Prayer Works -- a praise report for my Christian Brethren

That is right, Woody.

My name is Gendanken.
Not “Gerd.”
I am a female.
Not a male.
I am a wandering gentile, not an atheist.
A good 90% of my history at the forums is me posting and begging for God- everyone here that has run across the name Gendanken knows that I am longing for Christ.

Yet I came to you, Woody, and you could barely spell my name.
You called me an atheist and to my hunger for real bread- the flesh of Jesus himself as atonement- you sprayed me with the leftover crumbs at your banquet instead.
Have you even read your posts to me or just slept your way through them?
Know what hurts the most?
That god willed it.

If you agree with that Idiot Mephura that god had planned you all out from the beginning- every action, every thought, deed, and need, from the very beginning- then you shutting the door on my face was also his doing.
Or wasn’t it?

And all because you don’t fucking like me.
If choirboy Mephura is to be believed, like you do, that its all been planned then this is because God does not like me as there is no “you” I can blame for it.
Or is there?

Now, I want you to consider something here Woody.
It’s a little something particular to science called an observational consequence.
It’s the same thing that happened when Pascal decided to verify a statement someone or other made about the atmosphere being like an ocean sitting on top of us so that the higher you go, the ‘lighter’ the atmosphere should be. A statement was made to Pascal, and this statement was used to decide whether or not other statements concerning it were true based on observation.

You’ve just shown that lovers of Christ, however civil, are averse to those like myself.
Lovers of Christ are averse to Gendanken.
Gendanken loves Christ.
Therefore, Gendanken is averse to herself.
Therefore, Gendanken dislikes herself.

THIS, my Christian friend Woody, is an observational consequence and some proof- not all- of why I hate myself.
Beucase if I believe that god wills you, then god IS you, and you not liking me and thereby throwing me out of or limiting your counsel is god purging me from his kingdom.

God, therefore, LIES.

It does not matter that you’ve apologized now, the deed is done, my sweets, and god has pre-ordanined it.
I quote from the holy scriptures:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened
-Luke 11:10


Do you even know why I have not posted since Friday? I’ve been depressed, Woody.
This will lay on your head tonight, Woody.
You and your brothers are the very rock upon which my self-hate is founded.

Me and Water, two orphans crying out for their Father, came to your inn one day and begged for an opening.
Never mind that one of them contradicts herself dearly, saying with one hand that we should not ask men to show God to us and with the other denouncing you, a man, for not showing her.

No, we will not consider this in our pilgrimage. Only that you have blood on your hands, Woody, for shutting that inn door on strangers.
I’ve been a mess since Friday.

Remember always that three angles came to Abraham in the guise of filthy strangers and he opened his camp to them. Abraham too was an infallible man.

So don’t give me cant about being just a “mere mortal” or "infallible" or "imperfect".

YOU turned me away.

Yours in disillusionment,
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Let's try to start over.

Well then again, your intentions are bad.
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Do you believe Jesus is resurrrected from the dead? Do you believe He died for your sins? If you can say yes, then you are ready for the next step.
Yes, I WANT to believe that Jesus, almighty, the lamb of Christ, who came to this world to suffer the yoke of our sins and something really dirty I've been up to lately- was resurrected.

I want to believe that St. Mathew did not screw up a word in Jewish prophesy.
The Hebrew word in Isaiah used describe the woman who would bear the messiah means 'young woman' (alma). This old testament later translated to the Greek used the word 'parthenos"….. which I’m sure you can recognize from “parthenogenesis” which means 'virgin birth"

I want to believe that Mathew, who was reading the Greek translation and who, like you, is orchestrated by god, did not fuck up on something as simple as translating “woman” to “virgin” and thereby setting the world off on a course of celebrating a human stupidity.

Virgin Birth.

I want to believe that after ordering a plague of all animals in the Pharaoh’s kingdom be killed, god was not stupid enough to say the pharaoh and tens of thousands of his men chased after his chosen people, the Jews, on horses right after.

I want to believe that all you people really are geniuses and that the word of god is smart and me dumb.
Even down to the details of stopping the sun in the sky, Woody.
God meant something bigger by that, right Woody?

There is a message somewhere in there between the s and the n in Sun that god caused to stop in the sky.
I just have to look closer.

I want to believe that a body that has been butchered on a crucifix- a Roman practice deliberately invented to ensure death- came back to life again pristine.

I want to believe, Woody. You seem willing to listen to me but you haven't answered what I think is crucial:

If you agree with that Idiot Mephura that god had planned you all out from the beginning- every action, every thought, deed, and need, from the very beginning- then you shutting the door on my face was also his doing.
Or wasn’t it?
If choirboy Mephura is to be believed, like you do, that its all been planned then this is because God does not like me as there is no “you” I can blame for it.
Or is there?

Beucase if I believe that god wills you, then god IS you, and you not liking me and thereby throwing me out of or limiting your counsel is god purging me from his kingdom.
Right or wrong?

I've asked and so shall receive. If I come off cynical, I….I…don’t mean to.
Forgive me.
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yoke of our sins and something really dirty I've been up to lately

Why do you "want to believe"?

Might you feel much better if you knew you were responsible for all of your actions and that you have the power to change and become anything you want whithout relying on the idosyncracies of some capricious diety?
Fuck off or pay with your kneecaps.

I'm waiting for Woody to answer.

Wassamatta, Woody?
gendanken said:
Yet I came to you, Woody, and you could barely spell my name.
You called me an atheist and to my hunger for real bread- the flesh of Jesus himself as atonement- you sprayed me with the leftover crumbs at your banquet instead.
Have you even read your posts to me or just slept your way through them?
Know what hurts the most?
That god willed it.

gendanken said:
You’ve just shown that lovers of Christ, however civil, are averse to those like myself.
Lovers of Christ are averse to Gendanken.
Some are not.

gendanken said:
Beucase if I believe that god wills you, then god IS you, and you not liking me and thereby throwing me out of or limiting your counsel is god purging me from his kingdom.

God, therefore, LIES.
But, if God is ME, which is just as likely, you are one of my favorite little children. So, God speaks the truth.

gendanken said:
Do you even know why I have not posted since Friday? I’ve been depressed...
When have I heard this before? You didn't like it when I said it.

gendanken said:
Never mind that one of them contradicts herself dearly, saying with one hand that we should not ask men to show God to us and with the other denouncing you, a man, for not showing her.
*Wait, is that a "she-deathbeast" I hear, sharpening her claws*

EDIT - wow subluminal, you think you can beat up a girl. I'm impressed. And, they say chivalry is dead.
Sorry. If I come off mean, I….I…don’t mean to... Please pity me?
You have my forgiveness, Wandering one.

I'm learning how to be nice and loving and kind and this itch I have to put a human in HCL acid?

Not going to scratch it.

Cole Gray:
When have I heard this before? You didn't like it when I said it.

Woody has forsaken me, Herr Cole Gray.

Not seeking anyones forgiveness.

I'm learning how to be nice and loving and kind and this itch I have to put a human in HCL acid?

I have the same itch. I have one word for you - Zoloft, 100mg. My new favorite psychotropic drug.
"Not seeking anyones forgiveness"

Forgiveness is sactioned pity, stupid.
When we ask it from strangers, stupid.

" have one word for you - Zoloft, 100mg. My new favorite psychotropic drug."

Zoloft is just another way of saying I'm a weak, stupid, middle-classed white and can't realize the world does not revolve around my own disappointments.
you said- ...not posted since friday. I've been depressed.
i said - When have I heard this before? You didn't like it when I said it.
you said -(What?)Woody has forsaken me, Herr Cole Gray

The depression excuse. I was just making a joke relating to our first "conversation".
The depression excuse. I was just making a joke relating to our first "conversation".

I remember now.

*sniff sniff* smell that caramel sent of Nostalgia....

(Show thyself, Woody.)
cole gray:

EDIT - wow subluminal, you think you can beat up a girl. I'm impressed. And, they say chivalry is dead.

Well, mole spray, if an anorexic female midget with crutches came after my kneecaps, I'd squash the little gnome and use the remaining fluids to lubricate the action on my 30-30.
superluminal said:
Well, mole spray, if an anorexic female midget with crutches came after my kneecaps, I'd squash the little gnome and use the remaining fluids to lubricate the action on my 30-30.
Actually, superlimited, if an anorexic female midget with crutches came after your kneecaps, you would aim her a foot and a half higher and hand her a magnifying glass.

Guess you can't recognize biting sarcasm in your depressed state. Or is it just chronic stupidity on your part? I have another drug recommendation for you. Cyanide. Tastes like almonds, I'm told. Why don't you try it and get back to me.
"Well, mole spray, if an anorexic female midget with crutches came "


And what the fuck makes you think I'm not greasy Bacon?

Has anyone seen my Woody? He's left without notice..gee, wonder why.
This thread is going nowhwere and fast.
10 and counting.