Prayer Works -- a praise report for my Christian Brethren

Godless said: Hey get back to work woody

Woody says: It's sunday, and I don't post at work anyway.
When I was a kid, the adult Christians I knew were more fire and brimstone types. "Don't blaspheme, or the Loooorrrrddd!! will strike you down where you stand!!!" as an example. How are you different Woody? Or are you?

And what do you pray for? (Besides a better job?)
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water says: But you don't really *care*, Woody, and this is the whole problem.

Woody says: You want to remain anonymous so I will leave it that way.
In fact, at last Thanksgiving I was with my family, and my brother and I were arguing about God (him for, me against), and my 78 year old Grandpa said, "CT3000, God is gonna grab you one day!!" in an angry tone of voice. I said, "Well what the hell is taking Him so long?" :bugeye:
There must be a waiting list for god grabbing. Maybe it is because of the huge increase in the general population of our planet, combined with the relative increase in heathens and pagans, causing the almighty god's grabbing list to flooded to such a degree that even all the power in the world can't correct this unfortunate development in human nature.
You don't have even a clue how the Lord works in the life of a believer. May I quote the Holy Spirit:

Uh, Woody, those words are for YOU, the believer - they have no meaning for me.

So, it is actually YOU, the believer, who must adhere to them. But you, and many other theists here have not adhered to them as you and they continue to make the same assumptions about your beliefs.

You think My relationship with a holy spirit is foolishness, lunacy, and delusional

Woody, you only fool yourself.

water says: But you don't really *care*, Woody, and this is the whole problem.

Woody says: You want to remain anonymous so I will leave it that way.

And now you blame it all on me? What does my remaining anyonymous have to do with all this?

This thread is a document on how some Christians turn away non-Christians, how some Christians turn non-Christians away from seeking help in Jesus.

Frustrated, bored and exhausted with fear and worries I turn for help to Christians, who say they know God, and could point me to Him, that they welcome everyone. What happens? They lie to me, blame it all on me, evade answering my questions. Add to my frustration.

I am not blaming any person for my poor relationship with God.
I am saying it is a shame that so many of those who say they know God, who have been given such a precious gift, treat it as swines before whom pearls have been cast.
water says: Frustrated, bored and exhausted with fear and worries I turn for help to Christians, who say they know God, and could point me to Him, that they welcome everyone. What happens? They lie to me, blame it all on me, evade answering my questions. Add to my frustration.

Woody says: Whatever it is -- please get over it first. After you do I'd be glad to discuss when you are more approachable. We can continue off line if you wish. I have a site mail account, pop me a note. :)
Q says: Uh, Woody, those words are for YOU, the believer - they have no meaning for me.

Woody says: Indeed correct. It makes perfect sense to any believer and no sense at all to any atheist. Spirituality is something a child can understand and a PHD atheist can not understand. God planned it that way, and even Jesus Himself admired the supreme wisdom of the Father's plan.

Woody says: Whatever it is -- please get over it first. After you do I'd be glad to discuss when you are more approachable.

If I would be "over it", I would not be wondering about God in the first place.
Can you understand that?

You are expecting that I first, on my own, get well and perfect, and then come talking to you about God. Is God an extra?
Indeed correct. It makes perfect sense to any believer and no sense at all to any atheist. Spirituality is something a child can understand and a PHD atheist can not understand.

Then there is the difference: A child is ingnorant, a PHD atheist is not! :bugeye:

Spirituality is something a child can understand

Once again, you'll say anything to prop up your fantasies, no matter how ridiculous.
OK, prayer for that job would strip your employer of Free-will. It was the employers job to hire you, not God's. If God influenced that man into hiring you, he simply didn't have free-will.
Lawdog said:
Jesus himself condemns the PHD unbelievers, whom he calls THE SCRIBES.
But Jesus was just a long-haired hippie prat...what he says doesn't matter.
Godless says: Then there is the difference: A child is ingnorant, a PHD atheist is not!

Bible: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Woody says: Godless, you are a natural man. Isn't this talk about the "Spirit of God" foolishness to you? It really doesn't matter how well educated you are, you will see it that way as long as you are a natural man.
CrazedNewt: OK, prayer for that job would strip your employer of Free-will.

Woody: The match was a slam-dunk. God made the match. The employer is thrilled to get me and I feel likewise. God knows where the opportunities are and where the pit-falls are. I'm just glad He looks out for me, because He see's what I can't.
God made the match

And picking your nose during the interview would have still secured the job, regardless?
Q: And picking your nose during the interview would have still secured the job, regardless?

Woody: How about it when I questioned 300 million dollars of "goodwill" on the corporate financial statements while I was being interviewed by the executive panel? Pretty gutsy ehh?
How about it when I questioned 300 million dollars of "goodwill" on the corporate financial statements while I was being interviewed by the executive panel? Pretty gutsy ehh?

If your god already made the match, picking your nose or questioning 300 million dollars of "goodwill," are merely the quacks of a duck.

You could have dropped your drawers and mooned the executive panel, and still got the job.