies continue to get more stupid. I think I'll pass this time.

Craterchains - Please tell me those key elements I am lacking, because of continued "ignorance of certain information". After all, If I am making some errors, or neglecting some information, I should know, so I can rectify those errors and "ignorance of certain information"
crazymikey said:
Persol - As your replies continue to get more stupid. I think I'll pass this time.
Probably because your statements were unfounded.

So please, backup the following with non-crackpot sites:
A 19th century scientist determining an object to Mach 15.
FTL travel being possible.
Sources that show anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams exist.
Dear crazymikey,

Many of the sighting you proclaim match up with the time travel records of people with time travel licenses. They are not aliens per say, though some of them are, but most are human or of human origin and all come from other times. Space time quantum flux singularity drive allows for faster then light travel because it actually travel much slower then lgiht but because it can manipulate when you are and not just where as well as move you in 9 different dimensions it appears to travel faster then light, but it will send you to your destination at any time you wish. Thanks to the time travel sanction of the earth system only a limited number of licensed people are allowed entry. Also don’t listen to Persol and others of debunked logic as they can never understand or believe, just ignore them.
Yet again with the imagination Necquim, i'd give this one just a 9 though. Also care to list the 9 dimensions?
Many of the sighting you proclaim match up with the time travel records of people with time travel licenses.
You mean i need a time travel license for my delorian? damn....
Tell us about the future Nequim... but only what you're allowed to, dont break any rules for us...

*starts campfire and sits wide eyed waiting*

This is actually late news, but it actually confirms government-cover up and that the infamous Area 51, that has been talked about for more than 50 years - actually existed:

The US Air Force only recently acknowledged that Groom Dry Lake Air Force Base - the official name of Area 51 - even exists.

The base is 120 km northwest of Las Vegas.

The base has been the testing ground for a host of top-secret aircraft, including the B-2 stealth bomber.

The base's airspace is restricted and civilian aircraft are not allowed to fly over it.
Wasnt it proved years ago that area 51 existed? It was what they did inside that remained a mystery. As for the rest of it i've seen it and heard most of it before, not as convincing as you'd expect, im not aware of anybody who has accepted it as anything other than a hoax.
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