Pornography and Monogamous Relationships...

the ones I didn't want, I had a difficult time getting rid of? :D

She was one of my all-time favorites. But ya' know, I just couldn't stand it because she had to have the tv on all the time ...from waking until moments before she went to sleep. And a tv in every room!

Baron Max

It's always the way!! The ones you want RID of, just won't go away.

Jeez couldn't you have overlooked the TV thing? You are PICKY :bugeye:

So getting back to the topic: So would you have minded if your woman was sitting around drooling over naked men?
A man should have two women for the domestic chores, and one for the bedroom. Okay, maybe three women .....that's with two for the bedroom.

Baron Max
What man has been known throughout history for his great wisdom? Most people would say Solomon. Solomon seemed to agree with you, and then some. He had 700 wifes. But even that wasn't enough. He also had 300 concubines!
Ohhhhhhhh Baron.... OK if I submit everytime he wants sex.....then he should submit to doing all the projects I want done around the house right? no questions asked :D
That doesn't seem fair. Are you equating sex with housework? How about if you both submit every time the other one wants sex?

Anyway, it reminds me of a joke. A prostitute approaches an old man and says, "I'll do anything you can say in three words for $50." The old guy says, "OK. Here's the fifty. Now, PAINT MY HOUSE!"
In marriage, aren't you supposed to 'forsake all others'? Wouldn't that include those on paper, and in your head?

If a man's sex partner was as hot n' sexy as his imagination, and if she was as responsive as his own hand, then he wouldn't want to watch porno or to have to masturbate.

It's all the woman's fault! ..which is quite usual in marriages these days. Back in the old days, when the man wanted to fuck, he just pointed to the bed and the obedient little wife floppy down and spread her legs. Now? She wants to talk about something, for god's sake!

Haha. Don't let James R see that! :p
I think there is a problem with pornography in general. It's very addictive, and I myself have been addicted to it. It just has an agitated, addictive quality that doesn't yield any satisfaction, which can only come from a committed relationship.
If he thinks so, then he might. But if you're not going to give it to him, why shouldn't he go find someone who is more willing?

That's part of the problem! Women shouldn't have a say in it, she should submit to her man when he wants sex. Man fucked up big time when he gave women the right to vote ....biggest single mistake in all of human history.

Baron Max

*wet myself from laughing* you are a looney :p
I think there is a problem with pornography in general. It's very addictive, and I myself have been addicted to it. It just has an agitated, addictive quality that doesn't yield any satisfaction, which can only come from a committed relationship.

While this was going on, were you in a relationship?
If he thinks so, then he might. But if you're not going to give it to him, why shouldn't he go find someone who is more willing?
+eleventy billion
This mentality is no different than a woman cheating because her husband won't give her the emotional support she needs.
If women want to give us sex when only they are in the mood then men should be able to provide emotional support only whenever he feels like it.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. :shrug:

That's part of the problem! Women shouldn't have a say in it, she should submit to her man when he wants sex. Man fucked up big time when he gave women the right to vote ....biggest single mistake in all of human history.

Baron Max
Baron, my misogny pales in comparison to yours.
Here is a question for the masses.

Do you think it is moral/ethical to... pleasure yourself via porn if you are in a monogamous relationship.

For example, lets say you've been married for a long period of time and found out that your significant other was pleasuring themselves while watching porn.

Now I know, there are already going to be alot of questions like "Well, are they hiding it from thier significant other?" and "Do they watch it together or alone?" etc etc etc.

I'm not putting any specifics in the question however if you want, you can put them in your answers if you'd like.

it's not a problem if i do it. but if my gf did, then i'd expect an invitation to the party, otherwise it's not Kosher :D
So getting back to the topic: So would you have minded if your woman was sitting around drooling over naked men?
Why should I care?

Monogamy and porn. Two separate things. One doesn't interfere with the other.
Also, if you/one prevents your spouse from jerkin' it, He may still love you deeply, but he also resents you/it, NO matter what he tells you or himself.
I think there is a problem with pornography in general. It's very addictive, and I myself have been addicted to it. It just has an agitated, addictive quality that doesn't yield any satisfaction, which can only come from a committed relationship.

I would have to agree with at least some part of this to the extent that I think that porn is a twisted manifestation (aka perversion) of sexuality.
Put another way, it is a direct manifestation of repressed sexuality.

As a disclaimer/in the interest of full disclosure I should add I am a consumer of porn.

:shrug: What can I say?

Ps, No "IMO's" here. 'Cuz who else's opinion would I be giving?