Prayer Works -- a praise report for my Christian Brethren

Sour grape society?
I hope you are in no way refering to me.
I have everything I could want at this point in time.
I never prayed though....
Maybe it's good karma??
That must be it!
Excuse me, I must go at once and create a thread extolling the virtues of believing in Karma!
I feel so wronged for not being included in that list of sciforum notoriety.
Wasn’t I as mockingly degrading and sarcastic as the next infidel?
Didn’t I insult or look down upon Woody as well as those others did?

I think I’ll sulk for a second……Ok, that’s done.

Now I want to mention another miraculous and mystical human practice to add to Woddy’s proclamation that prayer works.
The power of flatulence is sorely underestimated.

Farts work!!!!! I have to report to my vulgar brethren.
Its power to empty a room and create a defensive perimeter around you is one of those secrets few admit to and even fewer dare to use.

In closing I have to echo Woody’s tender goodbye, but with my own Satanical twist, which will surely land me in Hell after the day of reckoning.

I will say to all, this is not my last post on sciforums.
I know this will make many of you sad but …who cares?

Before I do not go I would like to summarize some things:

To the Shyster, The Queen, and Inverted Colon -- Think what you want about me; that's ok, I don't hold it against you. I succeeded in one thing that counts the most – I made a complete fool of myself and exposed my mental retardation in public, I gave all of you the master plan, the secret guide of salvation and that is through religious inebriation. That was my intent from the beginning, so that you might have no life and have it more abundantly degraded. I regret that none of you took up god on her offer, but that is your choice.
She’s vindictive, so don’t be surprised if you are struck dead, in the near future.
Remember: 'I TOLD YOU SO'

Yeah, I took some knocks, especially when I was asked to provide logical grounds for my preposterous unfounded assertions, but God's offer still stands: ‘You are either for ME or against Me. I’m like George Bush with less charisma.’
The offer is: Bend over or Bend down.
At least I was concerned enough to give it to you as my love sacrifice. It was the way I consoled myself and justified my entrance into eternity.
I can now go in front of God and say that I tried my damnest to pretend like I actually cared.

You probably count it as nothing, because all three of you are pompous, blowhard morons.

So have a good life, and maybe someday, I pray – so it’ll work according to my original thesis -, you will find the Lord before it is too late. I warn you.
He's hiding behind the curtains. You have to be blind and stupid to find him.

As far as Jesus is concerned - and I know what he thinks 'cause I read it in a book and someone else with a white collar told me so - , I wouldn't be caught dead without Him. Because life is too frightening without that delusion and reality is too disturbing to be tolerated by me without a comforting, invisible friend and my blanky.


Snakelord, Spidergoat and Skinwalker,

Likewise….Screw you!!!!
All your aliases start with the letter s, which coincidentally is what the word SATAN is written with or ….perhaps not coincidentally……



Faust 1st part 1345


Medicine Woman,

I plan on meeting your son in the nothingness. What can I tell you that he hasn't already said?
Do you believe because of me?
Do you succumb to tragedy’s horror and raise hope as faith?


Southstar, Yorda,

-- Maybe someday.
They will all awake from reason and their human logic and be like us: lost in need and the desire for an eternal meaning to our suffering.



You'd probably understand my love for God’s music. I plan to go after it. Take care.
I’ll see you in paradise.



Take care, I sent you some nude photos. Please take a look in your mailbox. Thanks



I enjoyed your moronic enthusiasm, keep it up!
It reminded me of a retard who is given Jell-o in the ward.
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Medicine Woman said:
truth always prevails. Truth is a lot easier to love and to understand than any delusional religious addictions.
BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA were you dropped on the head? Do you ever read your little thoughts out loud? Jesus Christ!

hey everyone! Woody is alot happier than all of you!
never said:
:Woody is a lot happier than all of you!
how so, please explain.

"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one."

- George Bernard Shaw, Irish-born English playwright (1856-1950).
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geeser said:
how so, please explain.

"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one."

- George Bernard Shaw, Irish-born English playwright (1856-1950).
Drunkeness rarely lasts a lifetime.
never: BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA were you dropped on the head? Do you ever read your little thoughts out loud? Jesus Christ!
M*W: As a matter of fact, I do.
never: hey everyone! Woody is alot happier than all of you!
M*W: Now we know who "never" is! Get lost, Woody!
geeser said:
how so, please explain.

"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one."

- George Bernard Shaw, Irish-born English playwright (1856-1950).

How could drunkenness and happiness occur together?
water said:
How could drunkenness and happiness occur together?

Are you serious? Why do you think people drink? Do you intend to suggest that all must adhere to your definition of happiness?
People who drink are happy?
They are happy due to drinking, or do they drink due to being happy?
water said:
People who drink are happy?
They are happy due to drinking, or do they drink due to being happy?


Please do not pretend that "happy", the term "happy", refers to more than a state at a time. If you're going to use it to describe some sort of ongoing mental state, it would be better if you were specific.

Some people are happy due to drinking. Some people drink to be "happy". Some people are prudes who pretend they're happy by criticizing everyone else for being "happy" in a way of which they dissapprove because *they* do not find happiness in the same places and think they know about happiness even though they're miserable.

Like you.

This is off-topic.
There is a vital difference between happiness and pleasure. And this can be the basis of a rational philosophy.
Some people are prudes who pretend they're happy by criticizing everyone else for being "happy" in a way of which they dissapprove because *they* do not find happiness in the same places and think they know about happiness even though they're miserable.

Like you.
Or so covetous of 'happy' that they penalize all evincing it.
These do not "disapprove". That they cannot unwill their approving it and their not being able to destroy or attain frustration..

St. Augustine and Ambrose would have you all fry in hell not because they found sex repulsive but because they could not find it repulsive.

And consider too that nothing frustrates an old, wrinkled woman than the happiness of a prettier one.

To the quoting halfman:

"Prevention of Conversation: Being completely self-centered and unable to relate to anything outside himself, the male's `conversation', when not about himself, is an impersonal droning on, removed from anything of human value. Male `intellectual conversation' is a strained compulsive attempt to impress the female",
-Scum manifesto

To the Christians and like-minded:

"The sole acknowledged right of the sheep is to deliver up its cutlets to beings possessing a greater skull than its own."
-Le Bon's "Psychology of Socialism", Conflicts of Peoples and Classes
"Yeah, I took some knocks, but God's offer still stands"

This is approximately the most despicable condescension imaginable to me. First, the gaul and lack of reverence for the concept of creation (presumed by lawdog of course, and his fellow cult members) to put one's self in communion with the infinitely mysterious, and lastly to purport its will.

You're a jackass lawdog. Your depth wouldn't immerse the testicles of an ant (were your sky-daddy to grant it nuts).

Let's consider one moment the assumption of a omniscient, omnipowerful being shall we? With it given, how can one have the sheer audacity to presume to relate to it in any realistic way? Ah, we presume scriptures are relevant materials. What a pathetic, weak, nonsensical joke. Scriptures offend me to my core.