Proof for ETI: Part 2

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oh really then explain these which I can not find your answer to:

Ok why drop off the cows mutilated bodies back? I mean way does a alien space ship or (goverment black op helocopter) pick them up and take them god knows where and then brings them right back? Why don't these aleins just throw their corpeses into space, why don't the black ops take home stake or simple burn the remains?

You have proof stealth was reversed engineered from aliens! Tell me what technologies are in fact humen???

I could pick up more if you want?
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I am sure you think I am an ETI contactee, and have inside information on their policies. However, I've answered your questions already more than twice.

However, will you even try to answer mine?
crazymikey said:
Persol, either your blind or just plain dumb - were on umm page 500 - and you ran away from page 100, after you made a fool out of yourself.
Actually no. I was out of the country.

At least you didn't think I was abducted by aliens....
He probably meant these... which aren't questions, but unsubstantiated claims.

crazymikey said:
WCF, eyewitness testimony, first-hand testimony does count for something. Otherwise we could do away with the judicial system.
It has been explained before that eyewitness testimony is false, and this is well known within the judicial system.
crazymikey said:
Radar, camera cases, are in their thousands - explain to me flying craft travelling at Mach 15 and above, detected on multiple radar, with eye witness accounts, and that can be chased across the sky, that intelligently change altitude and change direction - in the 1940's :)
This is fairly common. Not surprisingly it happens more often in the migratory seasons. Basically because of the way radar works two different slow moving close objects can show up as one quick distant object. This is also well known.
crazymikey said:
Explain to me huge glowing indepedence day flying ships
Much like your other thread, you need to learn to tell the difference between CGI and reality.
crazymikey said:
that are seen by thousands, that are shot at for 35 min, and then fly away into the wilderness - in 1941
Oh, not THAT film? There could be plenty of explanations but from the minimal description I'm going to say blimps/ballon.
crazymikey said:
Explain to me a flying ship travelling at Mach 15, recorded by Edmond Haley, in the 19th century.
Explain to me a single person in the 19th centruy being able to judge Mach 15. I think not...
crazymikey said:
Explain to me, how in 1947, multiple witnesses, including intelligence officers, come upon a bizarre debris at Roswell, that does not burn, cut, or dent, and is thin as tin-foil, and are given orders by the man who was in charge of the first nuclear strike, to declare it is a UFO
This is the military. Thought is not required as to PR releases. It is remarkable that none of this material has ever been shown to the public considering all the people that claim to have knowledge of it. There is no reason to think this is anything other then an urban legend.
crazymikey said:
Explain to me what is a flying saucer UFO doing around Mary, beaming a light on her?
Impregnating her? Explain to me why there is a melting clock on a tree? In no way does this demonstrate ETIs.
crazymikey said:
Explain to me why do 400+ high brass, scientists, intelligence officers from NSA, CIA, NASA, USAF, would put their jobs, and lives on the line, and claim there is ETI and government cover-ups.
LMAO. Debunked over and over. It's amazing that you trust a source who still lists things as evidence even AFTER it's been disputed BY THE PERSON WHO WAS SAID TO MAKE THE CLAIM. And yet again, please explain why thousands of people claim to have talked to God. Hell, one of them is the president of the USA. Can't get much more high brass than that.
crazymikey said:
Explain to me why ETI is so unlikely, when it's existence is scientifically supported, and when interstellar travel is scientifically supported.
That's just funny. ETI is likely. ETI being HERE is not. Interstellar travel in a single generation is NOT scientifically supported (as of yet). Is it possible.. sure. But space aliens who transform into trucks and planes is also possible. That doesn't make it true.
crazymikey said:
Explain to me how we have gone from horse-pulled buggies to anti-gravity space ships, mind control, vacuum physics, nanotechnology, particle beam weaponary, quantum computers, tractor beams in 100 years, when we could not even do the same in 1000 years?
Now that is stupid. Please demonstrate the anti-gravity space ships, mind control, particle beam weaponary, quantum computers, and tractor beams in any usable form. Do you think the scientific community wouldn;t notice 'out of the blue' discoveries. Most advances are WELL documented and involve hundreds of people. Your assumption is unsupported. 'Nanotechnology' is a logical advancement from the same technology that brought us the television.
crazymikey said:
If you can explain them all, satisfactorily, then i'll accept there is no ETI.
No you won't. You are way to wrapped up in your imaginary world.
We are not saying it did not happen we are saying it is less likely then the other theories despite the fact that many of these other theories are simple, dull, unexciting and un-revolutionary. Don't go hurting your self and over exaggerating what we said.

"It couldn't have happend" therefore, "it's didn't happen"

And this is what the "skeptics" can do for their best explanation

WCF, again you did not answer my questions. Last time you piggybacked on Skinwalker's post. This time you piggybacked on Persol's post. Incidentally, they were piggybacking on others explanations - Can't you think?
I did not need to answer it as they answer it for me in the same way I would have only in some cases more effectively then I.

By the way we did not say it could no happen, we simple say it is less likely then other theories.
Holy, I almost fell out of my chair! You're a bloody comedian!

Persol said:
He probably meant these... which aren't questions, but unsubstantiated claims.

A pseudoskeptic refusing to think, and trying to pass of stupidity as legitimate.

Exibit A: Persol

It has been explained before that eyewitness testimony is false, and this is well known within the judicial system.

"eye witness testimony is false" this is why it is used as evidence in a court of law practically every case? Of course this is coming from the dunce, that said press conferences are easy and cheap to hold and that reporters bring their own studio lights lol

This is fairly common. Not surprisingly it happens more often in the migratory seasons. Basically because of the way radar works two different slow moving close objects can show up as one quick distant object. This is also well known.

Explanation A: Atmospheric effects

Circumstantial evidence:

Radar detects UFO travelling at supersonic speeds
Ground witnesses see UFO travelling at supersonic speeds
Pilot chases UFO across the sky
Pilot feels EM effect's from the UFO

Please explain again, except this time, make it even more stupid ;)

Much like your other thread, you need to learn to tell the difference between CGI and reality.
Oh, not THAT film? There could be plenty of explanations but from the minimal description I'm going to say blimps/ballon.

Explanation B - blimps/baloons

Circumstantial evidence:

Gigantic, orange glowing ship.
4 powerful spotlights light locking onto the ship
Constant artillery fire, and fighter planes scrambling towards the object for over 35+ min
Hundreds of witnesses, including an Air Warden
Photograph showing the object

Where did you pull that explanation out of, your ass? An "explanation" that does not explain?

Explain to me a single person in the 19th centruy being able to judge Mach 15. I think not...

Gladly. In fact, many astronomers, scientists of the 19th century, prediced the speeds of these flying objects. It's called triangulation, where the approx velocity of the object can be known by the approximate distances. Calculated by a famous astronomer. Explain.

This is the military. Thought is not required as to PR releases. It is remarkable that none of this material has ever been shown to the public considering all the people that claim to have knowledge of it. There is no reason to think this is anything other then an urban legend.

Explanation C: Thought is not required for a PR release.

Need I say more, lol. I think the subject is under the impression, that because he does not think(ever?) that no one else does.

Impregnating her? Explain to me why there is a melting clock on a tree? In no way does this demonstrate ETIs.

Wait, you did not answer my question. What is UFO doing shining a beam of light on Mary - before the advent of flight, heliocentric theory of gravitation and the universe, the modern UFO phenomenon, Star Trek, X files, space science. Expain.

LMAO. Debunked over and over. It's amazing that you trust a source who still lists things as evidence even AFTER it's been disputed BY THE PERSON WHO WAS SAID TO MAKE THE CLAIM. And yet again, please explain why thousands of people claim to have talked to God. Hell, one of them is the president of the USA. Can't get much more high brass than that.

Explanation D: Debunked?

Subject thinks the 400+ witnesses have been "debunked" without actually proving it or showing it. Subject also says, that one of the witnesses, who he's previously called a respectable and misrepresented person, is one of them. That person's name is Edgar Mitchell:

Thus declared Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell on Saturday to more than 200 admirers.

"A few insiders know the truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have been discovered," said Mitchell, who was the sixth man to walk on the moon.

Mitchell, who landed on the moon with Alan B. Shepard, said a "cabal" of insiders stopped briefing presidents about extraterrestrials after President Kennedy.

For those who might consider his statements farfetched, Mitchell, who has a doctorate in science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, noted that 30 years ago it was accepted that man was alone in the universe. Few people believe that now, he said.

So now Persol, now that this well respected and misrepresented person, you so greatly admire, also disclosed the truth on ETI. Do you believe ;)

That's just funny. ETI is likely. ETI being HERE is not. Interstellar travel in a single generation is NOT scientifically supported (as of yet). Is it possible.. sure. But space aliens who transform into trucks and planes is also possible. That doesn't make it true.

Explanation E: It's likely they exist, but they can't get here:

The common pseudoscience argument. I've already proven it wrong, but as you need things spoon-fed:

1. There is actually little evidence to suggest the speed of light is a barrier, and theoretically anti-gravity and ZPE technology open the doors to interstellar travel. At least that is what most, real scientists think anyway. So who are you to object? - "I am persol, and I think PR releases require little thought"

2. How, do you know, how far ETI is? If they were just 4 light years away, using anti-matter technology they could make it here in 40 years - using the same - they could explore the galaxy in 1 million years.

3. How do you know what kind of technological abilities and science an advanced ETI race is capable of; Little Persol. Are you that ignorant and stupid, that you think you can dictate rules of the future. You don't know, jack lol

Now that is stupid. Please demonstrate the anti-gravity space ships, mind control, particle beam weaponary, quantum computers, and tractor beams in any usable form. Do you think the scientific community wouldn;t notice 'out of the blue' discoveries. Most advances are WELL documented and involve hundreds of people. Your assumption is unsupported. 'Nanotechnology' is a logical advancement from the same technology that brought us the television.

Actually, you are very stupid, and I don't even have to call you it, you show it yourself. Read up on the links I've posted last page. Actually, anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams are out of the "blue" seeing as no one knew about them till today.
Interesting you mention television; the cathode tube took 30 years to perfect - around 1930's. While the computer took 50 years to go from occupying a room 40 feet by 30 feet to 4nm by 3nm ;)

No you won't. You are way to wrapped up in your imaginary world.

In conclusion: You've just made a fool out of yourself like before. I mean come on, someone who says things like, "PR releases don't require thought","Eye witness testimony is false" holy cow man, and I thought my girlfriend was stupid! You take the cake!
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WellCookedFetus said:
I did not need to answer it as they answer it for me in the same way I would have only in some cases more effectively then I.

By the way we did not say it could no happen, we simple say it is less likely then other theories.

WCF, don't give me bullshit. Do you think, I don't know? You're in denial nothing else. You don't have any arguments, and that is why you evade the issue all the time, or rather just attack me or the issue. It's not logical to be skeptic here my friend. Just get over it.

ETI is now openly being discussed everywhere. Some of the most intelligent, well-respected and credible people are coming out and saying it. And we the public, have all the proof in front of us. More than 50% of the population believes ETI is here. A poll conducted in the 90's in a debate team of Oxford students, showed that 60% of them believed ETI was here. These numbers are increasing all the time. Even presedential canditates are pushing for disclosure of ETI now. You know I had this dream last night, of disclosure, and I thought to myself, wow, and to say, people did not accept them before - it felt so natural to me when it was disclosed. And it is natural you silly man: It's as natural as a child being born, or a star being born. It's as natural as the world and it's many island, races and countries.

For gods sake. Get over it.

Rather than be an idiot, living in his own world, you better concentrate on what we should do now, for our today, and our future. Because the future could be nasty, and if you act now, you might actually survive to see the future. On the other hand, it could be bright, and we have to ensure, we make that future happen today.

I don't know about you, but as a member of the human race, and as a citizen of this planet, I have every right to know what is happening today and how will my childrens future be. If you don't want to know, fine, you obviously have little care for you, your friends, family, and your world - but don't stop me, or anyone else from knowing - because it is imperative, that we know.

And I am also disgusted with these governments and its crimes against our race, and the faster they are judged in front of the people, the better.
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Actually I was thinking this Shaman, which incidentally plays back at you: Trying to convince skeptics that ETI exist, is like trying to convince the naysayers of:

Earth is round; not flat
There are other island where people live; we are not alone
Earth goes around the sun; not viz versa
Man can build a machine to fly; flight is not impossibe
Man can reach the moon; space flight is not impossible
Travelling faster than sound is possible; not impossible
Anti gravity and ZPE exist; it is theoretically possible

You are nothing more but the intellectual descendents of these bigoted fools; pests, masquerading around as scientists, that infect and hinder scientifc and intellectual growth at the roots. You have been proven wrong since time immorial, and are still being proven wrong today. When you have never got anything right - why should we believe you today? You ain't got a leg to stand on; water to swim in; and air to breathe. So, I'll just let barking dogs, bark, because that is what you do best.
I don't think any of the people refuting your claims are saying that alien visitation is impossible. They are saying that there is not evidence for it at this stage. Your analogy is not quite valid.

If you actually had proof, real proof, the skeptics would have to believe. As anyone who reads this topic can see, your 'proof' falls to pieces under real scrutiny.

I won't even comment on your ramble about scientists hindering intellectual growth and not having water to swim in. lol
I don't think any of the people refuting your claims are saying that alien visitation is impossible. They are saying that there is not evidence for it at this stage. Your analogy is not quite valid.

Then you are either blind or have poor memory. And my "analogy" is more of a pseudoskeptic track record than an analogy.

If you actually had proof, real proof, the skeptics would have to believe. As anyone who reads this topic can see, your 'proof' falls to pieces under real scrutiny.

I am going to be blunt now, because I tire of this self-inducted myopia of you pseudoskeptics. I have evidence, that is why we are on page 550(?). I have evidence, that is why I am constantly and consistently coming up with new arguments. There have been over 20 different proofs presented. I have evidence, that is why pseudoskeptics have stooped to the lowest ebb and started to indulge in open-insults. I have evidence, that is why not one pseudoskeptic, has been able to explain even one case I've presented. You can see that yourself, if you bother to read the posts objectively.

Therefore, either you are a hypocrit, or you should start "believing" as you just said. Honestly, I'll say it again. Get over it. ETI is here, but what you should be more concerned about, is what the government is doing right in front of your bloody eyes.
crazymikey said:
I have evidence, that is why we are on page 550(?). I have evidence, that is why I am constantly and consistently coming up with new arguments.

Your cut/past skills don't equal evidence. Nothing you've posted has withstood scrutiny. Each and every point was effectively refuted as to its "proof" of ETI. Being on "Page 550" is only an achievement in your head since quantity does not equal quality.

crazymikey said:
There have been over 20 different proofs presented.

There have been over 20 different refutations.

crazymikey said:
I have evidence, that is why not one pseudoskeptic, has been able to explain even one case I've presented.

Each case you've "presented" has been explained and refuted. Which one are you under the dellusion was not?

crazymikey said:
You can see that yourself, if you bother to read the posts objectively.

Which is why you intention seems to be to present a volume of wild claims, thinking that the ignorant, easily wowed, and willing believers will be impressed by this and give your wild claims credibility. It worked.. you got lots of pats on the back by the willing believers. Those that adhere to scientific method and principles, however, are unswayed. Quality of presentation is what matters, not quantity.

You've failed mikey. You presented a wild set of claims, offered nothing substantive to back them up and in the end, you have a bunch of people who believed anyway telling you how good it was and people who are a skeptical lot (which is what you had to expect at a science board) telling you its crap. Nobody's position changed
I saw "New post by Skinwalker" and I was like, I wonder if he's said anything new or interesting that actually deserves a response. Nope. Same old. Same old. Yet, don't worry, I've not given up on you.
Mikey sez:

There is actually little evidence to suggest the speed of light is a barrier, and theoretically anti-gravity and ZPE technology open the doors to interstellar travel. At least that is what most, real scientists think anyway

It’s statements like this that dissolve any credibility you may have had.

If the speed of light were not a barrier, relativity would be wrong. And since relativity appears to be right considering there are mountains of experimental evidence to attest to that, your statement is bogus.

One can therefore conclude that you seriously lack any knowledge of physics and are so desperate for others to believe you that you would say anything to support your claims.

And it would also follow that you have no idea what real scientists think because real scientists work with relativity every day and know it to be right. And if those real scientists ever thought that ZPE and anti-gravity theoretically opened the doors to interstellar travel, they would be working on it right now. But they’re not, and most likely will never consider them because they know it to be pure nonsense.

So, anyone with a high school education who uses more than a few of their brain cells will see right through your BS and know that the only hard evidence you’ve provided thus far is your lack of knowledge of science and your penchant to deceive.

It is you that has ingnored and denied my agrument not the other way around

First you go on a strawmen about eye witness evidence, yes it is used in the judicial system as we have all said but it is no used without physical evidence to back it up. I have never heard of anyone convicted of a crime on eyewitness evidence alone. We explained this to you repeatedly yet you does not sink in.

Then you give me this appeal to popularity case about alien. Just because a majority of a population believes something does not make it true. The majority of people 500 years ago believe the earth was flat, the majority of germens believe Jews were sub-human in the 1940's. The majority of American believe in aliens visiting the earth on a regular basis in the beginning of the 21st century. This fallacy can even be sumed up as "Hey everyone is jumping off a cliff there for it must be the right thing to do!"
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