Proof for ETI: Part 2

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Phlogger, elaborate on Eugene Shoemaker then if you are into correlations.
Phlo, I frankly tire of your prosaic and parroted explanations. So instead, I'll give you a case to examine and give me an analysis.

Dr Wilhelm Reich

Dr Wilhelm Reich:

Overview: Dr Reich claimed to have discovered a new form of energy that he said pervaded all of existence. He wrote scientific papers on how energy is the primary manifestation of the universe. He continued on to experiment with weather modification experiments, and how this life energy could be used to treat any illness. His experiments attracted UFO's, that he speculated were ETI. Later the US government arrested him, and he was sentenced to two years on a charge of violating interstate commerce laws connected to the transport of an invention Dr. Reich called Orgone Energy Accumulators and his invention was destroyed by the FDA and his scientific papers burnt. The next year, Dr Reich was found dead.
Guess Mikey didn't like my analysis on Eugene Shoemaker, damn and it took me minutes to cut and paste making that thread.
So, here's how it works then.

A government employee is apparently getting too close to the truth, whatever that is. He is killed in a car crash. The police, ambulance and perhaps fire department and the coroner are investigating the accident. The police don't like the look of the accident and begin to think foul play may be at hand. They notice the laser blast to the head of the victim which is confirmed by the coroner. The police conclude it was a laser blast from an alien space gun - the coroner agrees, he's seen many of these laser blasts before, especially with government employess.

"He must have got too close to the truth," admits the coroner. The police and ambulance drivers nod in agreement.

Suddenly, a black sedan appears from nowhere with two men in dark suits and sunglasses. The ambulance driver notes that it is nightime. They flash their alien police badges and state, "We'll take it from here."

The two men in dark suits tell everyone on the site not to say anything about the laser blast to the head and that the victim died of natural causes, in a car crash. Everyone nods in agreement.

"Yup, that's good enough for me," says the coroner as he fills out his report.

Is that how it goes, Mikey?
Reich was being investigated as a suspected communist, and that is why his shipments were investigated, and an injunction was placed against him making more. He failed to capitulate, and was arrested for contempt of court.

So he was later found dead. Under what circumstances? Everybody dies, even loons.
That's the government explanation:

Why did the FDA destroy his inventions, and destroy his scientific papers ----- and 1 year later, he's also found destroyed?

FieryIce said:
Guess Mikey didn't like my analysis on Eugene Shoemaker, damn and it took me minutes to cut and paste making that thread.

It's interesting, but I personally see no correlation to UFO's, and I also do not see any suggestion of a conspiracy.
So you do just like millions other do, just dismiss Eugene Shoemaker's death as happenstance but you question others death, such as Dr. Wilhelm Reich? What does that do to your creditability as an investigator?
QUOTED from FieryIces thread post;
Could Gene’s untimely death be the result of his discovery that the so-called impact craters like Wolf Creek, Australia may in fact not be from impacts of meteoroids but more like nuclear explosion craters he observed in Nevada? Could it also be that Gene discovered that lunar craters were directly comparable to nuclear explosion craters rather than meteoroid impacts? END

Many scientists have discovered the similarities between nuclear or high energy burst weapons and the “so called” meteor craters.

The research of CS types of crater chains also leads me to think that weapon’s “probably” caused them. Thus our interest in “other singular crater formations” which also has led us to Mars’s muddy impact types of craters, some of which seem to have been caused by multiple impacts. Were just looking at the potential of these as weapons strikes and that as evidence and proof of ETI’s.
I think it makes me more credible, that I am not jumping to wild conclusions or making unsubstantiated correlations between unconnected matters. At least the deaths of the others I mentioned shared a common denominator. Meanwhile, there is no visible correlation of Shoemakers death to ETI/UFO's or to any conspiracy. I think you are making leaps of faith. I'm sorry, that I do not see what you want me too.
I also hope you realise, I am not investigating here. I have said time and time again, I am only presenting information that is readily available. Although I may share opinions from time to time, those are solely mine, and should not be construed as any claims.

As proof of ETI's goes, there is so much, but to get stuck on looking for proof and not advancing on for the rest of the story and answers makes me wonder why?

Just as others provide their proof of ETI.
The catch is this Crater; to advance on the rest of the story and answers, we need to prove ETI. You see the problem here is quite clear; we have to prove something that is more than proven already, but will only be fully proven, once it's proven lol
I think it makes me more credible, that I am not jumping to wild conclusions or making unsubstantiated correlations between unconnected matters.

And if you say it enough times, you'll begin to believe it.
I don't need any more "proof" Mikey, do you? :D

I had enough proof over thirty years ago to satisfy myself personally that there were UFO’s and ETI’s. Since then I have been just trying to put it all together and find out the WHY and so on. The last few years of that investigation has produced some formidable proof of ETI’s and their attitudes towards us. Just thought I would add some of our research about the subject of “proof”. It only takes “reasoning” on the given evidence to see our “proof”, same as what you have presented of “others” research and disclosure. Try getting over the fact that they are here and on with the WHY. Much more interesting to be a part of what’s happening, than to be wondering what just happened. Or reading about it later. :p

EDITED to add;
The poster below obviously doesn’t have a life; bird food, or animal food?
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I had enough proof over thirty years ago to satisfy myself personally that there were UFO’s and ETI’s. Since then I have been just trying to put it all together and find out the WHY and so on.

Wow! So people really do waste their lives on this stuff - how sad.
Crazy - a Tesla Coil is just a step-up transformer with many windings - a device which makes a low-voltage current into a high-voltage current at the cost of current. There is no appreciable gain of energy in a transformer, or people would use them as power sources. I'm unsure how a Tesla Coil is supposed to use the magnetic field of the Earth.
Q just shut the fuck up, you're adding absolutely nothing of value to this forum. The fact that you've given up attempting to formulate intelligent counter arguments is just evidence that either there are no intelligent counter arguments or that you lack the intelligence to come up with them.
The fact that you've given up attempting to formulate intelligent counter arguments is just evidence that either there are no intelligent counter arguments or that you lack the intelligence to come up with them.

You forgot to mention the other option - there are no intelligent arguments.
Then the fact that you believe there are no intelligent arguments proves that you're not here to add anything fucking leave and quit wasting our time which is of value to us and your time which is apparently of no value to yourself since you're spending it in a forum where you believe intelligent discourse is impossible.
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