Possible Alien War Tactics

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hey guys! i was just reading your posts and i have a question for all of u (or anyone who can answer it) where do u all get all this info on alien ships, alien weapons, alien wars or other alien species for that matter? just curiouse.
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Norval you're starting to sound like a bad sci-fi movie. You can make believe all you want but you have absolutely no evidence of an interstellar war let along speculating cloaked ships and automatic weapons.

So instead of a tidally disrupted object, you're now making up wars, races, weapons, tatics and history of something that there is no basis of reality in. That's good imagination...if you're a writer. And I hope to god that all you're doing is writing a sci-fi book but annoying us at our expense just for fun. Because to take a hypothesis and turn it into the garbage that you continuously spew here is a step backwards in understanding. It's like going back to the Middle Ages when the Church would think that demons were responsible for people's ill behavior when it was clearly mental illness.
You can delete your other two posts I think?
Search the web for what ever you want to know about. It’s all most all there. Many times links get changed, or the web site goes down for other reasons, that is why it is best to search out the web frequently. Do word searches, or sentence structure searches also. And NEVER trust just one search place. Use them all.

Also just ignore the thread disrupters till we get better moderation. ;)
Norval said:
3. Mankind was bioengineerd and destined to become their rulers / ambassadors of the Intergalactic Government. (Gives the reason for them having an interest in us.)

Not necessarily! Perhaps humans are farmed - an endangered population of once-widespread herding creatures. Perhaps, ground up, we are an alien aphrodisiac... perhaps we are tasty when sprinkled on food. Perhaps our skin makes the best kind of drums for alien rhythm bands.

Perhaps our sweat acts on aliens as a powerful hallucinogen, and they abduct us so that they can take big snorts of our armpit smell and stagger around bumping into things and saying "whoah".

Perhaps, like the Ilwrath from Star Control, the aliens like us because we have the distinction of being the funnest species to torture in the entire universe, and so we are kept around so that they can enjoy quality torture, instead of having to settle for cheap, unfulfilling torture.

Perhaps in their natural form, the aliens are armless, legless lumps, and farm us so that they can steal our limbs.

Perhaps human behaviour is naturally hilarious to all other intelligent forms of life, and we are exported to areas of the universe that are badly in need of comic relief.

All of these are unlikely...

... but not as unlikely as the idea that humans - who, as a group, can't run one planet - are being bred to be overlords to 57 varieties of alien.

I like the hallucinogen idea... of course, then it would be an interstellar drug war. I see nothing strange about that, if we're already accepting everything else on spec.
lmao! :eek: Hey bigblue that was the funniest post i've read all week, especially the farming us for our limbs part. lol- :D
Grey - with respect to where all their information comes from? Much like mine, they made it up.
[Previous message:]
I think it's about time this thread was actually closed. If some of you want to talk about interstellar wars based on your imaginations, then I would suggest the SCIFI section, since they like to output imaginative pieces. If you want to continue discussion on this "Alledged" interplanetary war, then you would require a bit more evidence than just hypothesis. (I'm not saying you shouldn't have the room to theorise that such things occur, but it's quite a jump from theorising if your defining a conclusion.)

[New One:]
Due to a couple of individuals wanting this thread reopened, I've decided to do so, however I ask that people that are openly debunking the thread with Scifi desist, I know that you might feel that all that has been mentioned belongs in the scifi forum however some people believe this is a reality and want to discuss the potentials such events taking place either in the past or future.

[Next time if you've got a problem with an action, just PM me damn it!!!]
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[BUMP] Reason: Reopening thread due to complaints about it being closed
To be honest these are not my ideas, hangs head, I am a plagiarist. The book is already written and well distributed. Just not very well read or comprehended.


I suppose that brings up another point, Current war's (and past wars) fought on this planet alone tend to show either that conquers attempt to take the position they attack, or torch a citidel to the ground.

and others question the WHY of total destruction, as Mars appears today instead of a take over. I don’t know, but I am sure there was plenty of space junk that either got pushed towards our sun, or salvaged. Provided a war did take place. Just more speculation based on tactics known.

This is SPECULATION based on scientific principals of known potentials and probabilities. Not imagination based on theories that are unproven. As a war veteran, I don’t need to be reminded of munitions conservation. You can never carry enough ammo, or kinds of weapons. Hind sight is 20-20. War isn’t 20-20. Try it and you will know these facts. War between super technologically advanced beings would be phenomenal to put it mildly. Catastrophic in fact.

To me it would be incredulous to think that I was the first to see a crater chain and immediately Know from experience that this was highly improbable to happen by chance. Well, I may not have been the first, I have heard that the Russian military first addressed this issue of Alien war back in 1956 concerning our moon and it’s crater patterns. But we have found no conformation for that meeting and discussion that supposedly took place in Europe. Drats!
Perhaps because that meeting had no founding and (if it took place) was held by people who didn't know physics.
Persol said:
Perhaps because that meeting had no founding and (if it took place) was held by people who didn't know physics.

If that is so Persol, then there are no physicists in the military and no physics within the military then how did the theory and actual bombing of Japan ever come about?
So this meeting consisted of everyone in the military. Now THAT is impressive.

Also, most scientists who work on miltary projects are NOT within the miltary. They either work for subcontractors or the DoD as civilians.
Persol said:
So this meeting consisted of everyone in the military. Now THAT is impressive.

Also, most scientists who work on miltary projects are NOT within the miltary. They either work for subcontractors or the DoD as civilians.

Persol, hence forth you are on ignore.
You have twisted my last post and are creating an entire lie.
Your participation in this thread topic hence forth will be reported. I cannot stop you from posting in this thread but I can report your lies and harrassment.
Lies and harrassment?

I said 'if the meeting happened, no scientists were involved'
You said "then there are no physicists in the military and no physics within the military"

Now your claim implies that it WAS held by people who knew about science, because these type of people are in the military. This is wrong for two reasons:
1) they aren't actually in the military
2) just because person X is in the military, doesn't mean they were at or knew about your mystery meeting

Now if you want to ignore your flaws in logic, do so.... but it makes you look mighty stupid.
We are still looking for any information about a meeting that was held in Europe in 1956 that had representatives from many countries. This matches up with the Geo Year (something like that) celebration and the race for space. "Supposedly" some high Russian military types presented evidence that they were of the opinion that there had been a war on our moon from telescope photos.

It is that I find it impossible to believe that FieryIce and I were the first to EVER propose war in our solar system just three years ago?!?! THAT is hard to believe.
Hey yeah, and you know, I've heard that in 1894, in Flagstaff, it was discovered that there were canals, and lush green vegetation on Mars, and that the presence of vegetation on Mars made it into the 1910 edition of the 'Encyclopedia Brittanica'!

What's that saying about people failing to learn from history are doomed to repeat themselves incessantly, regurgitating spurious factoids and drawing ridiculous conclusions? Or something like that.
you will have to study the ancient legends of Atlantis to find information on the War in our solar system.

so far i have found some information on it (at home, may post later) that relays a story about a ancient, yet advanced civilisation here on earth (of course earth was different, namely the continents) and 2 factions grew here, one of them were the ones who moved to what is called Atlantis, and these people were very spiritual, and tall from what i gather. it is said (this may be metaphoric) that they divided their land (atlantis) into 4 seperate parts, and divided their own peoples (who are sometimes called ascended masters) into these parts. half of the continent (atlantis) was to be focused only on spirituality, while the other half they would try to get back in touch with their physicallity (technology, something like this). inside of thes halves, half of it would try to integrate its side's main focus with the opposite side. they were trying to integrate basically.

but what happened, and i will clarify this later after re-reading, is that one of these areas became (or was) very empty. I believe it was the physical-physical side. thus, the Atlanteans called for other beings to please join in this integration project. but what happened is that instead of peoples of earth answering this call (Lemuria etc) - people on Mars saw this signal as a chance to escape the turmoil on Mars. (Mars is said to have been very 'totalitarian' in its ways, the inhabitants struggling for control over each other, warring, and this eventually led to the destruction of this planet.
so, some 'Martians' answered the Atlanteans call, and came to earth (incarnated)- BUT THEY BROUGHT THE TURMOIL WITH THEM. their souls carried the troubles of the Martian Empire, and in essence they brought some of the 'negativity' to earth. it is also said they tried to create portals between mars and earth for the transport of people to and from, and not just physical people but spiritual entities as well.

what my source terms this is the "Lucifer Rebellion'

it has to be noted that this was inevitable, as i have stated, Earth is an Integration Point between positive and negative.

But, perhaps studying some of this ancient legend can give clues as to where, if anywhere, you might be able to find some viable evidence
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