Possible Alien War Tactics

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Er, why are you smiling, the radiation is caused by cosmic rays, and isn't centred on craters. So the link isn't relevant, or 'evidence'.
Oh but it is relevant.

It does confirm that the Odyssey mission had an agenda of checking for radiation and positive confirmation of radiation readings, also a mapped pattern to surface radiation.

To get specifics on these radiation readings would require DOD authorization access to their data, which I doubt will happen because the DOD is so anal retentive they squeak when they walk.
Eh? So because they are looking for radiation, somehow validates the ludicrous crater chains claims?

The map was clear to see, and the explanantion of the radiation hotspots clear. Highland areas, and not one mention of craters.

You really are clutching at straws.
Norv, I bet that data isn't that hard to get hold of. I bet the PIs at JPL would share it in time, if you had the academic credentials to warrant obtaining it.
You are correct Phlog, yet not having the credentials doesn’t mean I don’t KNOW how to drive, fly, sail, power boat, etc., and have experience with explosives and automatic weapons. Yet I have no fuds (Phd’s) in the fields that would qualify me for that info. Neither do I have the need to know, so you are correct there.

Yet if atomic weapons were used there should be some residual radiation that is not indigenous to the area. So it would be a good piece of information to have.
Stating the DoD is anal retentive isn't exactly going to make them want to output information to people that insult them. (I know this for a fact as I've tested this scenario with the UK DoD, and they tighten up like a clam if you call them names)

As for the actual Radiation levels from Hypothesis. Our planet is covered in a mixture of living organisms and water, The organisms over time (in this instance grass and vegetation) have generated layers and layers of soil through the breakdown of the decomposition of decaying materials. This growth is possible because out planet does have a large input of photonic energy from the sun which the plantlife utilises and stores within it's cellular structure.

I mention this because I'm saying that plants actually increase the planets elemental base due to the encapulization of photonic energy. (namely soil levels increase over time)

The reason I mention this is because of planets and the increase in soil, it has meant that radioactives that are within the crust of our planets surface have been covered over the years lowering the radiation on the planet as a whole.

On Mar's this hasn't been the case, and this has left those radioactives to exist nearer the surface of the planet. Due to the lack of a atmosphere this has meant that photonic reactions against such radioactives have caused them to continue to be excited, and therefore generate the radioactive regions.

This doesn't mean that Mar's was turned to a radioactive wasteland from war, show me the remenants of topsoil to prove life even existed.
Yes Stryder, we are well aware of cosmic radiation as compared to specific other types of harmful radiation. We are interested in the other radioactive isotopes NOT cosmic in nature. We KNOW the readings that have been disclosed to John Q public. We are aware that the instruments aboard also measure OTHER types of radiation.

Try to track in on WHAT is being looked for. It ain’t what John Q public swilling their beer’s and Bubba Boy’s ball game stuff we want to know about.

Besides that they just don’t give out all that kind of info to begin with puzzles us. What have they got to hide? :confused:
We are aware that the instruments aboard also measure OTHER types of radiation.






There is a lot to go through...start digging.

The intrament that mapped the radiation areas only detects decay radiation. What OTHER radiation are you talking about? Light? Well there is a camera on it. Neutrons? That too...it's called a spectrometer.

Yes Stryder, we are well aware of cosmic radiation as compared to specific other types of harmful radiation. We are interested in the other radioactive isotopes NOT cosmic in nature. We KNOW the readings that have been disclosed to John Q public. We are aware that the instruments aboard also measure OTHER types of radiation.

Only you would think NASA is hiding this info from you.
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Not hiding it... just not taking the time to send personal photocopies to the houses of a bunch of kooks.
From your link,FieryIce

"NASA released a new global map of Mars last week showing estimates for amounts of high-energy-particle cosmic radiation reaching the surface, a health concern for humans who might one day visit the planet."

Clearly the article is on cosmic radiation, not radiation fallout from nuclear bombs.

"Anyone planning to explore Mars would be wise to avoid a few highland locations because of the dangerous doses of radiation expected there."

"The areas of Mars expected to have the least radiation are where elevation is lowest, because those areas have more atmosphere above them to block out some of the radiation."

Highlands doesn't sound like craters. If lowlands to you mean craters, you have just debunked Norval's theory.
Yes, the Martian Highlands are the hotest with cosmic radiation. And they are also the most heavily craterd regions.
Please point to a highland area which is inside a crater/
All of them... hence why they are craters.

The amount of radiation seen is to be expected due to solar radiation. It is NOT concentrated around what you claim are orbital strikes.
FieryIce and Norval, does the article you quoted support your claim for radiation concentration from crater chains? If so, in what way?
You are asking them to think rationally. This is beyond them (him?). Norval hears "Mars" and "Radiation" in the same sentence from NASA (which claims he doesn’t trust anyway... whatever) and he thinks that the big scientists are inadvertently uncovering evidence of his dozens of alien races and their secret ancient war, and their weird nuclear bomb machine guns.

Come to think of it, he has been claiming that these chains were formed by some sort of automatic weapon fire... but that would make crater fields, not neat strips.
Yeah. His idea of automatic weapons is just plain ridiculous. i've been in the military before, and so far all i've heard are "area targets", with nothing like "linear targets".
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