Pornography and Monogamous Relationships...

I don't think there's anything wrong with it as such but, if your partner objects, what kind of person would go ahead and do it anyway? The objection is understandable.

Because you see their objection as trivial?
Xev said:

Candy corn?

You forgot "crab cakes".

So, I don't get it. It seems like some people are saying that it is the obligation of their sex partner to be unsatisfied. In which case, they're right. Their partner shouldn't be looking at porn. Rather, the partner should be dumping their sorry butt and looking for someone who actually knows what they're doing.
You forgot "crab cakes".

Rather, the partner should be dumping their sorry butt and looking for someone who actually knows what they're doing.

Oh you mean like how your wife dumped you? :bugeye: So you think he should dump me, because I am against porn?
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You seem so certain....It must be what you do! Do you think ALL men do that?
I think one of the best and most honest commentaries on masturbation was the Seinfeld Episode, The Contest. Have you seen it? George gets caught masturbating by his mother:
George [looking bedraggled]: My mother caught me.
Jerry: Caught you? Doing what?
George: You know.
[Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer fail to catch on.]
George: I was alone...
Elaine [realizing]: You mean...?
George: Uh-huh.
Kramer [laughing]: She caught you?
Jerry: Where?
George [reluctantly]: I stopped by the house to drop the car off, and I went inside for a few minutes. Nobody was there, they're supposed to be working. My mother had a Glamour magazine, I started leafing through it...
Jerry [incredulous]: Glamour?
[Kramer and Elaine laugh.]
George: So, one thing led to another...
Jerry: So what did she do?
George: Well, first she starts screaming "George! What are you doing? My God!" And it looked like she was gonna faint; she started clutching the wall, trying to hang on to it...
Kramer: Man...
George: I didn't know whether to keep her from falling or zip up!
Jerry: What did you do?
George: I zipped up!
Elaine: So she fell?
George: Yeah...well, I couldn't run over there the way I was!
[Jerry and Elaine mutter in agreement.]
George: So she fell, and then she started screaming "My back! My back!" So I picked her up and took her to the hospital.
Elaine [laughing]: How is she?
George: She's in traction.
Elaine [still laughing]: Okay, I'm sorry...
George [angry]: It's not funny, Elaine!
Elaine [stifling laughter]: I know, I'm fine.
George: Her back went out. She's gotta be there for a couple of days. All she said on the way over in the car was "Why, George? Why?"...I said "Because it's there!"
Jerry [still incredulous]: Glamour?!
After some discusion, a bet is made between George, Jerry, Kramer, and Elaine over who can go the longest without masturbating. Now the men are, naturally, reluctant to let a female in on the bet. They demand she put up more money. Elaine disputes the idea that men need to masturbate more than women. Jerry says it's like shaving.
Jerry: It's like shaving.
Elaine: Oh that is such baloney! I shave my legs!
Kramer: (while eating) Not every day.
Another really funny part of that episode was the bit with the naked woman in the window opposite to Jerry's. As soon as Kramer saw her, he excused himself for a couple minutes. Then he comes bounding back into the room and slams $100 on the table proclaiming, "I'm out!"
You forgot "crab cakes".

So, I don't get it. It seems like some people are saying that it is the obligation of their sex partner to be unsatisfied. In which case, they're right. Their partner shouldn't be looking at porn. Rather, the partner should be dumping their sorry butt and looking for someone who actually knows what they're doing.

I think one of the best and most honest commentaries on masturbation was the Seinfeld Episode[/I][/INDENT]

I never said he doesn't masturbate, if he really feels the need.( I don't care) You however said you don't think a long term relationship could survive without porn.. right? .....I totally disagree.
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Um, Shorty? What the hell are you ... oh, never mind.

Well did I read you wrong? Are you saying that if your partner doesn't want you looking at porn, and they feel strongly about it.....You should just dump them? Just for that reason?
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I know of one woman who dumped her husband because she walked into the living room one night and caught him with his pants down, the lights out, his fist closed tightly around his engorged...

Communication is the key. That, or secure door locks.
You forgot "crab cakes".
So, I don't get it. It seems like some people are saying that it is the obligation of their sex partner to be unsatisfied.

If their satisfaction depends on porn, which is a rather sorry state for a relationship to be in.
I'm more amused by the implication that one, apparently, owes and is owed sex.

shorty, why do you hate porn so? You don't strike me as much of a feminist. (No offense?)
Um.. yeah. Totally.

But, to the other, maybe he's too open and honest for his own good sometimes.

Why give strangers that kind of ammunition?