Pornography and Monogamous Relationships...

I saw a documentary once about a woman too fat to get out of bed... and the man who loved her. (And worked hard to keep her that way.)
I saw a documentary once about a woman too fat to get out of bed... and the man who loved her. (And worked hard to keep her that way.)

Oh yeah, he loved his power. She needed him and everything she did relied upon him.
Its abuse and I don't see why they can't be charged with it.
spousal abuse. he has total control over everything she does and he's killing her. People get their children taken away when they get them so fat its unhealthy.
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spousal abuse. he has total control over everything she does and he's killing her. People get their children taken away when they get them so fat its unhealthy.

She's an adult, she can make that choice. Plenty of women decide to be "stay at home moms," what's the real difference between that and this?
She needs medical attention. Him not getting that for her is abusive.

And the difference between being a stay at home mom and a woman so fat she can't walk....I don't know. I'm not a stay at home mom. ask Shorty.
She needs medical attention. Him not getting that for her is abusive.

And the difference between being a stay at home mom and a woman so fat she can't walk....I don't know. I'm not a stay at home mom. ask Shorty.

How do you know she needs medical attention? People don't up and get that fat overnight.

There's a difference, sure. But shorty makes her own money, I'm talking about women who don't, women who are financially dependent and who chose to be like that.

She's weak and he's pathetic, but that doesn't make them criminals.
hmmmmm still waiting to hear if madanthonywayne's wife knows that there relationship doesn't have a chance of surviving without the porn :bugeye:

I tell you if my partner said to me, If I can't look at porn our relationship just won't work.......I would be like OK see you later a$$hole.

As for this other subject, the husband shouldn't be charged with anything. Is he tying her down and forcing food down her throat? She is a grown woman, she needs to take some responsibilty for her actions.
She needs medical attention. Him not getting that for her is abusive.

And the difference between being a stay at home mom and a woman so fat she can't walk....I don't know. I'm not a stay at home mom. ask Shorty.

I am a "stay at home mom". And no I am not so fat that I cannot walk.

However the women who do get like that and have spouses or partners who keep feeding them to keep them like that, it is not really abuse in the sense you are thinking of. She is an adult and quite able to make up her own mind and make her own decisions. It is not abuse in the sense where he is force feeding her and denying her medical care. In most instances the husband will spend quite a bit of time bathing her, attending to her needs and making sure she has everything she wants. It is a type of relationship where she is completely dependent on him and both enjoy it. If the woman does not want to be morbidly obese and wants to seek medical care and he denies her that right, then that would be abuse. But if both consent to it...

shorty_37 said:
I tell you if my partner said to me, If I can't look at porn our relationship just won't work.......I would be like OK see you later a$$hole.

With something like porn in a monogamous relationship, if neither mind, then it should not really be a problem. I don't really care or think about it to be honest. It is just porn. However, if either are in the type of situation where they cannot be aroused unless they look at porn or they are obsessed with it, then that is a different situation altogether and I doubt it would be entirely healthy. That is when it is akin to an addiction and that, as we know, is not healthy..
Let me ask you this. Does your wife know how strongly you feel about the need for looking at HOT CHICKs and porn. I ask because you said that my b/f probably jumps out of bed when i am alsleep to surf it. (so i assuming you do this)?????? Does she know that you feel without it a monogamous relationship barely stands a chance?
You seem quite offended by the term "hot chicks" and fixated on the idea of downloading porn on the internet.

The exact form of media used is not really important. Playboy, HBO, Cinemax (also known as "skinimax"), whatever. Us men just need some visual stimulation.

Does my wife know I masturbate? Of course. We've been together over twenty years (high school sweethearts). We pretty much don't have any secrets anymore.

And by no means is that the "only way I get off". Like I said earlier, it's a between meal snack. The main course is much better.

Why are you so offended by porno and the term "hot chicks"? The female form is a thing of beauty. What's wrong with enjoying it?
She knows you masturbate......k Well I know my Bf does too (rarely but he does)
But you seem to be sidestepping the question!! :bugeye: Maybe I have my answer! Does she know to the extent that you feel the need for porn in the relationship? Do you openly look at it? or do you hide the amount you really are looking at? Would she be pissed do you think if she read what you are saying here about it? Or would she be fine with it.

I guess I am just getting an impression from you, by the amount of times I see you posting stuff about "HOT CHICKS". Then to say a relationship won't survive without porn!

I would be pretty pissed if my B/F had such ideas, it would make me feel like shit as a woman.
It sounds like you are pretty VAIN to me. There is much more to life, and a relationship than checking out women......and talking about hot chicks so much. Especially I would think at your age ( 40 ) right.

Like Bells said, I agree if 2 ppl are ok with it fine.......if not and you are sneaking around or not respecting the other ones feelings, It is not ok. A lot of men do get tooooooo carried away with this stuff and their relationship suffers.

I could be wrong but you strike me as the kind of man that if your want didn't approve or it upset her you would just say fuk you too bad!
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She knows you masturbate......k Well I know my Bf does too (rarely but he does)
But you seem to be sidestepping the question!! Does she know to the extent that you feel the need for porn in the relationship? Do you openly look at it? or do you hide the amount you really are looking at? Would she be pissed do you think if she read what you are saying here about it? Or would she be fine with it.

I guess I am just getting an impression from you, by the amount of times I see you posting stuff about "HOT CHICKS". Then to say a relationship won't survive without porn!

I would be pretty pissed if my B/F had such ideas, it would make me feel like shit.
It sounds like you are pretty VAIN to me. There is much more to life, and a relationship than checking out women......and talking about hot chicks. Especially I would think at your age ( 40 ) right.

Like Bells said, I agree if 2 ppl are ok with it fine.......if not and you are sneaking around or not respecting the other ones feelings, It is not ok. A lot of men do get tooooooo carried away with this stuff and their relationship suffers.

Well said :)

Some men just feel that women should except porn because its there, they think its cool and its there job as a man too, they don’t think about how there partner feels. My ex bf use to be a regular for porn, use to hide the fact that he watched it from me, made it a dirty secret, I wasnt stupid, I knew he did, and this made me feel like shit that he had to hide it from me, made me feel ugly and sad. I would much prefer it if a guy was open about it, not hide it, but then not rub it in my face.
Well said :)

Some men just feel that women should except porn because its there, they think its cool and its there job as a man too, they don’t think about how there partner feels. My ex bf use to be a regular for porn, use to hide the fact that he watched it from me, made it a dirty secret, I wasnt stupid, I knew he did, and this made me feel like shit that he had to hide it from me, made me feel ugly and sad. I would much prefer it if a guy was open about it, not hide it, but then not rub it in my face.

That is true.....I bet some ppls sex life does suffer because of it. Men who are too into that crap. ( I am sure you have all seen shows about it) I mean if my man was going on and on about all these other hot women all the time. Or if he was referring to our sex life not being up to what his pornos were.(like you said rubbing it in your face) I would totally feel like I wasn't good enough for him. I wouldn't even want to have sex with him.

You need to make your own partner feel sexy! If you spend a lot of your time drooling over other crap, you will make them feel insecure...ugly...sad (like you said) Then the last thing they are going to want to do is have all this sex you want.