Prayer Works -- a praise report for my Christian Brethren

Woody said:
Woody says: You are looking and that is a great start. A decision about christianity comes down to a decision about Christ himself. You spoke of the Samaritan parable -- Jesus told it. There is also a decision about yourself -- do you feel like you need to change, are you concerned about what happens after you die?

You are missing the point.

I have met many, much too many Christians whom I have hoped to be the good Samaritan to me -- and they were not.

Always this "I am only a fallible human" excuse.

Woody says: I am not God. I am an ambassador for Christ, and that is all I am. From what you have said, there has been a failure on my part. I am only human -- I have feelings, thoughts, and imperfections like any other human. I apologize. Nonbelievers expect christians to be perfect -- we are not, but our savior Jesus Christ is perfect, and someday, after we die, we will be made just like Him. He is alive today.

As a non-Christian I expect Christians to be more Christian.

What amazes me and disturbs me is to see people who have been Christians all their lives -- and yet, so clumsy, so prejudiced, so easily stressed.

I posted that "I hate Christians" thread in the hopes that the Christians here would be able to rise above the lowly feelings coming from me, help me to overcome them, lead by example.
But I was once more disappointed in their reaction. Accused of intellectual pride and of refusing to build my own relationship of God -- this was flung at me.

What does one have to do that you'd first listen, and then make your comments?

I am continually disappointed in how clumsy many Christians tend to be in the way they treat esp. non-Christians. Why is that love that they are supposed to be so full of it -- why is that love so hard to find?

You are right, God will not turn someone away that knocks at his door. I can appreciate you seeing at least a glimpse of the Lord in me, but I am just a fallable human -- you need to go to the source -- and that's Jesus.

Why should I, or anyone, go to Jesus? Can you tell me that?
Water says: Always this "I am only a fallible human" excuse.

Woody says: What did I do that was so wrong in your opinion? I apologized to Gerd, but he also said some things I did not like. You expect perfection, but you aren't going to find it in me or anyone else. So why not be a little more realistic? The reality is, all humans are fallible, I am and so are you. Jesus asks us to forgive people's imperfections. I've had to do it many times -- that's life.


Water says: I am continually disappointed in how clumsy many Christians tend to be in the way they treat esp. non-Christians. I have met many, much too many Christians whom I have hoped to be the good Samaritan to me -- and they were not.

Woody says: Yes, and con artists use that argument on me just so they can get something out of me. They know I'm a christian so they expect certain things. I am willing to share the little I have, and I still do.

I am disappointed in the way some christians treat other christians when they make a mistake. It's a crying shame.

You have asked for a good Samaritan, but what do you want? I can't physically be there for you. I'll do what I can. Again, what can I do for you? I'll try.


Water: I posted that "I hate Christians" thread in the hopes that the Christians here would be able to rise above the lowly feelings coming from me, help me to overcome them, lead by example.

Woody says: I didn't participate. I don't want to talk to somebody that hates me, so I stayed out.


Water said: You are missing the point.

Woody said: Actually I think you are missing your own point which you made so well -- didn't you say we shouldn't expect someone to be God? Likewise, shouldn't we look at Jesus if we want to see God, instead of looking at me or anyone else? Remember the parable of the good Samaritan. The Pharisee and the Levite were considered the most moral and honorable people in their day, likewise Samaritans were considered to be scumbags by the rest of Jewry -- and look who helped the guy that was injured. I wouldn't just walk by and let someone die, would you? I don't think any of us would, believer or nonbeliever. Yet the high-and-mighty did walk by someone that was dieing. All they had to do was stop.


Water, I don't understand some things about you. First you sound like a spiritual person, then you make a post about hating christians -- I thought it was a joke, or maybe you just said it to get a reaction out of somebody. I thought you were a christian.
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cole said: Also, we amerikkkans, have killed plenty of innocent muslims, we helped pay for the bullets and bombs.

Woody says: During the civil war, we christians and americans killed each other.
Too bad it had to come to us killing each other, and we americans ARE so very GOOD at killing, always have been, we're even proud of it. Civil war = lowpoint in history I think, it demonstrates some sad truths.

P.S. Water - I have a lot of love for the people here, even the ones that annoy me, but I am not a competent christian anyway, I don't fit in. However, I think christianity is changing for the better, and will soon be more christian. That is what I've noticed in the real world, people I know, not the public figures, obviously.
Woody said:
Water says: Always this "I am only a fallible human" excuse.

Woody says: What did I do that was so wrong in your opinion? I apologized to Gerd, but he also said some things I did not like.

What, she said some things you did not like, and so it is okay to not respond with love?

You expect perfection, but you aren't going to find it in me or anyone else.

I'm not expecting perfection.
I'm expecting that people who know the Bible by heart would actually live by the words they utter.

So why not be a little more realistic? The reality is, all humans are fallible, I am and so are you. Jesus asks us to forgive people's imperfections. I've had to do it many times -- that's life.

I don't hold anything against you, and there is nothing to forgive.

By "being a little more realistic" do you mean that I should cut you some slack? You know, you don't really need to keep all the commandments at all times, it's okay if you leave out some?

Water says: I am continually disappointed in how clumsy many Christians tend to be in the way they treat esp. non-Christians. I have met many, much too many Christians whom I have hoped to be the good Samaritan to me -- and they were not.

Woody says: Yes, and con artists use that argument on me just so they can get something out of me. They know I'm a christian so they expect certain things. I am willing to share the little I have, and I still do.

Where is that shrewdness of a snake and the innocence of a dove that you are to have? The spirit of power and not of timidity?

I am disappointed in the way some christians treat other christians when they make a mistake. It's a crying shame.

That is bad, to be faced with your own standards, isn't it?

You have asked for a good Samaritan, but what do you want? I can't physically be there for you. I'll do what I can. Again, what can I do for you? I'll try.

Know your limitations and the limitations posed by the circumstances.
If you are not ready to persevere, go two miles with us, then you better give it up right now. Better not to make a promise at all, than to make a promise and break it.

Water: I posted that "I hate Christians" thread in the hopes that the Christians here would be able to rise above the lowly feelings coming from me, help me to overcome them, lead by example.

Woody says: I didn't participate. I don't want to talk to somebody that hates me, so I stayed out.

Think again:

Water originally said: I hate Christians because God loves them more than me.

Woody says: Cain felt the same way about Abel. Cain was jealous, but he didn't want to obey God so he could have the same thing that Abel had.

Other people feel the same way: they are jealous of the intimacy that Christains have with god, but they don't want to build that intimate relationship for themselves.

Yes? You did not participate?
Or is that you haven't read the thread, and just replied on first impulse?

Water, I don't understand some things about you. First you sound like a spiritual person, then you make a post about hating christians -- I thought it was a joke, or maybe you just said it to get a reaction out of somebody. I thought you were a christian.

Tough luck, if you can't label me?
Water said: What, she said some things you did not like, and so it is okay to not respond with love?

Woody says: Why don't we do a little rewind and see what Gerd said? According to you, these comments are supposed to get a loving response from me:

Gerd said: Jesus was a cocksucking Jew anyway.

Gerd said: Since when is infinite knowledge so godamned ambiguous?


Gerd said: You know, like this: Woody, we're both fucking annoying. Love, Medicine Woman


Woody says: Water, you said this to Gerd:

Never blame people for your own disbelief in God. It is not fair, not to you and not to God.

Don't ask people questions that are meant to be asked of God. People will be more than glad to answer -- but they cannot speak for God.

If you look for God in people, you won't find Him there. You'll find people and some upon whom God has worked.

Woody is Woody, and God won't think and work for him.

If someone won't help you -- don't look for ways to add them to your problems.

Have you really been turned away? Is there no one who cares for you and tries to help you?


Woody says: I am really getting confused. Are there two "waters" on this forum? First you defend me, then you trash me for the same thing. Then you tell me to kiss off because I don't know who's the real you. Are there two of you, or do you speak out of both sides of your mouth? :bugeye:
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Woody said:
Water said: What, she said some things you did not like, and so it is okay to not respond with love?

Woody says: why don't we do a little rewind and see what Gerd said? According to you, this is conversation is supposed to get a love response from me:

Gerd said: Jesus was a cocksucking Jew anyway.

Gerd said: Since when is infinite knowledge so godamned ambiguous?


Gerd said: You know, like this: Woody, we're both fucking annoying. Love, Medicine Woman

And? Are you commanded to be choosy in your love?
Matthew 5:43-48? Yes?

And it is Gendanken.

Woody says: I am really getting confused. Are there two "waters" on this forum? First you defend me, then you trash me for the same thing. Then you tell me to kiss off because I don't know who's the real you. Are there two of you, or do you speak out of both sides of your mouth? :bugeye:

I'm a challenge to your balance, aren't I?
It all goes to show that you judge by the person: You are not focusing on *your* response, on *your* actions. You are focusing on the other person. Favouritism? Perfect yourself in love?
Water says: I'm a challenge to your balance, aren't I?
It all goes to show that you judge by the person: You are not focusing on *your* response, on *your* actions. You are focusing on the other person. Favouritism? Perfect yourself in love?

Woody says: Love is focusing on the other person and trying to understand them. I am doing my part. You are purposefully being evasive.
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Woody said:
Water says: I'm a challenge to your balance, aren't I?
It all goes to show that you judge by the person: You are not focusing on *your* response, on *your* actions. You are focusing on the other person. Favouritism? Perfect yourself in love?

Woody says: Love is focusing on the other person and trying to understand them.

And what effort are you willing to put into understanding them?
You have posted in my thread without reading it. This is how much effort you are willing to put into "understanding" someone.

Your response is evasiveness.

No, it's biblical.
water says: No, it's biblical

Woody says: You don't believe the bible. So stop pretending.
Woody said:
water says: No, it's biblical

Woody says: You don't believe the bible. So stop pretending.

The Bible does not hold monopoly over certain values and preferences.
I am not pretending.

I pointed out a biblical point to you that you are missing.

Oh, and Woody, like most good Christians, you completely fail to see how unhappy someone is.
water says: Oh, and Woody, like most good Christians, you completely fail to see how unhappy someone is.

Woody says: Are you a guy or a girl? I ask because I don't want to respond inapproriately. I thought Gend was a guy. :eek:

water says: Oh, and Woody, like most good Christians, you completely fail to see how unhappy someone is.

Woody says: Are you a guy or a girl? I ask because I don't want to respond inapproriately. I thought Gend was a guy.

First of all, you owe me several apologies:
You said you have not posted in my thread -- and I proved you have.
You say you focus on the person -- and your response shows that you don't, for you have obviously not read my thread before you posted.
You went at me for quoting the Bible -- because I, as a non-Christian don't have the right to quote it?

And what does it matter whether I am a "guy or a girl"? You can hardly respond more inappropriately than you did.
water says: You can hardly respond more inappropriately than you did. And what does it matter whether I am a "guy or a girl"?

Woody says: I'm sorry, but this is where the one-sided conversation ends. It's odvious you want to remain anonymous and flame me with retorts -- there is nothing about you in the member database -- so enjoy talking to yourself. :(
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You know, wood, you just use the little thing that says "reply" on the right end of the page. You know, the 'quote' thing.
Hap says: You know, wood, you just use the little thing that says "reply" on the right end of the page. You know, the 'quote' thing.

Woody says: Yeah, it works fine until you start putting quotes inside quotes inside quotes, while wondering who said what. Try maintianing continuity sometime when you have a series of four quotations and you'll get a bowl-o-alphabet soup! :rolleyes:
I don't really care if you believe it. I know what I have heard and seen.

More precisely, you are unable to discern your fantasies from reality, but everyone already knows that.

I give the credit where it is due, I don't want to lose out on another blessing.

Ah yes, the narcistic, self-serving, egomaniacal Christian in you is rearing its ugly head again.

Woody says: I'm sorry, but this is where the one-sided conversation ends. It's odvious you want to remain anonymous and flame me with retorts -- there is nothing about you in the member database -- so enjoy talking to yourself.

And you have shown that you are simply unfit to help.
It is such a shame. Such a shame.

You could only speak to me, and not think I "flame you with retorts", if I were a little mindless object, a stupid thing, hungry for whatever shit you'd be willing to shove down my throat.

I am sure Jesus would know what to do. But you don't really *care*, Woody, and this is the whole problem.
And Christians such as Woody like to claim atheists are selfish :rolleyes:

Hey get back to work woody, god won't help U keep the job if you are posting here constantly!. :D

But you've got no worries, god may help you find the next job, right? :rolleyes: lOl

Q says: More precisely, you are unable to discern your fantasies from reality, but everyone already knows that.

Woody says: You think you have all the answers, but you really don't. You don't have even a clue how the Lord works in the life of a believer. May I quote the Holy Spirit:

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
The bible had you figured out before you were even born -- You think My relationship with a holy spirit is foolishness, lunacy, and delusional -- now isn't that true? Go ahead and prove God's point for me. Isn't a spiritual relationship a foolish, idiotic thing for a person to believe? Come on Q -- say yes so my faith will be strenghthened. ;)
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