Possible Alien War Tactics

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As noted, it never happened to begin with.

We are actually at war with Canada.... It seems they bombed the northern United States in the shape of a palm tree and then filled it with water. What sick bastards. They also bobmed Italy in the shape of a boot. The mumbo-jumbo about being 'naturally formed' is just a Canadian cover up.
Persol said:
As noted, it never happened to begin with.

We are actually at war with Canada.... It seems they bombed the northern United States in the shape of a palm tree and then filled it with water. What sick bastards. They also bobmed Italy in the shape of a boot. The mumbo-jumbo about being 'naturally formed' is just a Canadian cover up.

Easy there Persol, you'll disclose too much and then everyone will know about the French speaking Aliens.

*Eh hem*

Please ignore the post above. He is just a crazy old man who doesn't know what he's talking about. We'll put him someplace where they can take care of him...

*exit stage left*

craterchains (Norval said:
As was noted, the war ain’t over, yet. :rolleyes:

Yeah, you're right. Why, only last night I was delayed getting home from work because of the sheer abundance of Arcturian ordnance being transported along the roads.

I could hardly sleep because of the bright flashes in the sky caused by all the nukes going off, it's like July 4th every night!

When I do sleep, it's not very restful, what with 57 varieties of aliens contacting me, and asking me to be a stud, combine my DNA with their species, and breed a new race of hybrid superwarrior.

This of course is only while I am on planet earth. Having had so much information downloaded there isn't a word in any human tongue for a number so big into me, I spend a fair amount of time as an ambassador, and am often taken from my bed at night to participate in very important meetings with being who are made entirely of energy, and who exist on a different level of vibration.

Or some other equally unfeasible bullshit.

Look Norv, if this war is ongoing, you should be able to show us _new_ craters, yes?
As this is about possible Alien War Tactics and if there are losers that are cast down to the earth, it probably being a no fly zone now, their last ditch effort at this war would and could only be information control and acquisition.

What do yah think? :D
I think of all the space shuttle, rockets and satellites orbiting this planet would declare there is no interstellar war otherwise don't you think a bunch of our (the worlds) communication networks would be knocked out, or Mar's Rover missions or even Voyager wouldn't have gone out and sent back information, especially when you mention information control.

Quite simply the interstellar war you refer to is just plain fiction.
One prevalent tactic I have seen happen over and over again is that as soon as research sources is posted and made available there is a systematic taking down of the source web site, all related data is progessively elimated. Protecting sources is an important issue.

Stryder, for what purpose would it serve to take down our satellites that provide movies or even weather satellites? We all know if there is an image of an orbiting unknown that image will not be shared, so why tamper with the weather satellite since our own governing bodies render the satellites useless.

Those satellites like the Voyager, Mar's Rovers are mechanized equipment not human manned missions, there has been no human manned missions other than to our own moon if you count that. Don't you consider that as odd?
there has been no human manned missions other than to our own moon if you count that

i think its possible there have been secret missions, and it is quite possible that special "classified" spaceships were used for them.

i suppose thats what u were trying to get at Fiery?
FieryIce, there are always manned missions being sent up into our orbit, afterall there are astronauts currently putting together the International Space Station which is not just a NASA project. (I mention this as it seems some suggest NASA are the only people putting people into space.)

In fact only last month some Cosmonauts had to delay a spacewalk based upon one of their oxygentanks malfunctioning. If they weren't up there, why report it?

There are craft that have been created to go to the Space/Upper Atmopshere level in fact the X Prize is all about that. The only reason why Space hasn't become a Holiday resort for tourists is because space is a hostile place to be. If a fire broke out on a holiday inn up there is not like your going to get evacuted too easily and it would be potentially a disaster that would strike fear into those that would venture up there making the industry crumble. (Especially with the current global security alerts)

I can just imagine someone thinking theres "Fuzzy people" on Pluto trying to hijack a space tourbus to go check them out even though the reality is it would be a suicide mission with no outcome other than great drug doses for the hijacker.
Zonabi I didn't mention the Aurora, nope nadda, not at all.

Stryder I swear you are losing it big time, Fuzzy people, hijackers, suicide mission LOL
Here again, though towards the end of this topic you've improved, but as usual "Stryderunknown" as lord moderator all-knowing wizard has been previously egging on the likes of Persol and of whatever other cloned borgs there are, totally off topic and thereby intentionally dragging down the root topic.

What if someone from the Sirius system was to be arriving at 1% light speed, thus nearly a thousand years worth of getting really bored stiff, and just a wee bit testy as to how we treated their Cathar kin folk. And, what if they managed to have dragged along something nasty, such as a good density of perhaps 8 gram/ccm from our Oort zone, say 100,000 tonnes worth should get their message across, whereas unfortunately NYC gets their vote of approval as ground zero.

What if anything do we have that's even on the drawing boards, that'll seriously kick some nasty ET butt, without blowing up half of Earth in the process?

Could we even deal with 1,000 tonnes, as being expedited by Sirius Express?

BTW; I believe that I can sufficiently prove that we've been within 0.1 light year of the Sirius Star system, and of every so often returning to the scene of the crime sort of speak, as well recorded by the levels of CO2 which have cycled at roughly 105~110 thousand years.
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You should have seen when the Caspan nation killed off the Ketran nation. First let me give you details about both nations.

Caspan nation: very hostile and react with extreme vilonce agenst anything thay think is a threat. Thay have good weapons.

Ketran Nation: A peaceful nation that started brodcasting games into space. The Caspan nation recived these games thinking thay where real and whent and killed the Ketran nation. Thay hade no weapons and lived on crystals that thay kept float in the air by joining the wing power of a few hundred per crystal.

This is how the Caspans killed the Ketrans: First thay used lasers to destroy there crystal homes and than any that where left alive that shot out microscopic hook-like things that shreaded the last living Ketrans. The Ketrans hade no defence agenst the attack that was for no reason at all.
Stryderunknown said:
FieryIce, there are always manned missions being sent up into our orbit, afterall there are astronauts currently putting together the International Space Station which is not just a NASA project. (I mention this as it seems some suggest NASA are the only people putting people into space.)

Stryder, it's _only_ the Russians regularly launching anybody into orbit at the moment, the earliest possible launch for the Shuttle is May 2005, and there hasn't been a Shuttle launch since the Columbia tragedy in Feb 2003. That said, there isn't actually any construction taking place on the ISS, just maintenance and a few small upgrades.
Yes. The tactics of thread manipulations is always going on here at SciFoolems. :mad:

Just one of the last things the losers can do before they get their ass kicked into the pit for good I would say. This tactic of information control and acquisition is all they have left. :rolleyes:

Oh no, Norval, are you still thinking you are one of those aliens that lost the war, and are stuck here controlling information?
Crater Research and Alien War Tactics; as where in hell to go if you were being chased down by those Narks from Sirius, in needed a darn good cloak, plus maximum protect from those pesky meteor weapons, and could still manage to have survived in spite if it were getting downright hot and nasty, not to mention being situated nextdoor to the most dumb and dumber, and most dumbfounded snookered other planet in the entire universe.

Firstly, I perceive that ET is quite mortal, and I also perceive that space travel at anything much over 1% "c" (3e6 m/s) is about as good as it gets. Thus space travel for ET has limits, especially as for fending off whatever you're likely to be running yourself into isn't such a good outcome if the contest includes a kg worth of whatever that's in your path.

It has long been been considered likely that Venus wasn't always so darn hot and nasty, perhaps once upon a time offering a modestly pressurized 300°K tropical environment at 10 bar, or less worth of atmospheric surround, and otherwise lots of terrain elevation differentials similar though greater than Earth, though it's still a humanly nasty situation at best. Thus other forms of life could have emerged naturally and evolved. However, rather than purely evolution being the case (in need of a multi-million year window of opportunity), other folks may have terraformed Venus, or even just made do as is, as in much the same manner as could have been the case for Mars. Whereas Earth may have offered a rather piss-poor make-do go-between, as offering loads more atmosphere than Mars as for fending off cosmic and solar TBI dosage, but otherwise too geologically unstable and simply too darn cold and wet as for any decent land-loving nocturnal lizard folk, as well as the Earth atmosphere being nearly useless in terms of buoyancy, and highly corrosive at that (way too much free O2), not to mention entirely insufficient for deflecting those murderous meteors being sent and/or directed from the likes of Sirius.

Why change a darn thing about Venus?

Especially if your physiology was superior to mere humans, and you weren't otherwise dumb as a post.

If you were to be acquiring loads of CO/O2, as could be easily extracted from that toasty/preheated CO2 environment and, were surrounded by all that nifty cloud tonnage of H2O (25% of 5.5e20 kg) that's providing your primary shield density as per solar flare and whatever other nasty influx, and if vertical venturi windpower (based upon the 4+bar/km) were applied wherever necessary, and as such you easily distilled/extracted whatever amounts of H2O from those cool nighttime clouds whenever you required such, why would decent lizard folk want to go about changing a damn thing, or of allowing others to change anything?

Venus may not be our Garden of Eden, though we're not nocturnal lizards nor even exoskeletal in nature, and clearly most of us are in fact dumb as a post.

Venus is simply not suited for Earth humans, of course neither is Mars, or just about any other planet.

It seems that others have proven that a good many humans are not anywhere smart enough as to survive upon Earth, by example our having to phony-up those Apollo moon pictures because we can't even be honest to ourselves about that issue, much less about 9/11 and those WMD. At least my critics seem to know for a bloody fact that I'm not smart enough, which could represent that perhaps you could be equally if not much worse off as for being ill suited for the likes of Venus, especially since neither of us can hold our breath for more than a couple of minutes, as then what?

BTW; CO/O2 creates a rather nifty 4712°K worth of combustion, thus perhaps a ceramic IC/IRRCE or rocket/turbine engine could literally run itself upon whatever is surrounding itself, and surely the available buoyancy could certainly carry aloft the necessary technology for the CO2-->CO/O2 process.

A rigid airship upon Venus is good for 65+kg/m3. Doing the math and we're talking about hauling aloft thousands of tonnes if need be. Thus no problem whatsoever in migrating about their globe in order to reside within the cooler season of nighttime, especially if we're contemplating the 10+km elevated Istar Tera zone.

Because of the rather significant day/night seasonal differentials, and all sorts of elevation factors, that together can represent what a 5 km elevation offers is a 100°K offset from their toastier season of daytime, as such doing the math is somewhat easier said than accomplished, although prepared graphs and charts would make this quite clear as to the parameters of what's possible. The displacement gas could be N2 or H2 or even H2/N2 mix, or perhaps just that of pulling a vacuum within the shell or hull of this massive airship, being that it's constructed of a meter or so thickness of a basalt composite that might in itself weigh less than 75 kg/m3, thus we're looking at a horrifically robust composite and of an all inclusive structural substance that's of one meter thick but representing a structural form that's merely 10 kg/m2.

BTW No.2; a basalt composite as configured primarily for insulation, as a rather modus structural product, should in itself weigh less than 50 kg/m3, and by my estimation is worth R-1024/m, and how's that for keeping your cool?

A silica/basalt composite is at least 10 fold tougher/kg than alloy steel, especially at such elevated temperatures, with almost no structural integrity degrade or other losses until exceeding 1000°K, and with some ingenuity, can be pushed into surviving an environment above 1500°K. Thus, in that respect, so what if it's a little hot and nasty?

You already posted this in another thread.

Stop spamming the forums!

No matter how much output you create about "information control" it doesn't mean I'm going to sit here Idley and let you continue to post the same thing in multiple threads.
If you keep doing it I will have to lock threads and delete posts of yours to deal with this spam.
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