Pornography and Monogamous Relationships...

From my observation there is no real difference from being an adult and being in highschool except some people have college degrees and everyones alot more unhappy. =p
ah, and that's what this thread is about. Some of the men are saying "if she doesn't like it, then she needs to put out more"
Sounds so high school. :rolleyes:

Well some men need to take care of their women better. It is so easy to blame everything on the woman.
Thats just a generalization, not all men dont do that. I could say that women do the same thing, just not about sex.
Do women threaten like men do?
"If you don't, I'll find someone who will"

'Like men do'? So all men use the above tactic?

And I fail to see how they are making a 'threat', they are merely pointing out that if they don't get sex, they will go somewhere else. It's not a threat... it's the 'real deal'.

Also note that that women do use the tactic you describe.

I knew of a particular couple where the man didn't want to have sex, because he was stressed and tired. In response, his gf would threaten to go elsewhere for sex, and even scream out the names of her ex-bf's while masturbating. When she wasn't kicking and punching her bf, that is.

Also note that particular women on this very forum have no problem waking their boyfriend/spouse up while he's soundly sleeping, just so that they can have sex.

Some of the men are saying "if she doesn't like it, then she needs to put out more"
Sounds so high school

It sounds logical, IMHO. If you keep your man satisified sexually, then he will be far less likely to look at porn.