Possible Alien War Tactics

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zonabi: free thinker (416 posts)

Well, I guess you get what you pay for...
zonabi said:
dig your own hole

Which brings us nicely to the point, I presume there's tons of archaelogical finds to back up all of this preposterous nonsense?

Or is it all fiction.

I wonder. Evidence exists to back up these claims, from archaelogical studies done on a mythical city that hsn't been discovered, or, it's a fantastic story written by a money grabber, and grabbed onto by the gullible, ..... so hard to see which is more likely, ....
With the destruction of these Bad ET’s physical weapons (obvious WMD) and means of intergalactic travel what have they got left to fight with? Considering that they fought amongst themselves for thousands of years, and many were cast out of the “heavens” down to the earth along time ago. Now with the final major battle over in our solar system what have they got left to fight with? These Bad ET’s have had their buts kicked, their big ships and bases destroyed, and are now cast down to the earth. What can they accomplish now? What weapons do they have left?

Words, all they would have left are a voice. As we all know, INFORMATION, and the CONTROL of INFORMATION is a major weapon in any war.

Knowledge and wisdom are based on one thing, TRUTH. With out truth, with the propagation of lies and deceptions, very grave mistakes are made.

TRUTH, the greatest weapon of war, is not in the hands of the losers.
Knowledge and wisdom are based on one thing, TRUTH. With out truth, with the propagation of lies and deceptions, very grave mistakes are made.

Maybe some advice you should apply to yourself norval. So far all you've given us is a nice sci-fi story. I'd swear I was reading a Star Wars script.
Looking at Zonabi's output I tend to disagree as you mention "reincarnation", although many religions have held this understanding dear, it's lost it's meaning through translation after translation. As all should know we come from the earth and we surely will return to it, until we find a way to escape our planetry domain (Like either being on another planet or on a ship going somewhere).

When you die you body begins to shut down, the only thing left is like the Husk being sifted from corn. This husk can fit into the cycle of life by being recycled, namely becoming fodder for lower species in the food chain to feed upon or nutritional suppliments to plant growth. What people perceive as spiritual being or "a soul" is absolute metaphysical rhetoric.

If you want to have a spiritual being or a "soul" per say, you would have to utilise technology to generate it artificially and eventually become a cybernetic hybrid state with technology. I believe some cult groups have had that in mind and use technology to this advancement in secret which is why there are so many "weird occurances" to increase the propagation of their own belief systems.

Such systems in use, can install visual representations of "visitations" and create reminders of encounters through physical scars which in the past could have been seen as stigmata.

However all this is just conceptionalisation of accomplished physics being rework and organised to a differing goal than what mainstream consensus is currently utilising those technologies for. (Namely You ask a question? I "generate" the answer.)

As for Norval and your information control, Information is notibly a powerful thing, however the reasons some people enforce control isn't just about war and profiting it's potentially about the limiting of sufferage caused by "copy cat" scenarios. (Scenarios that wouldn't have come into being if information hadn't been released).

It's very difficult to balance everyones perception of information and how they should receive it, you could "ask" them not to do anything silly with the information thats outputted but in return there will always be a minority looking to use that information to their own goals and notibly occasionally destructive ones.

If everyone on this planet could get along, not fight or turn on one another in their quest for materialistic conquests, then a "free knowledge" system could be embarked upon, however as an overall race I fear we are not advanced enough to deal with knowledge. Perhaps in fact we are still too developing and don't even realise it.

Some people might suggest that evolution is a slow action over time, however in the last 100 years mankind has moved from horse drawn carriages to microlazer treatment that can rectify retinal problems. Our scientific development exponential curve is beginning to see more than one occurance of a paradigm shift, these paradigm shifts are actually destined to alter our exponential curve to go straight up. (In turn, technological advancements and achievements are going to come at an ever increasing rate, this is already seen in the development of home computers)

So I suggest that we could evolve to develop a better relationship soon, as long as mankind discovers how futile conflict is.
Blah blah blha Norval.

So, that's a no, there is no physical evidence.

No physical evidence, a small subset of craters fit your pet theory, and the rest is a house of cards.
Only by capitalizing ODD words in our sentences can WE break free of the alien oppression!!! Extra PUNCTUATION also helps!!!!!111!!one!

Seriously though, why does it seem infinitely unlikely to some of you that gravity and moving bodies would not create chains of craters, but it must be true that any idea you have about alien wars and spirituality must be true simply because you feel vaguely oppressed by something? When your only evidence is a feeling that something in the world is not right, and your only presentation of your ideas is semi coherent rambling, why are you surprised that no one believes you? I don’t think the aliens you claim exist would even believe they exist after hearing you try to make the case for them.
So, as I get it, several of you are saying that you agree with the now given theory about how broken space rocks made all these types of CS crater chains? Ok.

Are these the same scientists that prior to the SL9 event thought that all these closely spaced and aligned crater chains were caused by volcanoes? Actually there have been a couple other suggestions about how they may have formed over the past few decades that have been speculated upon. Then along came SL9 and its break up and eventual splatter all over Jupi’s Southern Hemisphere. Not a real good indicator of what could make CS types of crater chains, but that is my honest opinion. If the scientists want to wave their hands about that as the cause, fine, but not very logical, reasonable, or probable.

Given that we have a very large volume of scientific data on automated computer fire control weapons systems that can reproduce these same kinds patterns, why isn’t that acceptable data? In some places Mars is literally torn up from what would be called strafing runs in several areas. Hundreds of crater chains that are hundreds of strikes long.

And I am to believe that space rocks did this? FOCLMMFAO
If the scientists want to wave their hands about that as the cause, fine, but not very logical, reasonable, or probable.
Funny. That's exactly what you've been doing.
Given that we have a very large volume of scientific data on automated computer fire control weapons systems that can reproduce these same kinds patterns
Since you have a 'large volume of data' why don't you show us ONE reference of where someone designed a system to drop a bunch of atomic bombs in a line.

Hell, I think the rivers on Earth were made by Martians. After all we have a very large volume of scientific data showing how it could be done.

What's the difference here?
craterchains (Norval said:
If the scientists want to wave their hands about that as the cause, fine, but not very logical, reasonable, or probable.

But what is logical reasonable and probable is that there were perhaps dozens of alien races with mind boggling technology raising humanity to rule them, and they warred each other completely out of the solar system, but left no other evidence for their existence other than long streaks of impact craters that look like the sort we have seen forming naturally?

This is lunacy without even speculating on what sort of bizarre tactical situation could cause it to be practical to bombard a planet from orbit with nuclear weapons, or asteroids, in strips hundreds of miles long, rather than say, accelerate an object into colliding with a target at near light speed, a speed you seem to admit these phantom aliens must have attained in order to be here, fight a war on most every sizeable body in the solar system, and leave, all without our knowing.

Tell me, craterchains, do you think perhaps these same aliens dug our rivers for us? After all, we have vast amounts of data on how to dig canals. From your point of view, shouldn’t that rule out the possibility that rivers formed naturally? Honestly, all that evaporating water and precipitation, melting snow, and erosion. Who do those scientists think we are anyway! It must have been aliens, its too chaotic and unlikely otherwise!
Who do those scientists think we are anyway!

SpyMoose, your cynicism should be directed to those scientists.

The nuclear testing done in Nevada, started in August 1963 called Plowshare was an exercise in duplicating a chain of craters. All you have to do is look and the information is there.

Testing Goes Underground
FieryIce said:
The nuclear testing done in Nevada, started in August 1963 called Plowshare was an exercise in duplicating a chain of craters.
In an exercse in making big honkin' holes in the ground... of which there are many ways to do which don't require some ET that is smart enough to travel FTL, but stupid enough to drop everything in a line without aiming.
In 1880 the United States Government began construction on a waterway that would open only 34 years later!


Rivers are not REAL, the information is out there! Alien/government/reptoid lies have perpetuated the myth of natural water ways! Ask yourself, why is it that there is a river located near almost every large human population center?
SpyMoose, I think the myth is the one about Paul Bunyon, the Giant Lumberjack that dug the Great Lakes. Are you suggesting that these 80,000 persons that worked on the Panama Canal were Alien/government/reptoid? And this was of tactical advantage to these Alien/government/reptoids? How?

Isn't the location of human population centered by a river or lake because it is logically adventagious to locate near a source of water, as in self-preservation?
No. Aliens put those rivers there for their civilizations. Then they left and planted the seeds of life around thier artificial waterways.

The Panama Canal was simply a sign that this is technologically posible, and is proof that rivers must be artificial in nature.
It is so good to be in a thread with another individual like Persol who is enlightened enough to see the fallacy of the "natural" waterways that "the" government has been trying to push on us. To the closed minded folks here I say, wake up or get left behind! Disclosure is coming!
craterchains (Norval said:
hmmm and just what would you constitute physical evidence phlogi?

Communication links (roads, railways, waterways) between the targets (Cities), wreckage or signs of partly destroyed buildings. I've been in war zones, and nothing gets destroyed completely, so it would be rather convenient if this was somehow the case with your pet craters. Latent radioactive readings would be a clue too, as would the presence of some fission isotopes, say, radioactive Iodine.

Provide some of this as evidence, and you might have a case.
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