Possible Alien War Tactics

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Even though of what I have to offer is clearly applicable across multiple arguments, across many sciences, and of sharing honest to god values to humanity, as well as to the extremely few independent individuals that are not part of your cult/borg (intellectual book-burning) collective, whereas somehow only your prime-directive is entitled to perceive that what I have to offer is of absolutely no value to others, even if the context has been modified and/or improved upon in order to suit another topic, as such doesn't count because??????

It seems to me, of all things true and fair (obviously in war there are no rules, thus nothing is fair), that for the perspective of an honest newcomer into this sick forum isn't going to bother cruising throughout every category, nor likely to read through every stinking topic per category, like you and your borg friends consistently do, as in a search-out and destroy (book burning internet style) mission from hell, sort of speak.
Even though of what I have to offer is clearly applicable across multiple arguments, across many sciences, and of sharing honest to god values to humanity, as well as to the extremely few independent individuals that are not part of your cult/borg (intellectual book-burning) collective, whereas somehow only your prime-directive is entitled to perceive that what I have to offer is of absolutely no value to others, even if the context has been modified and/or improved upon in order to suit another topic, as such doesn't count because??????

Brad you're making everything up! There is a difference between speculation and far-out over the top story telling. You have not offered a lick of evidence to support your "theory"! All you spout about is supposeds about energy and lizard people and atomic Oort clouds and alien communication but you can't support any of it. Yes, we know you could get a great deal of energy out of Venus but you can with Earth as well. Having access to energy is only one of the requirements for life. It doesn't make it true that just because there is a plentiful amount of energy there to harness means there HAS to ABSOLUTELY be aliens living on the surface in blury pixels!

All your arguing has only caused more people to turn against your cause and all that has done is lead to more insults by you because they have a voice. You can bitch and moan all you want and continue to make up pages of shit about your imagination but all it does is lead up to the time when you're ejected from another science forum and the world will continue just as it has done without your presence. Face it Brad, the world doesn't look up to you and it never will.
Guys, the topic of this thread is about "Alien war tactics", although currently it's been about "What tactics _have_ been used" when in fact it should be perhaps turned to a topic of "what ones could be used and why".

General discussion about how people are acting should be kept out of this thread, since there are plenty of other threads covering that topic.
There's something terribly wrong with your computer, as all I see is another block of nothing but gibberish. Try retyping with the computer, and/or your anti-everything brain plugged in, it might help.

You're absolutely right, though perhaps "blackholesun" is an alien, whereas such it's his obligation as to be doing exactly what he's doing, disrupting the space time continuum, or else.

Getting back to those aliens (perhaps cold-blooded lizard folk) escaping from the Sirius narcs, as for their trying out Mars for starters while their Sirius/c plunged itself into an elliptical orbit, though nearly taking out Earth and in fact losing it's moon to that of Earth. While waiting around for a few thousand years, just to see if their Sirius/c might eventually stabilize into a more circular orbit, rather than becoming a solar fuel pellet, whereas for having to make due on Mars would have been OK until Sirius/ab separated much beyond one lightyear, or started directing those nasty rocks at their escapees that had refused to leave Mars, as from about that point on there'd soon be insufficient influx of heat and of badly losing ground on the aspect of insufficient UV/a for sustaining diatoms and other essential plant life.

As for Mars not having all that much in geological reserves to spare, year by year the temperature dropping and the atmosphere thinning, chances are that it was time to pack up and leave town before the big freeze, or at least before the next round of those WMD meteors becomes apparent.

Now then; would anyone like to know why I perceive that Sirius/ab and possibly Sirius/c was cruising so nearby our solar system, or rather vise versa?

BTW; since I haven't met Mr."blackholesun", does he have any scale like features, or how about Persol?
though perhaps "blackholesun" is an alien

And if so he must be endowed witht he ability to travel from planet to planet therefore he would know much better than you the conditions of Venus.
I'm an alien? Didn't see that one coming.

And if so he must be endowed witht he ability to travel from planet to planet therefore he would know much better than you the conditions of Venus.

That might be so but unlike Brad I don't like to make things up. Nor can I jump in my spaceship and cruse the galaxy. But here's what I do know:

Sirius is a a main sequence star that is about 70 times more luminous than the sun and is about 8.6 light years from Earth. It also a companion star called Pup which is a white dwarf. No evidence of planets has been found there. There is a possibility that they might exist but that is all. And just because there is a possibility for this doesn't mean it's flat out true as Brad suggests.

Venus is the second planet from the sun that has a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide full of thick clouds composed of sulfuric acid with trace amounts of noble and volatile gases as well as even smaller amounts of water vapor. Numerous Russian and American probes have confirmed this and I'm expecting ESA's Venus Express to do the same. Venus is retrograde in its rotation as well as its day is longer than its year suggesting that a large impact might have changed its dynamics. Surface probes show the temp to average around 800 degrees Fahrenheit with an atmospheric pressure of around 90 atms. It's like swimming around at the bottom of the ocean and your slower thick movement at the surface would give it away as well. It's no wonder the Soviet probes needed no parachutes the last few miles to the ground. There have been no signs of life from any probes nor earth based telescopes (blury SAR images with even blurier pixels don't count Brad-you don't really see dams and hydrogen production plants...give it up)

Just because there is potential for abundant energy extraction from the environment doesn't mean there has to be life...regardless of what our "pesky laws of physics" say. Those laws state what CAN happen as in the fact that there is a possibility for such to happen although I doubt they taken in effect lizard people from Sirus living on Venus (pure fantasy). You also know as much about QED as I know about KFC's secret recipe. In another thread it was already made clear that your photon understanding left much to be desired given your misinterpretation of the NEC experiment that would make the researchers laugh in disgust.

I don't care how good you think you are at "Observationology". You're mind seems prone to seeing more into things than there really is. So why not buildings and airplanes in your mind? Staring at images for hours doesn't make them any more real. I want you to show not only on what part of Venus that was taken on but the altimeter data of the area plus your examples of other SAR images that fell under your "expert opinion".

Brad, you don't know how a camera works. That's been explained. Face it.

There! That's what I DO know. And I didn't even have to be an alien!
Thanks for your Sirius and Venus feedback.

Though again, there's still a good deal of gibberish, at least the part suggesting upon that of said Kodak film, as applied in those same cameras and utilizing the very same optics that would have recorded the near-UV (black light) as if created here on Earth, as based upon a formulation of film emulsion that was specifically sensitive to the near-UV as devised as to tolerate perhaps at most 500 mw/m2 without such impact being noticeably/detectably skewed. Whereas upon the moon, where there's 64 watts/m2 to deal with, that same film product oddly didn't record squat. In fact, the entire spectrum range of red to deep blue was nearly exactly as created by artificial xenon illumination.

OK, so apparently it was the lack of an Van Allen zone, of the moon having no magnetosphere whatsoever, and of those arriving dust-bunny factors of 30+km/s that must have somehow compensated their photography.

I noticed how you didn't manage as to quote nor post a link to anything Kodak Corporate, or of any other information on photography.

BTW; outside of the rather extensive (70,000 km worth) Van Allen zone of death, at least according to NASA, it's actually worse off than where ISS cruises, and by a good factor of at least ten fold, if not 100 fold worse off, and that's without any secondary radiation contributions of hard X-Rays as coming off 1e6 m2 worth of the lunar surface, or of the entire lunar surface irradiating the orbiting command module. I believe the raw radiation density formula has something to do with the square of the distance, thus since there's no atmosphere or other external density between yourself and the moon, the closer you get, the more TBI you get.

As per this official NASA report: http://conxproject.gsfc.nasa.gov/radiation/docs/con_x_dose1.pdf where the below Van Allen zone is clearly specified, and even that's based upon orbiting behind Earth half of the time. So, please don't bother taking my word for anything.

BTW No.2;
I never insisted upon the natural course of evolution, or even creation, as I merely included such options only because of what others, that some folks actually admire, have shared as being possible. Whereas unlike "blackholesun" and his flat-Earth-society, whereas absolutely nothing is possible seems on the extreme rather than of founded upon good science.

BTW No.3;
I was in fact initially misinterpreting the NEC/Wang results, but not of their 310 fold differential that could only have been detected if the primary waveguide was slowed down. Thus it seems possible if that waveguide were replaced by another of not much less than "c", whereas there's clearly an indication that a secondary pulse of some quantum packet could be advanced along at somewhat greater than "c", as in those photons leaving the endpoint of the primary moving frame (that being the wavefront of the primary laser beam or waveguide).

BTW No.4;
If I have to point out the considerations for other life (not as we know it), as though I'm the bad guy, then I'm going to be that bad guy because, unlike yourself, I actually give a damn about humanity, even it it's other than Earth humanity.

"I don't care how good you think you are at "Observationology". You're mind seems prone to seeing more into things than there really is. So why not buildings and airplanes in your mind? Staring at images for hours doesn't make them any more real. I want you to show not only on what part of Venus that was taken on but the altimeter data of the area plus your examples of other SAR images that fell under your "expert opinion"."

Obviously you do in fact care a great deal, as otherwise you wouldn't have bothered, as with most other topics that are not in conflict with your mainstream status quo that you haven't bothered to trash as opposed to thinking a little positive for a change. God forbid, we would want that to happen.

BTW; I do in fact see a number of buildings and such, in fact there's an entire community infrastructure of buildings, in that perhaps I'll come down to your level as to explain of what my "mind seems prone to seeing more into things than there really is" has to offer. I only focused upon the bridge attribute because it was one of the least complex items that should not have existed. Though I'll not create that "wall of words" at this time, but rather edit and/or create another external page on your behalf.
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Picture this;
A stadium sized device exploding over a city that has at it’s core a small nuclear explosive that would melt and burst the outer casing but not vaporize the casing material. What an anti personal mine that would be. That could clear a hell of a big chunk of jungle in a hurry also.
After alot of time and effort thinking about doing this, I have decided to bring this thread to a close due to it's content being "Too scifi for Pseudoscience".

However to express my meaning in full, I shall attempt to construct a conclusion based upon Craterchains as a whole.

A "Crater chain" [coined by the Pseudoscientists] is a number of interlinking craters that occur in a straight line.

Quoted from their website [www.craterchains.com]
The Cunningham / Smart Theorem [Ref: CS Craterchains]
"... it takes intelligence to create such a perfect pattern of non randomness such as
these OOOOOOOOOOO, there for, the most reasonable explanation for these types
of "crater chains" being a nonrandom pattern, would be made by intelligence.

This is the basis of their arguement, a chain of craters on a planet equals intelligence in their eyes, they go on to state "After exhausting all other ideas and the given theories surrounding crater chain formations we settle on weapons as the most likely cause. Given their locations, multiplicity and proliferation on Mars the obvious cause would seem to be battles of ships capable of space travel. What most war veterans would call 'strafing runs'".

Actual evidence found from NASA sites indicate that the particular craters they are refering to are "Pitholes", where either collapsing Lava tunnels have caused the topsoil to collapse in or alterations in the tactonics cause those pitfall collapses.

Analysing some of the very images and going through NASA's archives it was clear to see:
1: All crater chains refered to as being done by weapons have no buildups around their edges, in explosive impacts or explosions on soft surfaces the suggestion a crater can be created however it tends to create a rim of surface material around it.
2: The actual "Pitholes" seen look like how sand would sink into a crevis.

As for the suggestions of "Interstellar wars, Strafeing runs, Alien Planetary genocide" their speculations are beyond that of theory, The basis of a good theory is to suggest something that could be possible rather than logically impossible especially since their is no real evidence, no debris fields, no crash warcraft, no unexploded bombs, and no victorious alien race with historical documentation to boot.

In regards to the thread:
I allowed the discussion of the topic not so much so others could read the discussion and join in, but to perhaps allow them to come to terms with what reality is actually about rather then trying to generate some divergent state.

The number of complaints about how they were being heckled and how everybodies posts that were commenting nonsense should be stopped has made me reach a conclusion. Those that have said statements that appear nonsense have only been doing so because of the thread being carried on, I guess that most have them have drawn in full the conclusion that I already had but was letting slide so not to be defined as "A control agent".

However the continued rudeness from their camp which has caused the self-perpetuation of rudeness and their attempts to manipulate my task as a moderator to their own agenda has caused me to realise that their thread should be closed (And that if anyone should be classed as "a control agent" it should be those that not just defend but propagate their divergent states and attempt to control others)

So without further ado this thread and other threads that occur alone such lines will be closed from now on.
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